Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69469 Weinheim, Germany, 2013. Supporting Information On the Electron Transfer through Geobacter sulfurreducens PilA Protein Nikolai Lebedev*, Syed Mahmud, Igor Griva, Anders Blom, Leonard M. Tender Table S1. Transmission eigenvalues for main conductive channels in PilA fragments Fragment 1 Transmission energy = +3.80 eV Eigenvalues: 1.558338e-02 5.537715e-11 5.063178e-12 Transmission energy = -4.36 eV Eigenvalues: 5.843808e-05 2.736846e-08 9.330608e-11 Transmission energy = -4.79 eV Eigenvalues: 8.136470e-02 2.805728e-07 5.254400e-08 Fragment 2 Transmission energy = +3.60 eV Eigenvalues: 7.052580e-01 3.309871e-07 3.355569e-08 Transmission energy = +2.97 eV Eigenvalues: 4.771211e-02 5.693065e-10 5.896611e-11 Transmission energy = -4.89 eV Eigenvalues: 2.591024e-01 1.023903e-09 2.217945e-14 Fragment 3 Transmission energy = +4.05 eV Eigenvalues: 1.449451e-02 1.805128e-09 8.013476e-11 Transmission energy = +2.92 eV Eigenvalues: 3.658953e-03 5.214895e-09 1.307387e-12 Transmission energy = -3.90 eV Eigenvalues: 3.104484e-05 1.871108e-08 3.584779e-10 Fragment 1: Structure (Dipole=46.9283 Debye) Fragment 2: Structure (Dipole= 63.2240 Debye) Fragment 3: Structure (Dipole=94.0446 Debye) LUMO (+0.32eV) LUMO (-5.52eV) LUMO (-3.09eV) HOMO (-1.45eV) HOMO (-7.00eV) HOMO (-3.32 eV) Figure S1A. Molecular Structures, dipole moments, locations of HOMOs and LUMOs and their energies (in parentheses) for fragments 1, 2, and 3 calculated using B3LYP functional with 631G(d) basis set. The protons presence and location are as if the fragments are at neutral pH: the side carboxylic groups of aspartates and glutamates are considered to be deprotonated (charge 1) and side amino groups of arginines and lysines are considered as protonated (charge +1). Fragment 1: Structure (Dipole=52.7458 Debye) Fragment 2: Structure (Dipole= 70.3374 Debye) Fragment 3: Structure (Dipole=100.2383 Debye) LUMO (-0.085 eV) LUMO (-5.76 eV) LUMO (-3.51 eV) HOMO (-2.02 eV) HOMO (-7.16 eV) HOMO (-3.74 eV) Figure S1B. Molecular Structures, dipole moments, locations of HOMOs and LUMOs and their energies (in parentheses) for fragments 1, 2, and 3 calculated using B3LYP functional with LanL2DZ basis set. The protons presence and location are as if the fragments are at neutral pH: the side carboxylic groups of aspartates and glutamates are considered to be deprotonated (charge -1) and side amino groups of arginines and lysines are considered as protonated (charge +1). Fragment 1: Structure (Dipole=95.6132 Debye) Fragment 2: Structure (Dipole=107.4924 Debye) Fragment 3: Structure (Dipole=121.5887 Debye) LUMO (-1.30 eV) LUMO (-5.41 eV) LUMO (-3.18 eV) HOMO (-1.41 eV) HOMO (-5.31 eV) HOMO (-3.32 eV) Figure S1C. Molecular Structures, dipole moments, locations of HOMOs and LUMOs and their energies (in parentheses) for fragments 1, 2, and 3 with protonated (charged) N- and C-terminal end groups calculated using B3LYP functional with 6-31G(d) basis set. The protons presence and location are as if the fragments are at neutral pH: the side carboxylic groups of aspartates and glutamates are considered to be deprotonated (charge -1) and side amino groups of arginines and lysines are considered as protonated (charge +1). Fragment 1: Fragment 2: Fragment 3: +5.00 eV +4.84 eV +4.54 eV +4.37 eV +4.22 eV 4 +4.02 eV +3.60 eV +4.16 eV 4 +3.80 eV +3.60 eV +4.84 eV +4.76 eV +4.05 eV 4 +3.19 eV +2.97 eV +3.10 eV +2.92 eV 2 2 Energy (E-Ef), eV 2 Energy (E-Ef) Energy (E-Ef) , eV +0.77 eV 0 -2 0 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 -3.01 eV -3.71 eV -3.42 eV -4 -4.01 eV 0.00 0.05 -4.89 eV -4.83 eV 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Tranmission Efficiency -4.32 eV -4.56 eV -4.90 eV-4.96 eV -4.52 eV -4.35 eV -4.79 eV 0.0 0.30 -3.78 eV -3.94 eV 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Transmission Efficiency 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Transmission Efficiency 0.5 Figure S2. Electron transmission spectra for fragment 1, fragment 2, and fragment 3 calculated for the molecules with uncharged peptide N- and C-terminal ends (HN0- and –COOH0) by using LDA approximation with PZ functional (blue); with protonated (charged) peptide ends (H3N+and –COO-) by using LDA approximation with PZ functional (red); and with protonated (charged) peptide ends (H3N+- and –COO-) by using GGA approximation with PBE functional (green). All calculations are done at zero bias voltage. Fragment 2: Fragment 3: 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -2 Veff,eV 0 Veff,eV Veff, eV Fragment 1: -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -4 -4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Z coordinate 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Z coordinate 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Z coordinate 0.8 Figure S3. Profiles of effective potential projected to Z coordinate for fragment 1, fragment 2, and fragment 3 calculated for the molecules with uncharged peptide N- and C-terminal ends (HN0- and –COOH0) by using LDA approximation with PZ functional (blue); with protonated (charged) peptide ends (H3N+- and –COO-) by using LDA approximation with PZ functional (red); and with protonated (charged) peptide ends (H3N+- and –COO-) by using GGA approximation with PBE functional (green). All calculations are done at zero bias voltage. 1.0 Fragment 2, Conformation #1: Fragment 2, Conformation #4: Structure Structure +3.60 eV +3.61 eV +2.97 eV +3.09 eV 4.89 eV -4.78 eV Figure S4. Molecular structures and spatial distribution of conductive eigenstates at energies +3.61, +3.09 and -4.78 eV in fragments 2 in conformation #4 compared to conformation #1. 0.0 0.1 Transmission Efficiency 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Transmission Efficiency 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 +4.96 eV +4.93 eV +4.96 eV +4.93 eV +4.54 eV 4 +4.11 eV +3.99 eV 4 Transmission Efficiency 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 +4.54 eV +4.11 eV +3.99 eV 4 +3.94 eV +3.60 eV +3.94 eV +3.60 eV +3.19 eV +2.97 eV +3.19 eV +2.97 eV 2 +0.77 eV 0 Energy (E-Ef) , eV 2 Energy (E-Ef) , eV Energy (E-Ef), eV 2 0 +0.77 eV 0 -2 -2 -2 -4 -4 -4 -4.89 eV -4.78 eV -4.78 eV -4.89 eV Figure S5. Electron transmission spectra (ETS) of fragment 2 in conformation #1 (red) and conformation #4 (blue). Conformation #1 CIAIPQFSAYRVKAYNSA Conformation #4 CIAIPQFSAYRVKAYNSA Conformation #4 vs. #1 CIAIPQFSAYRVKAYNSA Figure S6. Profile of effective potential projected to Z coordinate for PilA central part (fragment 2) in conformation #1 (red) conformation #4 (blue). The amino acid sequence is shown above the profiles. +4.96 eV +3.99 eV +3.94 eV +4.93 eV -4.78eV +4.11 eV Figure S7. Electron transfer paths for transmission bands at +4.96, +4.93, +4.11, +3.99, +3.94, and -4.78 eV for fragment 2 in conformation #4.