10/1/12 Handout for Fieldwork Forum – Friday, October 27, 2012 – 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this forum, the participant will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define collaborative learning Understand the basics of different fieldwork models Identify the benefits of using collaborative learning activities Identify challenges in using collaborative learning approaches Select and use the appropriate tools to effectively plan, develop, facilitate, assess and evaluate collaborative activities for use with Level II Fieldwork students 6. Locate resources for further use in researching collaborative learning Summary of MOTA presentation: 1. Overview of Fieldwork models Chris Bourland, John Flemming a. Historical fieldwork model b. Traditional 1:1 model- other options c. Collaboration is key! d. Collaborative model of supervision 1:2, 2:1 variations e. Key features 2. Considerations for Design of Collaborative Fieldwork Experiences Julie Halom a. Considerations for the use of the model b. Assessment of the setting considerations c. Student perception of the experience d. Conclusions 3. How to prepare a site for the model; tools for you. Deb Hanson, Ranelle Nissen a. Resources available to Educators i. Resources available for creation of any fieldwork experience. ii. Tools and resources commonly used in collaborative models b. The roles of different individuals in a collaborative supervision model. 4. Case scenarios for different models Linda Buxell, Rachel Wilson Stucke (with contribution from John, Angie, Dianna) a. 2 Case scenarios that highlight some key methods (educators:students; 2:1, 1:2) i. Role play and small group discussion 5. Questions, ideas, discussion with participants Panel A collaborative presentation by the following OT Programs: College of St. Scholastica, St. Catherine University, University of Mary, University of Minnesota, University of North Dakota, University of South Dakota 10/1/12 For additional information, please contact any of the following individuals: College of St. Scholastica Julie Halom Dept. of Occupational Therapy The College of St. Scholastica 1200 Kenwood Ave Duluth, MN 55811 Office: 218-723-5967, Fax: 218-723-6698 jhalom@css.edu St. Catherine University MAOT Program: Level I FW: John Fleming jdfleming@stkate.edu Level II FW: Linda Buxell lrbuxell@stkate.edu OTA Program: Level I FW: Angie Grabau (algrabau@stkate.edu); Level II FW: Rachel Wilson-Stucke (rmwilsonstucke@stkate.edu) University of Mary Cindy Anderson 7500 University Drive Bismark, ND 58504 canderson@umary.edu University of Minnesota Chris Bourland MMC 368; 420 Delaware Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-3995 stra0183@umn.edu University of North Dakota Debra Hanson 221 Centennial Drive Grand Forks, ND 58202 debra.byram@med.und.edu University of South Dakota Ranelle Nissen 414 East Clark Street Vermillion, South Dakota, 57069 606-677-6740 Ranelle.nissen@usd.edu A collaborative presentation by the following OT Programs: College of St. Scholastica, St. Catherine University, University of Mary, University of Minnesota, University of North Dakota, University of South Dakota