Procedures: Fellowships Students
Changing for Excellence Phase III - SSC
Affected Areas
Shared Service Center – Finance (SSC-F)
Financial Aid & Scholarships (FAS)
Office of the Bursar (Bursar)
Process Overview Notes
The process detailed below describes the granting of fellowships to students. Information relevant to fellowship processing is found in the following systems:
IFAS (the primary financial system of KUEA)
DEMIS (the primary data warehouse of UKANS and KUCR)
PeopleSoft Financials
PeopleSoft Enroll and Pay module (students only)
Departmental Spreadsheets and Databases
Process Requirements and Guidelines - Students
The following section provides details on the steps required to process a scholarship for KU students – from the time the student is selected to receive the fellowship to the moment when the payment is disbursed. Any optional or recommended actions are identified as such; all other elements should be considered mandatory components of the process.
Note: Before the Department is able to identify fellowship recipients, the SSC must provide sufficient information to make this decision. The person in the SSC performing this function must have familiarity with, and access to, each of the systems listed above in order to identify and project funds and commitments and to maintain accurate records.
The SSC-Finance must also have extensive familiarity and a strong working relationship with the
Department/Dean/Director/Chair for which he/she is working.
The SSC-Finance must be able to effectively use Datamart, DEMIS, IFAS and the PeopleSoft Enroll and Pay module to identify and export data which is critical to accurate planning and cooperation with the Department.
Gather preliminary allocations. Use IFAS (KUEA), DEMIS, and other systems as necessary. o Owner: SSC-F
Departments identify those students who will receive fellowships. o Owner: Department
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Procedures: Fellowships Students
Changing for Excellence Phase III - SSC o o
It is assumed that prior to this time the SSC has provided financial reports to the
Dean/Chair/Director which allow him/her to make fellowship decisions based on availability of funding.
For research awards, the Principle Investigator is responsible for notifying the grant monitor that fellowship payments need to commence.
Review the award and sponsor requirement s to ensure sufficient funding, allowability, eligibility/project dates, and any other pertinent details. o Owner: SSC-F
Submit the Scholarship & Fellowship form found on the FAS website o Owner: SSC-F o o Verify item type number and request a new number if necessary; contact the Associate Director of FAS to request a new item type number.
Is the Student’s Fellowship paid from KUCR funds or sponsored research? o Owner: SSC-F o If Yes: Proceed to Step 6 o If No: Proceed to Step 9
Print the form and obtain the PI/Delegate’s signature. o Owner: SSC-F
Scan supporting documents containing appropriate signatures and save them, and the Fellowship form, on the
KUCR network drive. o Owner: SSC-F
KUCR reviews the documentation uploaded to the network drive by the SSC-Finance. o Owner: KUCR o KUCR must review all fellowship payments which use KUCR or sponsored funds before they can be paid. o KUCR maintains the fellowship documentation on its network drive for up to 11 years, as required by the agencies and sponsors involved. o Once approval is granted by KUCR, they will direct the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship (FAS) to the documents stored on the network drive and request that FAS post the fellowship payment to the student’s account.
Before posting the fellowship, FAS must determine whether the student is a U.S. resident or not. This information is noted on the Scholarship & Fellowship Form which was filled out and forwarded by the SSC-
Finance. o Owner: SSC-F o Is the student a US Resident or Permanent Resident?
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Procedures: Fellowships Students
Changing for Excellence Phase III - SSC
If Yes: Proceed to Step 11
If No: FAS must send the student’s information to the Office of the Bursar who will guide the student through registration on the GLACIER foreign tax system. Proceed to Step 10.
FAS must direct the student to complete the GLACIER registration with the Bursar’s assistance and return tax information and documentation to the Bursar before payment can be disbursed. o Owner: Bursar o After hearing from FAS, the Bursar sends an email to the student requesting they complete the
GLACIER paperwork and return it in person so tax-related documents can be reviewed by the Bursar’s
Office, then copied/scanned in compliance with applicable regulations or country tax treaties. o The Bursar will assist the student with GLACIER-related questions and help ensure he/she completes all of the paperwork. The Bursar maintains physical copies of this paperwork for all current students, and retains electronic copies for former students. o The Bursar informs the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships when the student has completed all of the necessary tax forms and the tax impact of the fellowship payment has been calculated.
FAS receives notification that the Student is ready to have the fellowship payment posted to his/her account in
PeopleSoft Enroll & Pay (referred to sometimes as PeopleSoft SA or Student Accounts). o Owner: FAS
Is the funding provided by UKANS, KUCR, or KUEA? o Owner: FAS
If KUEA or UKANS: The responsible department is charged/debited via PeopleSoft Financials.
Proceed to Step 13.
For KUEA and University funds, PeopleSoft Student Financials relies on Item Types to perform internal billing processes. Items Types map fellowship accounts to the general ledger. Based on the fellowship type, PeopleSoft Enroll & Pay automatically funding source (if KUEA or UKANS).
If KUCR: FAS Officials make a record of the KUCR-sponsored fellowships. Proceed to Step
14. performs the appropriate Departmental entries. The following steps offer a brief explanation of the internal routing performed by PeopleSoft based on the fellowship’s
KUCR accounts are not associated with Item Types; therefore, the automatic mapping and routing which occurs for KUEA and UKANS accounts does not occur for fellowships funded by KUCR funds. See step 14 for an explanation of FAS’ procedures for identifying disbursements from KUCR funds.
PeopleSoft will help FAS identify KUEA or KU disbursements and request reimbursement based on the Item
Type, mentioned above. o Owner: FAS o End of process
Create a list of fellowship disbursements. Item Types are not used to map KUCR accounts with fellowships. o Owner: FAS
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Procedures: Fellowships Students
Changing for Excellence Phase III - SSC o FAS manually reviews fellowship payments and identifies those which are funded by KUCR.
After identifying KUCR-funded fellowships, FAS adds detail explaining which project or specific fund is attached to the disbursement. o Owner: FAS o Fund 720 or 721 will be used to make the fellowship disbursements.
Report 720 disbursements o Owner: FAS o The 720 report includes a summary of the disbursements and projects/funds to which they were attached to. This report is sent to KUCR for review.
Review the 720 report for accuracy o Owner: KUCR o KUCR will ensure that the disbursements were matched to the appropriate project/fund.
Post charges to grants. o Owner: KUCR o After confirming the disbursements were appropriately assigned to the right project/fund, KUCR will invoice the related grants in order to reimburse the Comptroller’s 720/721 fund.
The SSC should continue monitoring fellowships using system access and ensure compliance is met and payments are disbursed appropriately.
KUCR will perform periodic audits to review previously approved fellowships.
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