Tree Question List: 1. Binary Tree traversal, Non-Recursive Pre-Order/In-Order/PostOrder (DFS) Given a binary tree, traverse the tree nodes in pre-order/in-order/post-order, iteratively. 2. Binary Tree Traversal (Threading), layer by layer (BFS) Given a binary tree, traverse the tree nodes layer by layer in order of, left-to-right, right-to-left, and ZigZag. Problem 3.10 of “Programming Beauty” 3. Lowest Ancestor of Binary Tree Given a binary tree, find the lowest common ancestor of two given nodes in the tree. 4. Construct Binary Tree from Pre-order/In-order/Post-order Given pre-order/in-order/post-order traversal of binary tree nodes, construct the binary tree. A different version of the problem would be to serialize a binary tree to transmit over the Internet. 5. Largest Binary Search Tree in a Binary Tree Given a binary tree, find the largest Binary Search Tree (BST), where largest means BST with largest number of nodes in it. The largest BST may or may not include all of its descendants. 6. Longest Distance of two nodes of a Binary tree Define “Distance” of two nodes as the number of edges between these two nodes. Find the largest distance between the nodes in the tree. Problem 3.8 of “Programming Beauty” 7. DFS (Pre-Order/In-Order/Post-Order) threading a given binary tree 8. Mirror/Duplicate/Demolition a given (binary) tree 9. Comparison between two given (binary) trees 10. Flatten a binary tree 11. Reverse a tree 12. Serialize a binary tree so it can be read/write from the file 13. Convert a sorted array to balanced BST (Balancing BST) 14. Convert BST to sorted doubly linked-list or sorted array Convert a BST to a sorted circular doubly-linked list in-place. Think of the left and right pointers as synonymous to the previous and next pointers in a doubly-linked list. 15. Print Edge Nodes (Boundary) of a Binary Tree Print all edge nodes of a complete binary tree anti-clockwise. That is all the left most nodes starting at root, then the leaves left to right and finally all the rightmost nodes. In other words, print the boundary of the tree. Variant: Print the same for a tree that is not complete. 16. A binary tree problem – Populating next right pointers in each node Given a binary tree struct Node { Node* leftChild; Node* rightChild; Node* nextRight; } Populate the nextRight pointers in each node. You may assume that it is a full binary tree (ie, each node other than the leaves has two children.) 17. Print BST traversal path (GOOG) Given a BST and two nodes' value on the tree, print the "UP", "LEFT" or "RIGHT" from S to T: If it goes up, print "UP" If it goes down to left child, print "LEFT" If it goes down to right child, print "RIGHT" 18. Deep Copy binary tree Deep copy a binary tree, each tree node has three filed, left, right and random. The Random points to any valid tree node.