Note of AFSB Meeting 22 January 2015 Time 10.00 – 12.30 Venue

Note of AFSB Meeting 22 January 2015
Support Team
10.00 – 12.30
Invest NI
Tony O’Neill (Chair)
Declan Billington
Owen Brennan
Ian Marshall
Louise Warde Hunter
Martin McKendry
Chris Stewart
Brian Dolaghan
Francis Martin
John Thompson
David Dobbin
Jim Dobson
David Small
Trevor Lockhart
Colette McMaster
John Hood
Dan Cartland
Emma Murphy
Peter McArdle
Fiona Walker
John Simms
Karen Wilson
Chair’s Business
The Chair welcomed members to the first meeting of 2015.
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed, and updates on the action points
Chair and Declan Billington met representatives of First Trust Bank in
December, and meetings are due to take place shortly with Danske Bank and
Bank of Ireland;
Chair wrote to Ministers in November on the subject of Board tenure, and the
issue remains with them for consideration;
Francis Martin and Declan Billington provided comments in relation to the
Executive Response to Going for Growth.
The Chair informed the Board of recent business undertaken on behalf of the AFSB:
Contribution to platform piece in the Irish Farmers Journal;
Correspondence with Phil Hogan, resulting in his agreement to meet during
visit on 27 March 2015;
Meeting with DARD officials to discuss livestock genetics / ICBF;
Visits to Bord Biá and Scotland Food & Drink as part of the Marketing Review
Constructive and positive meeting with DARD officials to discuss Farm
Business Improvement Scheme;
Contribution to Budget Consultation via correspondence, and meeting with
DARD Minister to discuss Budget outcome;
Attended Pig Sub-group
Addressed UFU Donard Group
Livestock Genetics
In Trevor Lockhart’s absence, Dan Cartland provided a brief overview of the paper to
be considered by the Board, noting that the Board were being asked to agree to the
establishment of a sub-group to carry out a scoping exercise to determine the
present position in terms of data availability, and to identify what was needed by the
industry moving forward. It was noted that a key challenge was to ensure industry
buy in across the sectors to ensure the outcome provided added value to the
Members agreed with the principle of the proposal noting that it was supported by
the wider industry, but expressed concerns at the timescale planned as it was felt
that progress could be made earlier.
Martin McKendry noted that it would be useful to ensure that the sub-group included
a member with experience in IT / databases.
It was agreed that the Chair would liaise with Trevor Lockhart, with a view to
establishing the sub-group and developing an implementation plan to move the work
forwards as soon as possible.
Chair to talk to Trevor Lockhart to progress establishment of subgroup and development of implementation plan.
DETI Marketing Review
John Simms introduced the paper being considered by the Board and highlighted the
key issues which had emerged during the Marketing Review Exercise, primarily the
need for industry to lead in any developments. He explained that the proposal
emerging was for an initial industry led organisation (Option 3), following the
Scotland Food & Drink model. He also noted that the DETI Minister had identified
£300k as initial seed funding to support overhead costs such as salaries and
accommodation from April 2015.
Members of the Board agreed that Option 3 would provide the quickest result on the
ground, and would provide flexibility in terms of the structure and role of the
organisation as it evolved. It was agreed that the organisation should be industry
led, with input as required from Government rather than driven by them. It was
noted that the organisation would require greater funding than that currently secured
by DETI, and would also require industry funding.
David Dobbin suggested that the Board should move ahead and develop a work plan
to demonstrate to the wider industry the benefits of working with the new
organisation. The Chair noted that this would allow the organisation to identify the
level of funding needed for various activities, and inform engagement with the
Executive on Government support.
It was agreed that DETI officials would revisit the existing documentation and tighten
up the proposal following the discussions.
It was further agreed that the Chair would write to Ministers advising of the Board’s
intention to progress the area of work.
DETI officials to revisit existing paper in light of discussions.
Chair to write to Ministers advising of AFSB’s intention to
progress area of work.
Update on Sub-groups
Better Regulation
Francis Martin provided an update on the work of the DETI Better Regulation Red
Tape Review, of which he is a panel member. He explained that the work of the pilot
tests is to be expanded to include the agri-food sector and he would propose
including the item on the agenda for the next meeting. He explained that the input of
the AFSB was sought as it represented a wide spectrum of the agri-food industry,
and members were asked to consider 2-3 issues of concern for future discussion.
The exercise will also include engagement with NIFDA to draw on the experience of
the micro and small sized enterprises.
Better Regulation to be included on the agenda for the next
Owen Brennan provided a presentation on Omega 3 enhanced animal feed to show
the links between development in animal nutrition and improved human health. He
noted that further studies were ongoing in the area. He stressed that innovation is
important for both businesses and the wider community, and noted the funding
available to support innovation at a national and EU level.
Declan Billington provided an outline of his intentions in respect of the Sustainability
sub-group. He noted that his focus was to ensure added value to the consumer and
to the farming community without breaching any regulatory concerns, and as such it
was important to ensure the sub-group had direct links to both. He currently
identifying members for the sub-group, and has had constructive discussions with
both Terry A’Hearn (NIEA) and Noel Lavery (DARD).
He anticipates the sub-group meeting shortly and beginning work on pulling together
existing information and identified gaps into a roadmap for consideration by the
Balmoral Show
Dan Cartland advised that discussions were currently ongoing within DARD in
respect of the Balmoral Show and views were being sought as to whether the AFSB
should have a separate presence at the show in light of the main focus being the
Farm Business Improvement Scheme. He noted that with that in mind he felt that a
separate stand was not necessary on this occasion.
Ian Marshall suggested that members of the Board consider including the AFSB
within their individual stands. Louise Warde Hunter agreed with that proposal,
explaining that it would maintain the visibility of the Board and demonstrate a mutlipronged mainstream approach.
Date of next meeting
Members were asked to hold the date of 20 February 2015 in diaries in the event of
a meeting being needed to discuss the livestock / genetics and marketing review
Members were also provisionally advised to hold 20 May 2015 for a meeting at
CAFRE, to coincide with the opening of the Food Innovation Centre.
AFSB Secretariat will advise members of next meeting date when