Your address Date Councillor`s address Dear [name] I am writing to

Your address
Councillor’s address
Dear [name]
I am writing to you to ask you to reject plans for fracking in North Yorkshire, and to oppose the
planning application that would allow Third Energy o.
Fracking is now suspended in all other parts of the UK outside of England due to concerns about the
impact on health, the environment, local communities and climate change. The Scottish Government
is undertaking a full public health assessment and a no fracking policy has recently been officially
incorporated into planning guidelines in Northern Ireland.
Internationally, New York State has also banned fracking after an expert report commissioned by its
Department of Health stated: “Until the science provides sufficient information to determine the level
of risk to public health from HVHF (fracking) and whether the risks can be adequately managed,
HVHF should not proceed in New York State.”i
Other countries such as the Netherlands, France and Bulgaria have all said “no” to fracking.
Recently, councillors in Lancashire stood up for local residents by refusing applications to frack at
two sites in the county. I am writing to you to ask you to do the same for the people of North
Yorkshire and oppose Third Energy’s proposals to frack at Kirby Misperton in Ryedale.
North Yorkshire’s residents should not be subjected to the known risks of water contamination, air
pollution, adverse health impacts and carbon emissions, as well as the blight on local communities
from noise, air and light pollution and a huge increase in HGV traffic on our country roads
North Yorkshire’s economic strengths lie in the agricultural sector and in the visitor economy. These
depend on good quality, unpolluted land, a peaceful and tranquil area for recreation and a
landscape free from industrialisation. Here’s what a recently published DEFRA report called The
Shale Gas Rural Economy Paper said about fracking:
“Shale gas development may transform a previously pristine and quiet natural region, bringing
increased industrialisation. As a result rural community businesses that rely on clean air, land, water,
and/or a tranquil environment may suffer losses from this change such as agriculture, tourism,
organic farming, hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation.”ii
Far from bringing economic benefits to the area, fracking poses serious risks to North Yorkshire’s
economy and the potential for local employment and business growth. The same report states:
“Fracking may reduce the number of tourists to the area, with an associated reduction in spend in the
local tourism economy. Some sectors may lose business due to increased congestion and perceptions
about the region.”iii
Fracking will also fail to deliver energy security. Even the industry itself is not expecting to deliver
any significant amounts of gas for at least a decade, by which time we should be well on the way to
decarbonising our energy sector and relying more heavily on clean renewable energy.
Nor will fracking reduce energy bills. The UK Energy Research Centre has said that shale gas has been
“completely oversold” and promises of lower prices and greater energy security are “lacking in
It is hardly surprising, therefore, that opposition in North Yorkshire to fracking is significant and
growing, and that people are demanding are cleaner, more sustainable and less destructive energy
future for the county.
As my councillor, I ask you to stand up for your local communities by opposing Third Energy’s plans
to frack in North Yorkshire, and I look forward to hearing your views on this matter.
As a regular visitor to the area, I ask you to stand up for your local communities by opposing Third
Energy’s plans to frack in North Yorkshire.
Kind regards,
email if you wish)
Public Health Review of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Gas Development – New York State
Department of Health – Dec 2014
Draft Shale Gas Rural Economy Impacts paper – DEFRA – March 2014, released July 2015
Draft Shale Gas Rural Economy Impacts paper – DEFRA – March 2014, released July 2015