Supporting information

Supporting information.
Figure S1. Chromium mask experiment to determine the response of polymer to the light
intensity. (a, e, i, m) SEM micrographs of the used chromium masks. (a and e) show the mask
with circular or rectangular holes of 5m in diameter, respectively, in the cromium layer,
while (i and m) illustrate circular and rectangular posts of chromium of 5m in diameter,
respectively. (b, f, j and n) AFM micrographs of the corresponding masks on which a layer of
photosensitive polymer (PAZO) of 1µm in thickness was deposited. (c, g, k, and o) AFM
micrographs recorded on the same position after after 2 hours of irradiation with homogenous
light of =491nm. (d, h, l and p) AFM cross-sections illustrate the change in topography after
irradiation. Green color profile represents the polymer surface before irradiation, while the red
color profile represents the polymer surface after irradiation with homogenous light.
Independent on the geometry used, it is obvious that the polymer goes into areas of minimum
Figure S2. In-situ AFM measurements of the topography change under irradiation with IP of
different combinations: SS, PP and 45 in single measurement. (a) The scan starts with
reference scan from top towards bottom, at a position "I" the irradiation with SS combination
is switched on for 5 seconds. At the position marked by "II" the polarization is changed to PP
combination, followed by reversible swtiching to SS combination at point "III". b)
comparison of extracted profiles from figure a. (c) Reversible switching experiment between
PP-SS-PP. d) comparison of extracted profiles from figure c. (e) Reversible switching
experiment between SS-45-SS. f) comparison of extracted profiles from figure e. (g)
Reversible switching experiment between 45-SS-45. h) comparison of extracted profiles from
figure g. (i) Reversible switching experiment between 45-PP-45. j) comparison of extracted
profiles from figure i. (k) Reversible switching experiment between PP-SS-PP. l) comparison
of extracted profiles from figure k. The scan direction for all the experiments are from top to
Figure S3. AFM micrographs of the SRG formed during irradiation with ±45 interference
patterns at different optical periodicities (D): (a) 4µm, (c) 2µm and (e) 1µm. During first
8minutes of irradiation there are relief gratings with periodicities half of the optical one.
During further irradiation one of the formed peak disappears while the other growth
continuously. (b, d and f) show the final grating after 15 minutes of irradiation..
Figure S4. In situ AFM analysis of mixing two beam interference of polarization modulated
interference combinations in a sequence in single experiment. a), b) and c) show experiment
with combination between ±45↗↖ and ±45↖↗. Both of these combinations are orthogonal
linear polarizations in phase and they are same. d), e) and f) show experiment with one beam
1800 out of phase as ±45↗↘. Changing from ±45↗↖ to ±45↗↘ shifted the polymer grating by
half a period and the phase transitions are inverted as shown in d. g), h) and i) show the out of
phase condition relation between SP↑← and SP↑→.