Guidelines and assignments for Mol Biol class on Jan 6, 2015 Place


Guidelines and assignments for Mol Biol class on Jan 6, 2015

Place : 醫技系 5761 教室

To divide into four groups as list in the excel file (Group1-4).

Each group has 2 questions and need to presentation for 20 min with ppt file.

Each group need to read the review papers and answer the following questions.


Cellular mechanisms and physiological consequences of redox-dependent sig naling Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol.

2014 Jun;15(6):411-21.


Modulation of oxidative stress as an anticancer strategy Nat Rev Drug


2013 Dec;12(12):931-47


The questions are list as follows:

Group1 (The first paper)

Q1: What are the intracellular sources of ROS in cell and how to produce ROS?

What’s the component and activation difference between NOX1-5 (NADPH oxidase

1-5) and Duox1-2?

Q2: How to detect the ROS? Please describe the methods and mechanism.


Q1: What’s the signaling pathway to generate ROS and how to affect cellular function?

Q2: How to maintain the redox homeostasis in cell? (The oxidant and antioxidant system)

Group3 (The second paper)

Q1: What’s the oxidative stress, ROS inducers and ROS scavengers?

Q2: The role of ROS in cancer?

Group 4

Q1: What’s the paradoxically role of Nrf2 in cancer.

Q2: How to scavenger the ROS or increasing the ROS production as anticancer strategy?
