ART 263 Sec2 Schedule (Doc)

Art 263 Animation I Syllabus Schedule F14
Section 02, 11074, T/TH 11:00 am - 1:45pm
Professor Crowe
Office Hours By Appointment AC402: T/Th 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Week 1: Class overview, introductions.
History -- The Silent Era
Activities -- Drawing Basics
Class overview, introductions.
Sketchbook assignment – Keep a sketchbook for this class for note taking and drawing
exercises. In addition to specific assignments, filling the book with drawings from
observation will count toward extra credit/participation points.
Assignment 1 – in your sketchbook, do two pages of circles, two pages of turning the
circles into characters, and one still life. Due in one week.
Historical screenings if time allows.
Historical screenings
Work on Assignment 1
Week 2: History -- Silent Era, continued
Activity -- Drawing Basics, Flipbooks
Instructor views sketchbook (Assignment 1) individually.
Assignment 2: Flipbooks. Pleased do two in two separate note/memo pads. Doing only
one will result in a grade of 50/F. Due in one week. Note: Once flipbooks have been
submitted, graded, and returned, you may shoot them with the “Lunchbox” system, or
scan them and put them in Flash on your own time for extra credit.
Historical screenings if time allows.
Historical screenings
Work on Assignment 2
Week 3: History – Sound, Color, and other technical innovations
Activities – Flipbooks, Bouncing Ball animation
Assignment 2 due: Flipbooks
Assignment 3: Bouncing Ball animation. Due a week from Thursday. Animations will be
presented as an “mov” file on
Historical Screenings if time allows.
Historical screenings
Work on Assignment 3
Week 4: History -- Sound, Color, and other technical innovations, continued
Activity -- Bouncing ball, continued; start Flag Wave
Work on Assignment 3, due Thursday
Historical screenings
Critique Assignment 3: Bouncing Ball
Sketchbook homework: Spend at least an hour studying a real flag and doing quick
sketches of the wave pattern. Fill up 8 pages in sketchbook. Due Tuesday.
Historical screenings if time allows
Week 5: History – Feature films, comedic shorts, tech innovations, WW2
Activities – Flag wave
Assignment 4: Flag wave, due one week from Thursday
Instructor will check sketchbooks for flag sketches
Historical Screenings if time allows.
Historical screenings
Work on Assignment 4
Week 6: History -- Feature films, comedic shorts, tech innovations, WW2, continued
Activities -- Flag wave; continued
Work on Assignment 4, due Thursday
Historical screenings
Critique Assignment 4: Flag wave
Sketchbook assignment: Draw a simple “bean man” in several poses; fill at least two
pages of sketchbook. Due Tuesday.
Historical Screenings if time allows.
Week 7: History -- The post war era, 1950s features and shorts, TV
Activities -- Biped walk, midterm quiz review
Assignment 5: Biped walk, due in two weeks
Historical Screenings if time allows
Midterm quiz review
Historical screenings
Work on Assignment 5 if time allows
Week 8: History -- The post war era, 1950s features and shorts, TV, continued
Activities -- Biped walk, continued
Midterm quiz – animation history covered up to this point
Historical screenings
Work on Assignment 5 if time allows
Work on Assignment 5, due Tuesday
Historical screenings
Week 9: History – More TV, 1960s and 70s
Activities -- Biped walk, Flour sack animation
Critique Assignment 5: Biped walk
Historical screenings if time allows
Assignment 6: Flour sack animation, due in two weeks
Lecture on Action Analysis for Flour Sack animation.
Historical screenings if time allows
Week 10: History -- 1960s and 70s, continued
Activity -- Flour sack, continued
Work on Assignment 6
Historical screenings
Work on Assignment 6
Historical screenings
Week 11: History – 1980s, CG animation, the second golden age.
Activities – Flour sack
Work on Assignment 6, due Thursday
Historical screenings
Critique Assignment 6: Flour sack
Historical screenings if time allows
Spring break homework – continue filing sketchbook with drawings observed from life.
SPRING BREAK April 5 – 12.
Week 12: History -- 1980s, CG animation, the second golden age, continued.
Activity – Resume and cover letter
Assignment 7: Resume and cover letter, due in one week
Historical screenings
Historical screenings
Week 13: History – 1990s
Activity –Resume, Cover letters, Animation jobs
Assignment 7 due: Resume and Cover letter
Lecture/handout: animation job titles
Historical screenings if time allows
Historical screenings
Week 14: History -- 1990s continued
Activity – Group Projects
Assignment 8: Group Project on the history of Global animation, due in two weeks.
Divide into groups.
Historical screenings if time allows
Historical screenings
Week 15: History – Review
Activities -- Group Project
Quiz review: history covered since midterm, animation job titles
Work on group project, due in one week.
Final quiz: history covered since midterm; animation job titles
Work on group projects
Week 16: Group Project
All Group project presentations due
Group project presentations continued
Please note:
The syllabus and schedule is subject to change due to overall student progress, or
judgment calls from the Instructor.
Students will not work on projects during screenings unless given specific
permission to do so.