SYLLABUS - NANOTECHNOLOGY Crystal structure, space lattice, basis, Bravais Lattice, space, coordination number, lattice plane, Miller Indices, interplanar distance, atomic radii, lattice constant and density, reciprocal lattice, Bragg’s Law, X-ray diffraction, atomic scattering factor, crystal Imperfections, defects, point, surface and volume defects, Burger vector, origin of energy gap, Bloch theorem, Kronig Penney Model, effective mass of electron, tight binding approximation, Brillouin zone, nearly free electron model, Hall effect. Polarization mechanism & dielectric constant, behavior of polarization under impulse and frequency switching, dielectric loss, spontaneous polarization, piezoelectric effect, applications of dielectric materials. Concept of magnetism, classification – dia-, para-, ferro-, antiferro- and ferri-magnetic materials, their properties and applications, hysteresis, magnetic storage and surfaces, magnetic ordering and exchange interactions. Meissner- effect, critical field, type-I and type-II superconductors, field penetration and London equation, Joesphson Junction, SQUIDs, coherence length, BCS Theory, high temperature superconductors and their applications. Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger equations, the fine structure of hydrogen and Zeeman effect: hydrogen in an external magnetic field. Time-dependent perturbation theory; examples of perturbation theory, selection rules for atomic transitions, emission and absorption of radiation, radiative decay of 2p state of hydrogen, finite width of excited state, selection rules, quantum well and energy barriers. Semiconducting materials, elemental and compound semiconductors, models (valence band, energy band), electron and hole concentrations inside semiconductors, fermi level and energy distribution of carriers, temperature dependence, heavily doped semiconductors. drift of carriers, mobility of carriers, conductivity, non-linear conductivity, carrier flow by diffusion, Einstein relations, excess carriers in semiconductors (Injection, recombination, quasi Fermi levels, basixc equation for semiconductor, device operations) p-n junction, abrupt junction, linearly graded junction, diffused junction, diodes: ideal and real diodes, temperature dependence of I-V characteristics, injection effects, electrical breakdown: mechanisms, Zener and avalanche. Tunnel diode, backward diode, Schottky barrier diode, Ohmic contacts, heterojunctions, solar Cell, photo detectors, LED, semiconductor lasers, JFET , basic types of MESFETs, model for I-V characteristics, MESFET structures. Optical fibers and wave guides.