Supplemental figures and tables: Figure S1. Generation procedure of the 2D mask: (a) the 3D skull; (b) top view of the 3D skull; (c) projection of the 3D skull from the top view; and (d) 2D mask from (c) by filling the holes. The arrows in the images denote the front of the skull. Figure S2. Determination of the midsagittal line: (a) for each point on the boundary, the longest line connecting this point to the rest of boundary points was detected; (b) the lines with length ranked top 10% were selected as candidate MSLs; (c) 2D mask with candidate MSL with dash and red color; (d) the “mirror” mask from (c) flipped along the candidate MSL; (e) overlap area between original mask (c) and its “mirror” mask; (f) the determined MSL with dash and red color on brain image. The arrow in the image denotes the front of the skull. Figure S3. The alignment of the 3D skull: (a) the pre-alignment 3D skull; (b) the pre-alignment 2D mask with the MSL (dash and red color); (c) the aligned 2D mask with the vertical centerline of the image (blue line); (d) the aligned 3D skull; (e) the top view of the aligned 3D skull; (f) the aligned 2D brain. The arrows in the images denote the front of the skull. Figure S4. The likelihood map of the all segmented suture structures (right/left coronal suture, right and left lambdoid suture, sagittal suture, and metopic suture) Figure S5. Alignment performances of lines with length ranked top 10%, 20% and 50% as candidate MSLs in first, second and third row, respectively. (a) detected candidate MSLs; (b) determined MSL with dash and red color; (c) aligned 2D mask; (d) aligned 3D skull, and (e) top view of the aligned 3D skull. The arrows in the images denote the front of the skull. Table S1. Summary of all the features extracted Space relationships of sutures (3: 1-3) 1 2 3 Front-distance from the coronal suture to the front of the skull Rear-distance from the lambdoid to the rear of the skull Middle-distance from the lambdoid to the coronal suture Features extraction from the region of the left coronal suture (15: Shape based 4-17; Position probability 18) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Existence (1 or 0) of this left coronal suture Average length of the left coronal suture Area of the left coronal suture Average width of the left coronal suture Number of suture segments in the region of the left coronal suture Area of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Perimeter of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Area of the bounding box of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Major axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Minor axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Orientation of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Eccentricity of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Sphericity of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Compactness of the segment with largest area in the region of the left coronal suture Position probability of the left coronal suture Features extraction from the region of the right coronal suture (15: Shape based 19-32; Position probability 33) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Existence (1 or 0) of this right coronal suture Average length of the right coronal suture Area of the right coronal suture Average width of the right coronal suture Number of suture segments in the region of the right coronal suture Area of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Perimeter of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Area of the bounding box of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Major axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Minor axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Orientation of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Eccentricity of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Sphericity of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Compactness of the segment with largest area in the region of the right coronal suture Position probability of the right coronal suture Features extraction from the region of the left lambdoid suture (15: Shape based 34-47; Position probability 48) 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Existence (1 or 0) of this left lambdoid suture Average length of the left lambdoid suture Area of the left lambdoid suture Average width of the left lambdoid suture Number of suture segments in the region of the left lambdoid suture Area of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Perimeter of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Area of the bounding box of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Major axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Minor axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Orientation of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Eccentricity of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Sphericity of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Compactness of the segment with largest area in the region of the left lambdoid suture Position probability of the left lambdoid suture Features extraction from the region of the Right lambdoid suture (15: Shape based 49-62; Position probability 63) 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Existence (1 or 0) of this right lambdoid suture Average length of the right lambdoid suture Area of the right lambdoid suture Average width of the right lambdoid suture Number of suture segments in the region of the right lambdoid suture Area of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Perimeter of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Area of the bounding box of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Major axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Minor axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Orientation of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Eccentricity of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Sphericity of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Compactness of the segment with largest area in the region of the right lambdoid suture Position probability of the right lambdoid suture Features extraction from the region of the Sagittal suture (15: Shape based 64-77; Position probability 78) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Existence (1 or 0) of this sagittal suture Average length of the sagittal suture Area of the sagittal suture Average width of the sagittal suture Number of suture segments in the region of the sagittal suture Area of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Perimeter of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Area of the bounding box of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Major axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Minor axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Orientation of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Eccentricity of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Sphericity of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Compactness of the segment with largest area in the region of the sagittal suture Position probability of the sagittal suture Features extraction from the region of Metopic suture and anterior fontanelles (15: Shape based 79-92; Position probability 93) 79 Existence (1 or 0) of this metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 80 Average length of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 81 Area of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 82 Average width of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 83 Number of suture segments in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 84 Area of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 85 Perimeter of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 86 Area of the bounding box of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 87 Major axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 88 Minor axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 89 Orientation of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 90 Eccentricity of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 91 Sphericity of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 92 Compactness of the segment with largest area in the region of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles 93 Position probability of the metopic suture and anterior fontanelles Features extraction from the region of whole structure of six sutures (15: Shape based 94-107; Position probability 108) 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Existence (1 or 0) of whole structure of six sutures Average length of whole structure of six sutures Area of whole structure of six sutures Average width of whole structure of six sutures Number of suture segments in the region of whole structure of six sutures Area of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Perimeter of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Area of the bounding box of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Major axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Minor axis length of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Orientation of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Eccentricity of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Sphericity of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Compactness of the segment with largest area in the region of whole structure of six sutures Position probability of whole structure of six sutures