Ancient Mesopotamia

Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Mesopotamia was one of the most important civilizations
across their time and also the first. Ancient Mesopotamia was very
big it was the alluvial plain lying between the Tigris and Euphrates
Rivers, composing parts of Iraq, and Syria and country’s near.
Civilization developed in ancient Mesopotamia together with Egypt
and both of them are often called “ Fertile Crescent “ the “ Fertile
Crescent “ is a rich food growing area in a part of the world where
most of the land is too dry and suits for farming.
Art in ancient Mesopotamia rivals a tradition that appears in the
same kind of nature, art had improved a lot after a lot of
improvement and correction, art became a lot more decorated,
stylized and conventionalized at different time an places. This shows
us that ancient Mesopotamia had art as a daily bases in every were,
and anytime and because of that they improved a lot in art and
architecture, and become a major thing in ancient Mesopotamia.
The beautiful and most important buildings in ancient Mesopotamia
were decorated with very artistic items like tiles and also with clay nails
and with colored heads that were embedded in walls. This shows us that
ancient Mesopotamia were creative in their building and their building
were very nice and creative, at the same time it also shows us that ancient
Mesopotamia improved a lot and their building were huge and artistic.
The ancient Mesopotamians often decorated their buildings with
brightly colored and colorful tiles and also cone – shaped nails, which
were arranged in spectacular geometric patterns. This shows us that
ancient Mesopotamia were creative in their building and at the same time
they started using bright and colorful colors, and started using a very
improved and helpful things which is “math’s” because they started using
geometric shaped, this is a very important changing point which
Mesopotamian people won’t forget. And a similar thing which happened
in ancient Mesopotamia that relates to geometric shapes is Circles which
is also one of the most Important changing points in ancient
Mesopotamians life’s in the area of transportation.
Another type of art ancient Mesopotamia was pottery, ancient
Mesopotamia people designed their pottery in all shapes and sizes and
were decorated in various colors, especially grey, black, red, and green
and some times with silver wire. Patterns were a favorite form of design.
Potters also decorated their pots with pictures of animals, and often
drawn in a way that makes the animals look almost like patterns. This
shows us that ancient Mesopotamian’s used colorful and many different
details to make the pottery creative and cool.
Ancient Mesopotamia had another important art or architecture which
is building items for jobs or for any other reasons, ancient Mesopotamia
improved in their jobs after using this thing, they created materials like,
sickles that were used to cut grass and reeds, these items were often made
of animal bones with sharp ends. These made farmers work a lot easer
because of those improvements. Ancient Mesopotamia people also
created more of improved items or materials these are some, points of
spear, harpoons, arrowheads, pins, needles, awls, and hooks were made
from stones and bones, and also woods. This shows us that ancient
Mesopotamia were creative in thinking’s and because of that the
improved their empire, at the same time it shows us that ancient
Mesopotamian people were very creative in all kinds of art.
Ancient Mesopotamia people set beside cretin days special holy days or
festivals or ceremonies, during the city festivals, the city gods and
goodness were prized. This shows that Mesopotamia concentrated on
religion more than any thing else that they were doing, and it also shows
us that ancient Mesopotamian peoples had religion as a daily bases.
Ancient Mesopotamia cave painters drew animals and weird things on
their walls on walls of their caves this may be part of their belief. This
shows that ancient Mesopotamia had many time to express their belief
and weren’t busy at the time they drew art on their walls, and it also
shows us that ancient Mesopotamian people were creative and this also
related to the use of art in ancient Mesopotamia, and the importance of it
in their days.
Music played an important part in ancient Mesopotamia belief and
religion and also personal life’s. After 2000 B.C, text left behind telling
us that they sang hymns in these temples. Some parts were sung by a
priest and other by a choir. This shows us that ancient Mesopotamia was
also creative in their religion and started to use a really improve thing in
ancient Mesopotamian days that were full of magnificent improvement
and careers.
The Mesopotamians worshiped many different gods and goddess,
believing in many different gods and goddess is known as polytheism.
These god and goddess had different names in different cities, their
names also changed over time. The main god of Babylon was mardut, the
people of the city Ashur had a god called Ashur, and people in cities
chose one of these gods to be their special city god. This shows us that
ancient Mesopotamian people worshipped many different gods, every
different city had a god and every one in the city believes their city gods.
The Mesopotamians believed in afterlives, Neanderthals buried their
dead with different types of objects, presumably so they could be used in
after life. This shows us that ancient Mesopotamia believed in after live
and were really concentrating on religion more than any thing else.
The Mesopotamian bullied a lot of materials so they get their way
easy through farming like cutting things related to farming they created
Points of spears, harpoons, arrowhead, pins, needles, awls, and hook
made from stone and bone and also wood. This shows that ancient
Mesopotamia had their most jobs used witch is farming because they
made sharp materials for farming that are also used today in modern life.
Jobs in ancient Mesopotamia was one of the important and the major
things in their time, there are many jobs in ancient Mesopotamia some of
them are stone craver, Fish men, and many types of farming, like cutting
trees or cutting any other plants, also transportation was one and may be
the most important job. This shows us that ancient Mesopotamia had
many different types and kinds of jobs and that aren’t any used today, and
at the same time it shows us that Mesopotamia focused a lot in jobs so
they can build a better future for their kids.
At last ancient Mesopotamia people disappeared and declined because
there was never a regular supply of water in ancient Mesopotamia, and
therefore irrigation was the central to controlling the crops, which is in
southern Mesopotamia. This essay shows the life of ancient Mesopotamia
people in their time, and also the importance of religion, architecture, and
also jobs.
Mesopotamia had one of the most advanced civilizations in the end as
seen in this essay, they did many different things that help us now and
maybe help our future kids later, Mesopotamia effected many of other
civilizations in the past, and also Mesopotamia had the most advanced
things in the past civilizations. They have been using math’s “ geometric
shapes” in the piece of art and pottery, they have created the most
effective tool which is wheels that had been used a lot these days, like on
cars and many other helpful transportation tools.
Library book – Ancient civilization – Mesopotamia
Library book – Ancient civilization – Mesopotamia – Did ancient Mesopotamia believed in after life?
Library Book
Library book – Butterfly book – Mesopotamia
By: Nasser Alkaabi
Grade: 7D
Teacher: Mr. Bonnalie
Civilization: Ancient Mesopotamia
Date: 6/3/11