32.Pertanika Vol.13 No.(1) 1990- Listing

Pertanika Vol. 13 No. 1 April 1990
Comparative Micromorphology of the Seed Surface of Solarium melongena L. (eggplant) and
Allied Species
Sayed Mohamed Zain Hasan and Richard N. Lester.
Seed coat, SEM, enzyme etching, Solarium, S. melongena, S. incanum.
The seed surface micro structure of Solanum melongena L., S. incanum L. and some other
species were examined using SEM. Seeds were given enzyme (Driselase) etching treatment
prior to examination to sweep off the outer layer of cells which obscured observation. Most seeds
were characterised by hair-like structures or fibrils which surrounded each cell and which are
strands of thickening in the lateral walls of the outer epidermal cells of the testa. Seed coat
structure of S.melongena and S.incanum was found to be highly uniform in the samples
examined indicating a close relationship between them. The seed coat patterns of 'S.torvum Sw.}
S.tomentosum L.} S.aethiopicum L., S.kwebense Br. And Wr. and S.cinereum R.Br. were
considerably different not only from S. melongena andS. incanum but also between themselves
which supports the distinctness of these taxa.
Growth of Sesbania rostrata on Different Components of Tin Tailings
O. Radziah and Zulkifli H. Shamsuddin
Two field experiments were conducted to evaluate the growth of Sesbania rostrata on sandy,
sandy loam and slime components of a tin tailing area treated with inorganic fertilizer, and on the
sandy component amended with an organic mixture. Inorganic fertilizer was applied at a rate of
30 kg N, 90 kg P2O5 and 120 kg K2O ha"1. The organic mixture used consisted of 50% palm oil
mill cake (POMC) and 50% chicken dung at a total equivalent rate of lot ha " ; . Plants were
harvested after 24, 42 and 63 days of growth. The results showed that S. rostrata grew best on
the slime and poorest on the sandy tailings. Inorganic fertilization increased plant growth on the
slime and sandy loam but not on the sandy tailings. Plant tops, roots and nodules in sandy soil
amended with organic mixture were 29, 27 and 2.5 times better than those with the inorganic
fertilizer. Plant growth on sandy tailing was equivalent to 56% of plant tops and 200% of roots
from plants grown on slime supplied with inorganic fertilizers
Colour Pattern as an Additional Aid to the Identification of Nemipterus Species and Their
Mohd. Zaki Mohd. Said, Mohd. Azmi Ambak, and Abu Khair Mohammad Mohsin
Morphometric and meristic characters, colour pattern, Nemipterus, South China Sea.
Morphometric and meristic characters of six species of the genus Nemipterus collected from the
South China Sea off Terengganu were found overlapping and differing only very slightly. But the
colour pattern of live specimens seemed to differ greatly and on this basis afield key for their
identification has been presente
The Initial and Residual Value of Phosphorus from
Superphosphates as Measured by 32P Dilution Technique
A.R. Zaharah and H.A.H. Sharifudin.
Apatite Rock Phosphates and
A pot trial using maize (Zea mays, L.) grown on an Ultisol labelled with 32P was carried out to
evaluatethe agronomic value of nine types of apatite rock phosphates and triple superphosphate.
Results show that the effectiveness of tested rock phosphates is variable as compared to
superphosphate, when measured at 30 days after planting. However, these rock phosphates
were three to five times more effective than triple superphosphate in the second cropping.data.
The Impact of Pollution on the Nematode and Harpacticoid Copepod Species Composition of an
Estuarine Mudflat
Shabdin Mohd Long
Nematodes, harpacticoid copepods, diversity, cluster analysis, ordination of stations.
A study was carried out in the Forth estuary (Scotland) to determine the impact of industrial
effluents on the nematodes and harpacticoid copepods species of an estuarine mudflat. The
nematodes and harpacticoid copepods species in the area ranging from the species which are
absent from the vicinity of the effluents to the species which occure predominantly in the most
highly polluted sediments display a spectrum of responses to the discharges. It is thought at least
some of the species favouring the immmediate vicinity of the effluent channels would be
associated with the dense microalgal mat that fringes the channels. Two factors seemed to be
dominant in controlling the species distribution of nematodes and harpacticoid copepods in the
area; interdal height and pollution. Cluster analysis of the species abundance data from the
sampling stations dearly showed the separation of sites on the upper, middle and lower shore.
The ordination of the stations was also strongly influenced by intertidal height superimposed by
The In Vitro Bactericidal Activity of Normal and Activated Mouse Macrophages against
Salmonella typhimurium C5sr
M. Musa and D. Rowley
In vitro bactericidal activity, mouse macrophages, Salmonella typhimurium C5sr.
comparison of the in vitro bactericidal activity of normal and activated macrophages indicated that
killing of the virulent strain of opsonized Salmonella typhimurium C5sr by normal macrophages
was enhanced by the presence of fresh serum in the culture medium. In contrast, there was no
such requirement for the bactericidal activity of activated macrophages. The enhanced killing of
the bacteria by activated macrophages occurred both in the presence and absence of serum, and
this was not accounted for by the existence of macrophagebound immunoglobulin. The factors in
normal rabbit serum which potentiated the killing of bacteria by normal macrophages were
suspected to be components of the complement system. Heat-stable factors (immunoglobulins) in
normal rabbit serum were effective only if they were surface bound immunoglobulins.
Malpemakanan di Kalangan Penduduk Dewasa di Hulu Terengganu
Wan Abdul Manan B. Muda
Malpemakanan, indeks jisim badan, ketebalan lipatan kulit, lemak subkutin, anemia pemakanan,
angkubah-angkubah sosioekonomi, perbelanjaan bulanan untuk makanan.
The assessment of nutritional status of adults was carried out in two villages in Hulu Trengganu in
1982. The aims of the study were to assess the extent of malnutrition among the adult population
in the rural areas and to identify socioeconomic variables which could significantly be related to
their nutritional status. The study population consisted of 40 males and 67 females (N — 107)
who were either heads of household or their spouses. The main indicator of nutritional status
employed in the study was body mass index of the respondents; however, other anthropometric
measurements were also considered. Results of the study indicated that some degree of
malnutrition was prevalent in the adult population; 16% of the population under study Weighed
less than 70% standard and 57.5% of the males weighed less than 80% standard. Based on the
body mass index cut off point, it was found that 30.8% of the respondents were malnourishea.
Hemoglobin values also show that 38.5% the female respondents suffered from nutritional
anemia (n = 62). More than half oj the females have hemotocrit values below normal (n = 62).
Among the socioeconomic variables which had a significant correlation with nutritional status
were education, income and monthly food expenditur
A Preliminary Study on Induced Spawning of the Catfish Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus) in Malaysia
Ten gravid Clarias batrachus females were administered with a single dose of common carp
pituitary homogenate (CPH). Before injection, the eggs were light yellow and the diameter ranged
from 0.94 mm to 1.08 mm. Ovulation occurred approximately 12 hours after the adminstration of
CPH. The colour of the eggs turned brown and the diameter ranged from 0. 99 mm to 1.27 mm.
The fertilization rates ranged from 10-81%. The eggs hatched after about 30-36 hours of
incubation at 26°C to 28°C. The hatching
rates ranged from 13-67%
Moisture Determination of Cocoa Beans by Microwave Oven
A statistical trial was conducted to compare microwave oven and air-heated oven methods for
moisture determination of cocoa beans. The findings indicate that both methods are comparable
in accuracy but better precision is obtained by the air-heated oven method. The time required for
drying of cocoa beans is about 30 minutes by the proposed method as against 16 hours by the
conventional technique.
Adsorption Potential of Activated Carbon in Some Acidic and Alkaline Media
M. Badri, Karen A. Crouse and Chua Sook Y
Carbon activated, adsorption, adsorption potential, functional groups on carbon.
An electrode was constructed using activated carbon. Changes in its surface potential were
observed when it was dipped into solutions containing HCl and hydroxide and carbonate ofNa +,
K + and NH\. These changes have been attributed to the effect of concentration ofCl~ and OH~
ions upon the adsorptive strength of various functional groups on the surface of activated carbon.
A General Survey of Nitrate-Nitrogen Levels in Well-water under Different LandusesM. Badri and
Karen A. Grouse
Mohd Kamil Yusoff, Wan Norazmin Sulaiman and Zainudin Sharif
NO3-N, land use, well-water.
A general survey on NO3-N levels in well-water under different landuses was conducted. Four
areas were selected to represent different landuses namely mixed farming (crop and animal
production), forest, urban, and crop production only. Water samples from a total of 22 wells in the
selected areas were collected and analysed for MV-iV. The field and statistical data showed that
the differences in NOi -N levels in well-water from different landuses were significant except for
agriculture + animal farming. The highest NO3 -N level was observed in agricultural areas
followed by urban and forested areas.
A Study of the Ferrallitic Weathering of an Amphibole Schist in Peninsular Malaysia
S. Zauyah and G. Stoops
Methoxymethyl ethers of phenols.
Micromorphological and mineralogical changes resulting from the weathering of amphibole schist
in Peninsular Malaysia have been studied. Although the hard bedrock mass is not reached, many
large corestones of unweathered rock material are exposed. Thin sections and SEM observations
show that the actinolite weathers faster than epidote. Both undergo congruent dissolution and are
replaced by new formed vermiform kaolinite and halloysite in the lower saprolite, but by kaolinite
and gibbsite in the upper saprolite. This data is corroborated by XRD studies. Chemical analyses
of the weathering rims, expressed according to the isovolumetric method, show that they are
already in the first stage offerrallitic weathering with the alkaline and alkaline earth elements lost,
as is a large part of the silicon, though aluminium remains practically constant. Iron accumulates
during the first stage of weathering. The weathering front is abrupt, and pedoplasmation follows
geological structures, forming a clay-rich soil material.
Enhancement of Cadmium and Zinc Flame Spectrometric Signals by Using APDTC-nButylamineMIBK Extractants
Tan Wee Tee and Wong See Keong
Signal enhancement, cadmium, zinc, solvent extraction, nbutylamine, APDTC, MIBK
Ammonium pyrrolidine-dithiocarbamate (APDTC) and methyl-isobutyl-ketone (MIBK) extractant
were found to be considerably improved by the addition of nbutylamine especially for the
chemical analysis of Cd(II) and Zn(II) ions. Solvent extraction of the bivalent metal ions is a
function of pH and the concentration of APDTC and nbutylamine. Cd(II) and Zn(II) ions exhibit
considerable flame spectrometric signal enhancement for pH ranges from 7 to 12 and 2 to 12
respectively when APDTC-nbutylamine-MIBK was used as the extractant in place of APDTCMIBK. The signal enhancement observed may be interpreted in terms of the formation of
synergistic amine adduct and/or mixed solvent effect
Application of Conjugable Oxidation Products Assay in Assessment of Gamma-Irradiated Palm
K. Endinkeau and T.W. Woodward
Palm olein, gamma-irradiation, conjugable oxidation products.
Samples of palm olein were irradiated with y-rays up to 12kGy. The extent ofperoxiddtion in
irradiated samples was determined by conjugable oxidation products (COP) assay and the result
ere compared with the UV absorbance at 232 nm. The two parameters were poorly correlated (r
= 0.6321) within the range of doses used. The effect ofy-irradiation is mainly to oxidise linoleic
acid (Cl8:2) as this component is the major diunsaturated fatty acid in palm oil.
Analysis of Non-volatile Organic Acids in Fermented and Dried Cocoa Beans by High
Performance Liquid Chromatography.
Cocoa beans, non-volatile acids, HPLC.
A high performance liquid chromatographic method for analysis of non-volatile acids (oxalic, citric,
tartaric, succinic, malic and lactic) in fermented and dried cocoa beans is described. Bean
samples were pulverized in dionized water using a Polytron Homogenizer (Brinkman) for 20 sec
and centrifuged at 14000 rpmfor 45 min at 25 °C The extract was alkalized to pH between 8-9
and passed through intermediate base anion exchange resin; the acidic fraction was eluted after
adding lO°7o sulphuric acid to the column. Polyphenols in the fraction were then eliminated by
passing the acidic fraction through a reverse phase SEP-PAK that had been pre-wet with
methanoi. The eluate was analyzed for non-volatile acids using Organic Acid Column (Bio-Rad)
with 0. IN H SO as a mobile phase at 65°C The acids were detected at 214nm and quantified
by comparing peak height of sample to those of standards. The method demonstrated excellent
reproducibility and recoveries of the added acid
Proses Penghasilan Bromelin daripada Batang Nenas
Wan Ramli Bin Wan Daud ,Mohd. Fauzi Bin Yusoff, and D. S. Krishna Rao
Bromelin, bromelain and bromelin production process.
A proteolytic enzyme called bromelin can be produced from pineapple stem by precipitating it
from pineapple stem juice and separating the precipitate from the juice. Acetone is used as the
precipitant. The precipitating process is performed twice and the second precipitate is taken as
the bromelin product. This process is not well understood and is not amenable to mathematical
modelling. The main aim of the present study is to identify process variables such as the
precipitant: juice ratio, precipitation time and centrifugation time in every stage which have a
significant effect on the yield and activity of bromelin. Factor analysis is used. This study found
that the centrifugation times in stages, precipitation and centrifugation times in the second stage
affect the yield of bromelin. The enzyme activity is affected by the precipitant: juice ratioy the
precipitation and centrifugation times in the first stage; precipitant: juice ratio and precipitation
time in the second stage. This process is currently being optimised.
The Brunei Bay as an Effluent Receiving Waterbody: Observations during the Start-up Period of
a Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill
Murtedza Mohamed, L.L. Chin and T.S. Lim
Pulp mill effluent, receiving water, effluent disperson.
The water quality of Brunei Bay, Malaysia, subsequent to receiving effluent from a pulp and paper
mill,was monitored. Conventional water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen, suspended
solids, and biochemical oxygen demand were used as indicators to compare the present status of
the bay water quality with that of the baseline. Generally, data gathered during the first 16 months
of the mill operation did not indicate marked changes in the bay water quality. Levels of
suspended solids, total organic carbons, and 1,1-dichlorodimethyl sulfone in the bay water were
used as indicators in the determination of dispersion pattern of the effluent in the coastal areas of
the bay.
Removal of Arsenic from Solution by Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms).
The potential of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms) as a
bioacummulator/bioindicator of arsenic in dilute solution was investigated. Results show that in
the absence of a high level of phosphate, it can remove arsenic effectively. However, in high
phosphate concentration, arsenic uptake was inhibited. Arsenic could also be leached out from
the plant. Hence caution must be exercised in interpreting the arsenic status of the aquatic
environment as seen through water hyacinth.
Personality Patterns of Teacher Trainees from a Malaysian Training College
Noran Fauziah Yaakub
Personality, teacher trainees, CattelPs 16 P.F. Test.
This study reports on the personality profile of a group of teacher trainees from a Malaysian
teachers' training college for the different sexes, entry qualifications and ethnic groups. Cattells
16 P.F. Test (Form A) was used to measure personality traits of the trainees. Results showed
significant differences between male and female students on nine out of the 16 factors; and
between SPM and SPTM students on three factors. A comparison of the three ethnic groups
revealed seven trait differences. The overall personality profile is "average" except for four
factors, indicating the presence of emotional instability, pessimism, suspicion and worry.