Description of Problem-Solving Model (*PSM*) Level II

Description of Tier 2
Purpose of Tier 2
To gather data about an area targeted for
 To re-define the area of concern
 To develop/monitor new plans to increase
performance in area of concern
Tier 2 / Problem Solving Model
Consultation Between Parent, Teacher, & S-BIT
1. Define the Student’s Performance Level
Informal screenings, records review, and
further definition of the area(s) of concern.
 To get help from other teachers
 To examine how targeted area(s) impairs
student functioning
Description of Tier 2
When a parent and teacher are not successful at
increasing the student’s performance to an
acceptable level in area(s) of concern or the
targeted area is determined to be too significant to
address at Tier 1, additional resources are sought.
At this time a meeting of the S-BIT will be
requested to address the area(s) of concern and
to development an appropriate plan of
Typical Tier 2 Activities
4. Evaluate
and need
for additional
Step 7
of the
nt Plan
Step 1
Step 2
nt Plan
Step 6
t the
on Plan
Step 3
of the
nt Plan
Step 5
on Plan
Step 4
a Goal
Intervention Team
3. Implement the Plan
Plan is implemented, data is gathered
and progress is monitored.
1. Describe the Student’s Performance Profile
During Tier 2, the S-BIT reviews information about
the child’s functioning, performance level, health,
and attendance. Screening information confirms the existence of discrepant academic skills or
behavior compared to other children. It also rules out any medical or physiological deficit (reported by
the parent) that may be impacting the problem. This screening process helps estimate the severity of
the area(s) of concern.
2. Develop a Plan
The S-BIT develops strategies that the classroom teacher can use to address the problem. Strategies
are developed that offer solutions that have a reasonable probability of success based on professional
expertise and knowledge of effective practice. Solutions should be feasible within the school setting,
acceptable to the teacher, and be able to be implemented with integrity. A Tier 2 intervention plan
should include specific procedures and strategies, person(s) responsible, objectives with specific
criteria, methods of measuring outcomes, and date(s) in which activities will occur.
3. Implement the Plan
The teacher and other responsible individuals implement the intervention. At this level, collection of
data on a regular basis is required for decision-making. Data collection methods that do not require
outside assistance are most feasible at this level.
4. S-BIT Evaluates Progress
If the student’s performance does not improve at an acceptable rate, the general education Tier 2
intervention is modified. This process recycles as often as needed. The team may decide to move
to Tier 3 if: an ongoing review indicates that change has not occurred at desired rates or the team
desires new information (e.g. reading diagnostic inventories, CBM for math, writing, etc.) regarding the
identified area of concern.
2. Develop
a Plan
Strategies are
and a plan
is written.
Tier 2 continued
The following are indicators of when to consider moving from Tier 2 to Tier 3:
Anytime the S-BIT determines a need for more assistance to determine the appropriate
resources for a student
Anytime a “red flag” appears. A list of red flags (indicators of a need for intensive interventions)
is provided below.
If given the current plan, the student is not making anticipated progress and more assessment
data is needed to determine the instructional changes that are needed. Teams are cautioned
not to wait too long until problems become very severe and stressful for the student or
individuals implementing the interventions
Tier 2 Checklist
Sample “Red Flags” for moving to Tier 3
 Student who moves in from another district or area
receiving interventions/services provided at Tier 3
level must continue to receive Tier 3 interventions
 Student moves in and appears to have had very
different instruction, has significant gaps in learning, or
comes from an area with different standards
 More specialized assessment data is needed to
determine the cause of the problem
 Student has been referred to the S-BIT a number of
times and specific strategies or specific instruction has
been provided
 Student has/had significant medical trauma or mental
health concerns or issues
 Below 10th percentile on standardized tests.
 Student requires excessive individualized instruction,
re-teaching, and 1-on-1 assistance
 Student appears unable to participate in any academic
Actions at Tier 2
For Behavior Concerns:
 Brief FBA (O-RtI-06)
 Collect Baseline Data (e.g. O-RtI-9d, behavior report card)
Remainder is for academic and behavior concerns:
 RtI student folder is developed with all applicable data
 S-BIT meets
 Develop Tier 2 Intervention Plan (O-RtI-05)
 Hold third Parent / Teacher Conference (O-RtI-01) (Use ORtI-04 if needed)
 Provide any materials to teacher and/ or parents needed
for intervention plan
 Implement Tier 2 intervention plan for as long as appropriate,
collect progress monitoring data on the O-RtI-14.
 Graphically document progress during intervention
 Complete fidelity tool (S-BIT determines appropriate tool)
 Review effectiveness of Tier 2 intervention plan
Decision Making S-BIT
 Tier 2 intervention plan successful: Return to Tier 1
 Revise and/or continue Tier 2 intervention plan
 Insufficient data gathered: continue Tier 2 intervention plan
 Move to Tier 3
 Student is potentially harmful to self or others
 Behavior severely interferes with learning of self or others in the classroom and/or disrupts
classroom functioning
 Severe behavior problems have been seen over time
 Disciplinary / office referrals occur on a regular basis