MARYVILLE PHYSICIAN SERVICES, LLC Anita Sandhu, M.D. PATIENT REGISTRATION Patient Last Name ________________________ First Name _____________________ Middle Initial ________ Address _________________________________ City__________________ State _______ Zip ___________ Home Phone ___________________ Work Phone __________________ Cell Phone ____________________ Email address ___________________________________ Fax ___________________________ SS# ____________________________ Date of Birth __________________ Marital Status ____________________ Employer Name __________________________________________ Phone _____________________________ Employer Address _______________________________ City ________________ State ______ Zip ________ Which is preferred phone number to call? ___Home, ___Work, ___Cell. Is it okay to leave voice mail messages with private health information? ___Yes, ___No How would you like to receive lab results or notice of other reports? ___Fax, ___Email,___Standard Mail INSURANCE INFORMATION Primary Insurance Insurance Name __________________________ Policy # ______________________ Phone _________________ Name of Insured _________________________________________ Relationship ___________________________ SS# ________________________ Date of Birth _______________________ Employer Name __________________________________________ Phone _____________________________ Employer Address _______________________________ City ________________ State ______ Zip ________ Secondary Insurance Insurance Name __________________________ Policy # ______________________ Phone _________________ Name of Insured ________________________________________ Relationship ___________________________ SS# ________________________ Date of Birth _______________________ Employer Name _________________________________________ Phone _____________________________ Employer Address ______________________________ City ________________ State ______ Zip ________ Referring Physician Name ____________________________ Phone _______________________________ PCP Name _________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Emergency Contact __________________________________ Phone _______________________________ I hereby authorize the providers of Maryville Physician Services, LLC, AnitaSandhu, M.D. to treat the patient identified above. I acknowledge that I am responsible to pay allcharges for all treatments administered by the physician to the patient. I understand that insurance may not pay for all charges and I understand that Iam obligated to pay for all charges not paid by insurance. I also agree to pay reasonable attorney fees if my account is turned over to an attorney orcollection agency.Assignment and Release: I hereby authorize my insurance benefits to be paid directly to the physician and understand I am financially responsiblefor non-covered services. I also authorize the physician to release any information required in the processing of this claim and all future claims.I acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices for Maryville Physician Services, LLC, AnitaSandhu, M.D. Signature of Patient / Authorized Person______________________________________________ Date ___________________ 1 MARYVILLE PHYHSICIAN SERVICES, LLC ANITA SANDHU, M.D. Date__________________ Patient Name:______________________________________________ Do you have an advanced directive?_______________________________________________________ Medication History: Please list medications , dosage, frequency and problem, you are CURRENTLY taking: Continue on back if necessary: BRING MEDICATIONS WITH YOU IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE THIS Medication Name Dosage How Often For what ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Do you take any non-prescription medications, health foods, vitamins?____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Current Pharmacy:___________________________________________________________________ Name Phone Number Location ALLERGIES: List any medications or other substances that you are ALLERGIC to: ALLERY REACTION ____________________________________ __________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________ 2 Medical History: Please circle all past or present medical problems and/or symptoms: ADD/ADHD Alcoholism Alzheimer's Disease Anemia Anxiety Arthritis Asthma Atrial Fibrillation Back Pain Blood Disorder Cancer Carotid Artery Disease Cataracts Congestive Heart Failure COpD Chest Pain Depression Diabetes Drug or Substance Abuse Glaucoma Hearing Loss Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Hyperlipidemia Hypercalcemia Hepatitis Osteoporosis Psychiatric Problems Prostate Disease Renal Disease Stroke Shortness of Breath Seizure Disorder Thyroid Disease Visual Loss Ulcers Liver Disease Lung Disease Migraines Obesity Have you ever been in the hospital of had surgery? Yes or NO; If yes, please list type of surgery and date of surgery, use the back if more space is needed. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3 FAMILY HISTORY: (IMMEDIATE) F=Father,M= Mother,B= Brothers, S=Sisters, G=Grandparents) Alive: Age Medical Problems or Cause of Death Father:___________________________________________________________________________ Mother:___________________________________________________________________________ Other:____________________________________________________________________________ Other:____________________________________________________________________________ Identify by F,(Father) M,(Mother) B,(Brother) S(Sister) or G ( Grand Parents Please identify if Maternal or Paternal Grand Mother or Grand Father) if immediate family member has or had any of the following: ADD/ADHD ___ Alcoholism ___ Alzheimer's Disease ___ Anemia ___ Anxiety ___ Arthritis __ Asthma ___ Atrial Fibrillation ___ Back Pain ___ Blood Disorder ___ Cancer (What type) ___ Carotid Artery Disease ___ Cataracts ___ Congestive Heart Failure ___ COpD ___ Chest Pain ___ Depression ___ Diabetes ___ Drug or Substance Abuse ___ Glaucoma ___ Hearing Loss ___ Shortness of Breath __ Heart Disease ___ High Blood Pressure ___ Hyperlipidemia ___ Hypercalcemia ___ Hepatitis ___ Osteoporosis ___ Psychiatric Problems __ Prostate Disease ___ Renal Disease ___ Stroke ___ Seizure Disorder ___ Thyroid Disease ___ Visual Loss ____ Ulcers ____ Liver Disease ___ Lung Disease ___ Migraines ___ Obesity ___ SOCIAL HISTORY: Do you use tobacco? yes or no. Cigarettes ______ Cigar ________ Chew __________ How many packs? ___________ How many years? ___________________ Have you tried to quit? ____________ How long have you quit?____________________ Do you drink alcohol? yes or no, If yes, how much _________________ and how often?________________ Are you watching your diet or following any strict dietary guidelines?______________________________ 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION TO ALL PATIENTS: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) recommend we ask patients to provide the following (optional) information. NAME__________________________________DATE OF BIRTH_________________ Race - Please check the appropriate answer: Alaska Native ________ American Indian or Alaska Native __________ Asian _______ Black or African American _______ Greek _______ Hispanic______ Latino________ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander __________ White______ Other__________________________________________________________________________________ please specify ETHNICITY Hispanic or Latino __________ Not Hispanic or Latino ___________ PREFERRED SPOKEN LANGUAGE: English: ________________ Other: ___________________________________________________________________ please specify PREFERRED METHOD OF COMMUNICATION - PLEASE CHECK ONE Phone _____ Mail _____ Secure Messaging ________ 5