Help us to Strengthening farm- School Phoenix Foundation, Education Free for 200 children and adolescents by year in Ciudad Sandino an Managua Nicaragua! In Phoenix Foundation worked for 17 years in social risk prevention (prevention of use and abuse of drug, human traffic, violence prevention) from the viewpoint of promoting human development, empowering vulnerable groups. We have been motivating children and teens to study, to maintain healthy lifestyles, apply a purposeful leisure activities like learning a craft, play sports, play a musical instrument. In our center, we call -school Finca serve more than 120 adolescents in different disciplines: psychological counseling, technical education in mechanics, agriculture, English, and teach music, guitar and piano, as well as develop a small English program for pre -escolares. All our programs have a transverse axis, education in values, virtues and life skills. But our work is limited because our facilities are very small and are not optimally equipped to give our beneficiaries better care, and also to serve more children. The demand always exceeds our attention. In existing areas used for education, we ceiling, and floor but we lack walls. By the summer dust and sun are harsh, and the winter rains often force us to suspend educational activities, and art with our children. For the above, we are requesting funds to purchase materials that allow us to close and better condition the areas of education, providing security, ventilation and adequate lighting for teaching and learning processes. Likewise, given the growing number of looked after spending the last three years we need to add a broader class of mechanical space building a workshop area of about 8 x 6 meters. Phoenix Foundation bring the community together Manpower Project through Collaboration Parents of our children through a process of auto-building and guided by expert hired by our organization. 2,948 DOLLARS IS THE AMOUNT REQUESTED TO BUILD WALLS 2 LEARNING AREAS. 1,999 DOLLARS IS THE AMOUNT TO REQUIRE FOR MATERIALS TO BUILD A NEW CLASS WORKSHOP. TOTAL 4,947 DOLLARS. We hope with these project give our service to 200 chidren and adolescent by year, In four years about 800 children will benefit. Raising walls for better conditions of child and adolescent education. FUNDACIÓN FÉNIX BUDGET MICRO PROYECTO WALLS AND WINDOWS FOR TWO CLASSROOMS area: 108 m2 DESCRIPTIONS MATERIALS bloques arena camión cemento metro de piedrin quintal hierro 3/8 anticorrosivo pintura diluyente brochas m2 de ventanas aluminio/vidrio perlines mts perfilería aluminio láminas de playcem para forrar puertas para los salones Sub total materiales MAN POWER jornadas día/hombre Sub total mano obra DONORS Fundación Fénix Total Cost UNITS COST UNIT COST TOTAL 500 1 15 1 2 2 2 2 29 10 20 10 3 0.75 35 10 40 75 15 6 3 50 17 8 16 70 375 35 150 40 150 30 12 6 1450 170 160 160 210 2,948.00 80 20 1600 2,948.00 1,600.00 4,548.00 FUNDACIÓN FÉNIX BUDGET MICRO PROYECTO NEW AMPLIATION OF CLASS- WORKSHOP UNIDADES COST UNIT TOTAL MATERIALS Bloques Piedras canteras laminas zinc de 12" perlines arena camión cemento metro de piedrin quintal hierro 3/8 tornillos para techo anticorrosivo pintura diluyente brochas Sub total materiales 500 60 24 24 1 30 2 2 400 2 2 2 0.75 1.85 18 17 35 10 40 75 0.15 15 6 3 375 111 432 408 35 300 80 150 60 30 12 6 1,999.00 MAN POWERS jornadas día/hombre Sub total mano obra 60 20 1200 DONORS 1,999.00 Fundación Fénix 1,200.00 Cost Total CLASS WORSHOP 3,199.00 Total Request: 4,947 dollars