EE calendar 2011-12

Extended Essay calendar 2011
Some students are planning to complete their EE earlier, these students are expecting to follow the ‘Fast track’ actions.
Dates and Actions in the shaded boxes are for Science EE only.
EE Actions
Science EE Actions
April 18 – May 6
Meeting with advisor to discuss proposal, develop
research question and plan next steps, including
research on procedures for data gathering (surveys,
fieldwork, interviews)
Provide advisor with email address
(Fast track: establish research question, read previous
essays and EE subject reports: discuss research and
review data gathering procedures and initial collection)
Reading and research on topic; note taking
Initial data gathering, including photographic evidence if
Meeting with advisor to discuss progress and review
procedures for data gathering
(Fast track: complete data gathering/ essential reading
and identify additional sources)
Submit plan for EE workshop; meet to discuss and refine
4 day plan if necessary; otherwise written feedback
from advisor
- copy of plan to EE workshop coordinator
April 18-May 6
Meeting with Advisor to guide Research question
development; research on possible procedures to be
used, and materials list.
Provide advisor with email address
May 9-May 20
( 2-3 supervised flextimes
Mandatory attendance at
Initial experimentation to develop and test your
methodology and technique. Are you able to collect
relevant data? Is the data reliable? Materials list
reviewed and place orders if materials or chemicals no
currently in school stock.
May 20- May 26
Research question, materials and procedure finalized
May 9 – May 20
May 20 – May 26
June 6 - June 9
All research questions should be finalized at this time.
IB Extended Essay Workshop
Proceed with plan and refer to EE handbook, EE subject
reports and extended essays to check for
appropriateness of approach
Plan includes: research; note taking and organization of
information gathered.
June 6 – June 9
IB Extended Essay Workshop
thoroughly research all aspects of your research
use a variety of resources, including journals,
text, books, personal interviews, online
Extended Essay calendar 2011
Some students are planning to complete their EE earlier, these students are expecting to follow the ‘Fast track’ actions.
Dates and Actions in the shaded boxes are for Science EE only.
Students will clear and valid procedures ready for data
collection may be allowed to use workshop time for
surveys, fieldwork or interviews by arrangement with
the workshop coordinator
Outcome of the workshop should be a detailed outline
for the essay at a minimum
Fast track: Outline and substantial writing of first draft
completed during workshop
Use notecards to keep track of resources,
especially direct quotations
Begin collecting data
Read old Science EE ion file in the library to get
an idea of length, style and format
Read EE handbook for students
Summer: Write a draft of the introduction and
materials/procedure of your essay
Summer: Write introduction, main arguments and
August 15 – August 19
August 22 – September 14
Meet with advisor with all materials from workshop and
Introduction, research question, main arguments should
be completed
Have questions prepared for your advisor if you need
Leave meeting with a clear action plan of your next
steps to completing the ‘official’ draft (including
conclusions, works cited and abstract) for advisor
feedback – this can only be done once!
Submit complete draft to advisor for feedback – critical
step for a successful extended essay!
Fast track: complete draft and submit to advisor for
feedback by Sept 1 – aiming to complete and submit 3
copies by end of September 14. Congratulations, you’re
August 15- August 19
August 22-October 21
Consult with advisor on details of summer work;
show all note cards, reflections on experimental
methods, and discuss problems;
Introduction, research question, hypothesis,
variables, control, procedure sections are
formally written.
Science Actions
Complete experimentation and data collection.
Manage your time and make a plan – spend time
in the lab each week during the scheduled
Extended Essay calendar 2011
Some students are planning to complete their EE earlier, these students are expecting to follow the ‘Fast track’ actions.
Dates and Actions in the shaded boxes are for Science EE only.
September 19 – October
October 31
Receive and act on feedback from advisor. Work on final
proofreading and formatting. Add your May 2012
candidate number to your essay once you have it.
Submit 3 hard copies of your essay to Ms. Lund
You are finished with your EE!!! Smile!!
Oct 31- November 25
Analyze data and complete essay ‘official first draft’.
November 25- December 9
Essay draft due to advisor for written comments.
Dec 9-Jan 9
Winter Break
January 9
Students to revise essays based on written feedback.
Extended Essays due; three final copies submitted to Ms.
Extended Essay progress monitoring
Students’ progress will be checked and reported including meeting deadlines. Each date in bold is a deadline for the actions listed.
Students not meeting deadlines for meetings or sharing their progress with their advisor will receive detentions in which they work on their
essay until the expected progress has been achieved and reporting in Powerschool.
Repeated missed deadlines will result in scheduling of available free periods to ‘catch up’ in addition to closely monitored detentions. Parents
will be required to attend a meeting with the student and IB coordinator to generate plan for completion of the essay.