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Three Bridges, New Jersey
Blessing of a Father
Adapted from the Roman Catholic Church’s Book of Blessings
After all have gathered around the Father to be blessed, all make the Sign of the Cross as the leader begins the Rite of Blessing.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Brothers and sisters, let us bless the Lord Jesus,
who in the womb of the Virgin Mary became one of us. Blessed be God now and for ever.
Blessed be God now and for ever.
Then another person proclaims the sacred scripture.
Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14
Brothers and sisters, listen to a reading from the Book of Sirach
God sets a father in honor over his children; a mother’s authority he confirms over her sons.
Whoever honors his father atones for sins, and preserves himself from them.
When he prays, he is heard; he stores up riches who reveres his mother.
Whoever honors his father is gladdened by children, and, when he prays, is heard.
Whoever reveres his father will live a long life; he who obeys his father brings comfort to his mother.
My son, take care of your father when he is old; grieve him not as long as he lives.
Even if his mind fail, be considerate of him; revile him not all the days of his life;
kindness to a father will not be forgotten, firmly planted against the debt of your sins
- a house raised in justice to you.
The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God
Let us now ask God’s blessing on all those He has blessed with the grace of fatherhood.
O God, author and sustainer of human life, from your goodness your servant N.
has received the joy of becoming a father.
Graciously accept our thanks and give ear to our prayers:
defend this father and his child/children from every evil,
be their companion along their pathway through life,
and welcome them one day into the joys of your eternal home.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O God, our every blessing comes from you
and you welcome the simple prayers of those who bless your name.
Grant that this father / these fathers may live in reliance on your goodness and in thanksgiving to you.
Give to him and his child/children the joyful reassurance that you are always near to protect them.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The leader invokes God’s blessing on the Father[s] and all present by signing himself/herself with the Sign of the Cross and saying:
May the tender love of the Father, the peace of his Son,
the grace and strength of the Holy Spirit
preserve you to live by the light of faith
and to reach the promise of eternal happiness.
And may almighty God bless us all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Order for Visiting a Cemetery on Father’s Day
Blessing a Tombstone, Grave Marker or Monument
All make the Sign of the Cross as the leader begins.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Praised be God our Father,
who raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
Blessed be God for ever.
Blessed be God for ever.
My dear friends, we gather today to pray for our
brother N. whose body lies here in rest. He has passed
from death to life in company with the Lord Jesus, who
died and rose to new life, and is purified now of all his
faults. We pray that God may welcome N. among all the
saints of heaven.
All listen as another person proclaims the sacred Scriptures
from Sirach 44: 1, 10-15.
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy
With Christ there is mercy and fullness of
redemption; we pray as Jesus taught us:
Our Father . . .
O God, who commanded us
to honor father and mother,
have mercy in your compassion on my (our) father,
forgive his sins, and bring me (us) to see his one day
in the gladness of eternal glory.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
To bless a stone or monument,
the leader sprinkles it with holy water and prays:
The grave may be sprinkled with holy water
during the following litany.
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Saint Michael and all angels
Saint John the Baptist
Saint Joseph
Saint Peter and Saint Paul
Saint Andrew
Saint Thomas
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy
Now will I praise those godly men [and women],
our ancestors, each in his own time:
These also were godly men [and women]
whose virtues have not been forgotten;
Their wealth remains in their families,
their heritage with their descendants; through
God's covenant with them their family endures,
their posterity, for their sake.
And for all time their progeny will endure,
their glory will never be blotted out;
Their bodies are peacefully laid away,
but their name lives on and on.
At gatherings their wisdom is retold,
and the assembly proclaims their praise.
The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy
Christ, pardon all his faults
Lord, hear our prayer
Christ, remember all the good he has done
Lord, hear our prayer
Christ, receive his into eternal life
Lord, hear our prayer
Christ, comfort all those who mourn
Lord, hear our prayer
Brothers and sisters,
listen to a reading from the Book of Sirach
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
Other saints may be added, after which the litany concludes with:
Then the leader says:
Saint Stephen
Saint Ann and Saint Joachim
Saint Teresa and Saint Catherine
Saint Frances Cabrini
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
All holy men and women
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
pray for him
O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest,
bless this gravestone
with which we mark the resting place of [N].
May he have everlasting life and
rejoice in you with your saints for ever. Amen.
Then the rite concludes with the following prayers:
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful
departed, through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
All make the Sign of the Cross as the leader prays:
May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil,
and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
John & Joan Albanese
†Philip Laferrera, Sr., †Anthony Albanese
Richard & Lori Albanese
Dominick Albanese, †Myron Brower
John & Ronnie Althamer John Althamer, Joseph Althamer
†Joseph Althamer, †Frank McSorley
Carol Altomare
†Caesar Altomare, †Thomas Young
Michael & Jeanne Alusik
†Harry T. Faulks, Jr., †Michael Alusik, Sr.
Francis & Madeline Aponte
†Peter Aponte, †Michael J. Druther
Judith W. Ashcraft
†Frank Wojcik, †Glen Ashcraft
Henry & Linda Augustine
†Andrew Augustine, †Walter Haligowski
Richard & Terrie Ayres
†Willard Ayres
Russell & Evelyn Balunis †Frank Balunis, †George Becker
George & Helen Baran †Michael Petrisko, †Andrew Baran
Oscar Bathan
Taofilo S. Bathan, †Dominico Modales
Eleanor Batura
†John Batura, †Edward Rogers
Thomas & Kathleen Bentzinger
Charles Bentzinger, †Roman Kozlowicz
Nicholas & Katherine Beykirch
Frank Beykirch, †John J. Beykirch
Salvatore & Mary Anne Billera †Leo Inglin, †Ignatius Billera
Vincent & Theresa Biondo
†Vincent Biondo, Sr., †William I. Brown
Donald & Frances Bock
Donald Bock, †Vincent Badalis
Sharon Boehmer
†William Andoulos, †Jack Boehmer, †John C. Boehmer
Thomas & Barbara Boelter Paul Schlenk, †Edwin D. Boelter
Maurice & Marge Boland
†Felix Huber, †Maurice Boland
Elizabeth Bonsignore
†Joseph Bonsignore, †Joseph Sabella
Ralph & Loretta Broyles
†Joseph J. Ganim, †Ralph F. Broyles, Sr.
Anthony & Mariann Bruno
Peter J. Bruno, Sr., Peter M. Eosso, Sr.
Patricia Brygier
Elsa Budjinski
†Aloysius Budzinski, †Julio Kamino
Martin & Diane Buckland John Buckland, †John P. Dootz
Ed & Linda Burger †Robert J. Armstrong, †Joseph Burger
George & Lucine Burghard Stanley Burghard, †Feliks Zyta
Richard & Joan Burt
†Thomas Regan, †Harold Burt
Victor Caetano
†Joaquim Caetano, †Benito Gago, †Ted Mykulak
David & Patricia Callahan
Floyd & Cynthia Campbell
Stanley G. Glodek, Floyd R. Campbell, Sr.
Antonetta Caputo
†Michael Rivezzi
Bob & Allison Caron †Richard T. Brown, †Robert N. Caron
Andrew & Gretta Casella
†Samuel Casella, †Patrick Sweeney
Michael & Jane Castellano
Frank Catanzareti
†Frank Catanzareti, Sr., †Mark Martin
Philip & Teresa Cavagnaro
Stanley Latocha, †Victor Cavagnaro
James & Kathleen Cebulka
†Dr. Peter Cebulka, †Robert Dickens,
†Roland Kuhn, †Marvin Dickens, †Angelo D'Amato
Louis & Mary Cestra Lou Cestra, Fred Fischl, Steven Fischl
†Carl Bonk, †Louis Cestra Sr., †Walter Bonk
John & Claudia Chayko
†Harry Chioffe
Michael Chioffe
Alex Scotti, †Robert Chayko
Douglas & Leona Chludzinski
†Leonard F. Prymak, Sr.
Lynne Christopher
Ed Truskolaski
Frank Ciccarino
†Frank Ciccarino, Sr., †Erich Hiller
Emil Ciccotelli
†Emil A. Ciccotelli
Edward & Christine Ciempola
Anselmo Resende
Louis & Lourdes Ciervo
†Ricardo Torres,
†Louis Joseph Ciervo, †Louis Joseph Ciervo, Jr.
Anthony & Barbara Cimo
†Thomas Cimo, †Domenick Dignazio
Cecilia Clenaghan
†Joseph Clenaghan, †Francis J. Clenaghan
Robert & Carol Clerico
†Angelo Clerico, †Frank Chalupa
Matthew & Angela Clifford
Anthony F. Alimecco, †William F. Clifford
Eric & Cecily Comandini
John Comandini, †Albert Ayers
Thomas & Caroline Concannon
John Brown,
†James Concannon, †Casimer Wysocki
Tim & Ann Connolly †Donald McCrystal, †James Connolly
Richard D. Cornelison
Sebastain Trezza, †Sebastain Trezza
William & Carol Creighton
†Frank DeRosa, †Harry Creighton
Peter Crisafulli
†Peter Crisafulli, Sr., †Charles Savelli
Michael & Kelly Critelli
Dominick Critelli, Thomas Gabel
Salvatore & Carol Cuccia
†Antonio LaLima
Frank & Mary Cuccio
†Michael Studdert, †Francis X. Cuccio, †James Cummings
Rita J. Cunniff
†Joseph Minkel, †Thomas Cunniff
Lawrence & Lynne Dawkins
†Frank Dawkins, †Gerard Lange
Louis & Jeannette Decuollo
†James M. Tumulo, †Dominick Decuollo
John and Pamala Deighan
Vincent & Michelle Deliso
†Vincenzo Deliso, †Joseph Carlucci
Theodore Deptulski
Donal & Deborah Devine Dennis Robbins, †Donal Devine
James & Theresa Difilippo
†Joseph Briel
Daniel & Marie Dimaria
†Albert C. Hinger, Sr., †Joseph DiMaria, Sr.
Stephen & Wendy Dominiecki
Thomas Dominiecki, †Joseph Becze
Rick & Jeanmarie Dool †Emil A. Ciccotelli, †Raymond Dool
Judith Doslik
Anthony J. Sabine, †Phillip F. Doslik
Joan Drake †Thomas Watson, †Alex Szur, †Howard Drake
Patrick & Carolyn Dugan
†Our fathers
Steven & Florence Dzwonczyk
Carmine Izzo, John Dzwonczyk, Steve Dzwonczyk
Michael & Theresa Eganey
Thomas Deddy, †Michael J. Eganey
Thomas & Susan Enos
†Theodore Skolits
Gerard & Patricia Enzmann
Robert Avil, †John Enzmann
John & Geraldine Fahey †Domenick Grassi, †John Fahey
David & Maria Fame
Antonio Simeone, †Samuel Fame
Tom & Gina Ference
†Louis Galloni
Mary Lou Findley
†Norman P. Findley, †Joseph J. Perosi
Frederick & Nancy Fischl
Louis Cestra, Fred Fischl
Elizabeth Franck
†John W. Rowland, †John F. Mulhern
Shirley Frey
Chick Frey, †Louis Filigheri
Diana Gadowski
†Paul Gadowski, †James Mallison
James & Regina Gallagher
†Warren Reigel
Thomas & Karen Geary
†John Geary, †Ernest L. Elliott
John & Genevieve Giancola
†James Damato, †Frank Giancola
John & Tracey Giannouris John Giannouris, Vincent Perry
Timothy & Geraldine Glackin
Timothy Glackin
†Thomas Glackin, †John J. Kolster, Jr.
Dolores Gomez
†Jose Benito Gago, †Ricardo Gomez,
†Vincente Gomez, †Vincent Gomez
Richard & Susan Gomez Robert Dritschel, †Ricardo Gomez
Martin & Lucille Grozinski
†Peter P. Policastro
John & Kathleen Halak †John F. Halak, †Joseph G. DiPaola
Robert & Monica Haldeman
†Thomas F. Flynn, †Robert Haldeman
Thomas & Cynthia Hart
†James Forster, †Edward Hart
Patrick & Anne Hayes
†Kidder McGinnis, †Harold Hayes
Thomas & Cara Hegadorn
James Hegadorn, Don McConnell
Audrey Hennon
†Einar Anderson, †James Hennon
Judith Herdman
†Bob Herdman, †Ralph Young
Paul & Janet Higgins
Paul Higgins, †Joseph Bongiorno
Kirk & Sharon Holderbaum
†Norman Sock, †Paul Holderbaum
Lee & Aleedra Jacobs
†Henry Jacobs, Sr., †Henry Jacobs, Jr., †Fred Merman
Clifford & Joan Jorgenson
†Joseph Ganim
John & Julie Ann Juliano †Vicent Saracino, †Gerald Juliano
Joseph & Geraldine Kaczorek
†Walter Kaczorek
Joseph & Christine Kaecker
†Michael Tyerech
Richard & Daria Karas
†Dario Spagnuoto, †Frank Karas
Walter & Sandra Kazar
Walter Kazar, Sr., Barry Wegrzyn
Theresa Kelly
†Anthony P. Grilli
Thomas & Hedy Kelly
†Joseph Krol, †Charles Kelly
Thomas Kelly, Michael Kelly, Pete Miller
Timothy & Hilary Kenny
Robert Pecton, Mike Kenny
Kevin & Janet Kilcommons
Joseph Henry, Eugene Kilcommons
Richard & Christy Kilpatrick
Joseph Mallone, †Richard A. Kilpatrick
Irene Kinahan
†Joseph Byorick, †Harry Kinahan, †James Kinahan
Bozenna Kirchner
†Stefan Kurkowiak, †Conrad Kirchner
Robert & Tracy Kirk
†Bob Kirk, †Don Carringer
Philip & Denise Klapp
John Motuz, Philip Klapp, †Alfred Klapp
Daniel & Rebecca Klementovich
Harvey R. Smith, Robert Klementovich
Robert & Catherine Kloss
Richard C. Brito, †Richard R. Kloss
Christopher & Jill Komosinski
Jeff & Gloria Korman
†Nicola Caputo
Mark & Yolanda Koscin
†Artemio Manglapus, †Joseph Koscin
Christina Krauss
Don Krauss
Mary Kroeper
Frank O'Brien, Alan Kroeper
Joyce Kuchar
†Matthew J. Kuchar
Matthew & Beverly Kuchar
Matthew Kuchar, Michael Kuchar, †Americo Pace
John & Christine Kukel
†John Kukel, †Frank Dushin
Elaine Kulp
Matthew Kulp, †Edward M. Kugler
Nancy La Corte
†Frank LaCorte, †Stanley Aika, †Rosario LaCorte
Robert & Marion Laban
†Albert Laban, †William Adams
Constance Ladd
†Freed Burke, †Edward Ladd
April LaFlamme
Richard Charles Calais
James & Carol Laine †Edward Prymowicz, †Joseph Laine
James & Deborah Lammens
Richard Lammens,
Joseph Stassi, †Lammens & Stassi grandfathers
Joseph & Denise Lang
†Ronald F. Horgan, †Joseph E. Lang
Jeanne Leaver
Robert Leaver
Richard & Elaine Lenskold
†Leonard Capraro, Sr., †George W. Lenskold
James & Ann Letchford
†Andrew Infante, †James Letchford, Sr.
Frank & Barbara Lieto
†Frank Lieto, †George Groom
Jerzy & Jolanta Ligocki Jerzy Ligocki, †Wladyslaw Lauwa
Joseph & Lisa Lisiewski Richard Lisiewski, Walter Raypole
Edward & Denise Lloyd
†Roland Lloyd
Michael & Carol Lombardi
†Carmine Lombardi, †Michael Marchese
Sue Lombardo
†George Gruber, †Guiseppe Lombardo
William & Claire Long
†Edward Roche, †William F. Long
Katherine Lorenzi
†Elio Lorenzi, †John Stala
John & Maureen Lybarger
†Frank Romanoski, †William Lybarger
David & Michelle Madovoy
†Bernard Benjamin Madavoy, †Manuel V. Munoz
Lou & Jeanne Magliaro
Lou Magliaro, †George Filipp,
†Lou Magliaro, Sr., †Charles Emanuel, †Sal Emanuel
Jacqueline Marchese
†James Marchese
Michael & Elena Marell
†Frank Marell, †Vito Carbone
Laurie Markowski
Andres & Martha Marquez
Ramon Salazar, †Obovlio Salazar
Joan McClellan
†John F. McClellan, †Peter McMahon
Jean McCombe
†James McCombe, †William Galgon
Robert & Denise McGuire
Robert McGuire,
†Michael Yelenovsky, †Jack McGuire, †Anthony Yankowski
Patrick & Claire McKenna
Patrick McKenna, Patrick McKenna, Jr.
†Patrick McKenna, Sr., †Angus MacDonald
Charles & Mary McLoughlin
†Kevin P. McGovern
James & Diane McQuade
Donald Majerscak, †Lynn McQuade
Brian & Denise McVetty
†George T. McVetty, Sr., †James A. Pety, Sr.
Deborah Mehl
†Robert M. Zawacki, †William R. Mehl
Michael & Beth Meyers Michael L. Meyers, Robert Szekeres
Zdzislaw & Halina Michalski †Jan Michalski, †Pawel Kosiba
Donald & Katherine Miller
†Adriano Degrassi, †Donald Leroy Miller
Linda Moore
†A. John Bambara
Douglas & Kathleen Morgante
†Stanley Wasitowski, †Anthony Morgante
Arthur & Elaine Muller
†Henry Ciuba, †Arthur Muller
Luisa Nastasi
†Louis Delgado
Gertrude Neis
†John Kawiecki, †John Czajkowski,
†Adam Czajkowski, †Raymond Neis
Dolores Neuner
†Edward Neuner, †William Neuner, †John McKee
Mark & Lorraine Nevar †Edward Nevar, †Sidney McGovern
Patrick & Patricia Norris
Ken Norris, †James Begane
James & Irene Novak
†Julian Novak
Richard & Cathleen Ollwerther
Robert G. Ollwerther, †John T. Fitzpatrick
Keith & Catherine O'Neill
Bob Caruso, †Bill O'Neill
Charles & Pamela Oraschin
†Charles M. Oraschin, †Edmund J. Witkowski
William & Donna Ostroman
†Theodore Tarasko, †Albert Ostroman
Ronald & Maryanne Pack
Anthony A. Paczynski, †Anthony J. Kozacko
Ann Padovani
†Pietro Padovani
Enzo Padovani, Raymond Padovani, Enzo Padovani, Jr.
Joel & Lana Pagano
†Anthony J. Pagano, †Sam Cammarata
Mary Panarello †Casimo Panarello, †Angelo Castrogovianni
Nanik Panjwani
Gerald & Mary Passione
David & Karen Paul
John Thomas, †Charles Paul
Richard & Nancy Pellicane
†George Rumph, †Joseph Pellicane, Sr.
Roberto & Gina Perez
†Mike Franco
Michael & Lynne Perrino
Michael Perrino, Sr., †Joseph A. Sarafin
Frank Petranich
Joseph Petranich, Patrick J. Larch
†J. Robert Frick, †Frank A. Petranich
Robert & Patricia Petrelli †John H. Spies, †John Gregorio
Rudolfo & Angela Petroni
†Oscar Petroni
Thomas & Ruth Pryor
†William Beierschmitt, †Leo Przybylski
John & Patricia Quinn
†Adam T. Repetz, †John Quinn
George & Norah Rasare
†Aloice Odek Rasare
Dennis & Eileen Reeves †Francis Herzog, †Vernon Reeves
Frank & Lucille Renda †Antonio Renda, †Americo Frucci
Patrick & Shannon Richards
Stanley & Loraine Richmond
S.D. Richmond, Jr., Stephen Richmond
†S.D. Richmond, †J. R. Gillard
Margaret Ricigliano
†Frank Ricigliano, Jr.,
†John Ricigliano, Sr., †John Bizub, Sr., †John Bizub, Jr.
Oscar & Patricia Rivero
Oscar Rivero, †Frank LaCorte, †Paul Midgley
William & Jeanette Rivituso
Tom Smith, †Harry Rivituso
Deka & Michele Rodger
Richard Uhl, †Howard Uhl
Gladys Rodriguez
†Samuel Rodriguez, Sr., †Samuel Rodriguez, Jr.
Christopher & Kathleen Roglieri
†Henry Drozd, †Henry Hodulik
Anthony & Virginia Romanelli
†Frank Pascale, †Anthony Romanelli
Salvatore & Bernice Romano Alan Romano, Geoff Barker
Ronald & Johanna Ruberto
†John Silane, †Celen Silane
Ralph & Barbara Russo
Richard & Dianne Russomano
Victor Tomkowich
†Richard J. Russomano, †grandfathers and uncles
William & Kathleen Rutar
†William Rutar, Sr., †William McCormick
Stephen Sackett
†Ed Sackett
Kenneth & Marva Salvato
†Daniel Salvato, †Thomas Roberts
Barbara Salvatore
†John Wolinski, †Walter Wolinski
Gordon & Maureen Sammis
†Thomas C. Milko
Paul & Norma Santella
†Paul Santella, Sr., †Domenick Lubrano
Gabriel & Carolynn Sasso
Michael Sasso, †Frank Buonauro
David & Pamela Saus
John Vitale, Ron Saus
Howard & Gertrude Savery
†Howard A. Savery, †Salvatore Bafumo
Frank & Michele Scally
†Robert C. Raia
Kurt Schneider
William & Laurie Schoonover
†Edward M. Soltysik, †James Schoonover
Michael & Helen Schuler
Don Schuler, †Joseph Wall
Georgann Scibilia
†Antonio J. Scibilia
Peter & Deborah Sepesi
†George Sepesi
Rev. Thomas Serafin
†Stephen Robert Serafin, †Vincent Kreder
Christopher & Susan Shearer
†William Lane
Martin & Melanie Sheehan
†Patrick Sheehan
Patricia Sheeto
†Leonard S. Sheeto, †Michael Seliga
Barbara Shellhamer
†John Tobak, †Louis Shellhammer
Eric & Marissa Sias
Eric Sias, Dave Sias
†Michael Sicola, †Harold Sias, †John Warlikwoski
Brian & Michelle Sibiga
†Joseph E. Pope, †Edward J. Sibiga
Carole Sicola-Warlikowski John M. Warlikowski, Eric Sias
†Michael Sicola, †Alphonse Ferullo, †Louis Sicola
Henry Sisbarro Joseph A. Loughran, Henry F. Sisbarro, Jr.
Marie Skibinski
John Slevin
†Patrick Slevin, †Vincent Scuderi
Jerry & Lynn Smola
Robert Smola, †Frank Caprioni
Charles Snyder
Patricia Snyder
†Jacob J. Welsey, †Lawrence A. Snyder
Marie Sock
Eugene Kurtz, †Norman Sock, †Simon Trayachak
Anthony & Theresa Sorrentino
†William McAdam, †Nicholas Sorrentino, Sr.
Janusz & Ilona Sroka
Otton, †Henry
Peter Stala
†John Stala
Michael & Jennie Stanbro
Emanuel Piacentino, †Douglas D. Haas, Sr.
Franklyn & Christine Steinberg
†Franklyn C. Steinberg Jr., †Edward G. Heffner
Antonette Stellato
†Luigi Stellato, †Scott Oldenberg
Philip & Marie Stemple
†Fr. Phil D'Amicantonio,
†Angelo D'Amicantonio, †John Luciani
Donald & Doreen Stevenson
†Donald J. Stevenson, Sr.
Clarence & Gloria Stone
Alfred Kleinmann, †Clarence Stone, Sr.
John & Gail Sullivan
Margaret Sushon
†Joseph Hanna, †William Sushon
Peter & Theresa Szwandrak
†Rocco Grassano, †Frank Szwandrak
Sebastian & Susan Tenebruso
Alfonso Tenebruso, Michael Coppola
James & Kathleen Testa †James L. Testa, †Joseph D. Rina
Joel & Christine Throne †Clemends Siswo, †Morris Throne
John & Maureen Tinley
Don Joy, †Joseph Tinley
Michael & Teresa Tomcho
†Michael Tomcho, †Richard Gallo
Peter & Helen Thornton
†Peter F. Thornton
John Wisniewski, Rev. Thomas Serafin, Rev. Michael Kreder
Ricky & Maria Uy
Uy Ting Chuan, †Gene Purugganan
Clara Van Der Hoef
†Paul Egresi
Ann Van Sickle
Carl Januszkiewicz, †Richard Van Sickle
Juan & Loretta Vargas
†Juan Vargas, Sr.
Gerald & Mary Vecchio Frank Vecchio, †Edward Kennedy
Irene Vecchio
†John Hudak, †Jim Vecchio
Craig & Gaye Villa
†Peter Prionano, †Seth Villa
Ernest & Clare Vitale
Victor Sabel, Ernest Vitale
Joseph & Mariette Vitti Serafino Piermarini, Bernardino Vitti
†Emidio Piermarini, †Morris Whiteman, †Luigi Vitti
Teresa Walten
†Dominick DeLise, †Francesco DeLise
Melinda Walters †Richard Carl Bipp, †Peter Paul Walters, Jr.
Richard & Brenda Wasilius
Richard Wasilius, †Vincent DeMasi
Stan & Fran Wasitowski
†Stanley Wasitowski, †Thomas Healy
Raymond & Karen Wenstrom
†John S. Golashesky, †Gunnar O. Wenstrom
Russell & Linda Williams
Frank Catanzaret, †Russell Williams
James & Geraldine Williamson
†Jim Williamson, Sr., †Jelly Rutigliano
Anita & Larry Wuest
Eugene Wuest, William Jennings
†Vincent Tramontano
†A. Michael Tramontano, †Joseph DeBella
Jennifer & Stephen Yip
Andrzej & Katarzyna Zielinski
Judith Zobele †Silvano G. Zobele, †Joseph S. Prusinowski
John & Carol Zujkowski
†William J. Meister, †Vincent Zujkowski