Thursday, May 28 1. Begin viewing Sybil Learning Targets: Cite examples of abnormal behavior. Determine the cause of Sybil’s disorder from at least two psychological perspectives. Tuesday, May 26 1. Present Brain Games 2. Hand in paper Thursday, May 21, 2015 1. Work on your Brain Game exhibit. Tomorrow is your last day to work in class. Wednesday, May 20, 2015 1. Work on your Brain Game exhibit. Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1. Make groups and decide on your Brain Game exhibit. Discuss T-Shirt Monday, May 18, 2015 1. Make groups and decide on your Brain Game exhibit. Friday, May 15 1. Watch Brain Games and get ideas for your project Thursday, May 14 1. Choose final T-shirt 2. Complete “Did You Know?” Posters Learning Target: Review Psychological Concepts from the year *Start collecting all your graded work Wednesday, May 13 1. Choose final T-shirt 2. Work on “Did You Know?” Posters Learning Target: Review Psychological Concepts from the year *Start collecting all your graded work Tuesday, May 12 1. Vote on T-shirt design 2. Work on “Did You Know?” Posters (due Friday, 5/15…or sooner) Learning Target: Review Psychological Concepts from the year Monday, May 11 1. Complete “What About Bob” CER (due at the end of class) 2. Work on “Did You Know?” Posters (due Friday, 5/15…or sooner) Learning Target: Diagnose Bob using the criteria from the DSM Friday, May 8 1. Continue watching “What About Bob” and working on the CER Learning Target: Diagnose Bob using the criteria from the DSM *Start collecting all your graded work Thursday, May 7 1. Discuss the FRQs 2. Narrow down t-shirt options 3. Continue watching “What About Bob” and completing the CER Learning Target: Diagnose Bob using the criteria from the DSM *Start collecting all your graded work Wednesday, May 6 1. Come up with t-shirt options 2. Watch “What About Bob” and complete the CER Learning Target: Diagnose Bob using the criteria from the DSM *Start collecting all your graded work Tuesday, May 5 (1 day after the AP Exam!) 1. Not talk about the test 2. Evaluation on Survey Monkey 3. T-shirts 4. Begin watching “What About Bob” and completing the CER Learning Target: Diagnose Bob using the criteria from the DSM *Start collecting all your graded work Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1. Complete Sybil Learning Targets: Cite examples of abnormal behavior. Determine the cause of Sybil’s disorder from at least two psychological perspectives Monday, June 2 1. View and participate in Brain Games Learning Target: Students will be able to identify factors that improve memory Friday, May 30 1. View and participate in Brain Games Learning Target: Students will be able to identify factors that improve memory Thursday, May 29 1. Present 1 Project 2. Continue viewing Sybil Learning Targets: Cite examples of abnormal behavior. Determine the cause of Sybil’s disorder from at least two psychological perspectives. Wednesday, May 28 1. Present 1 Project 2. Continue viewing Sybil Learning Targets: Cite examples of abnormal behavior. Determine the cause of Sybil’s disorder from at least two psychological perspectives. Friday, May 23 1. Present Projects 2. Play student generated Kahoots Order your t-shirts TODAY Learning Target: Apply Psychological Concepts to everyday examples Thursday, May 22, 2014 1. Design a Kahoot! Go to: Getakahoot Name your quiz using the topic and your last name Made at least a 10 Question Quiz If you have time, include pictures When you are done, go to “Me” at the top of your screen. Then choose “Save and Exit” Share you quiz with me (raduege) Projects are due: Friday, May 23 Order your t-shirts TODAY Learning Target: Apply Psychological Concepts to everyday examples Wednesday, May 21 1. Work on Project Learning Target: Students will either identify what brain structures can make someone extraordinary or else diagnose someone using the DSM as a guide. Projects are due: Friday, May 23 Order your t-shirts TODAY Tuesday, May 20 1. Work on Project Learning Target: Students will either identify what brain structures can make someone extraordinary or else diagnose someone using the DSM as a guide. Order your t-shirts TODAY Monday, May 19 1. Work on Project Learning Target: Students will either identify what brain structures can make someone extraordinary or else diagnose someone using the DSM as a guide. Friday, May 16 1. “Friendly” class competition 2. Introduce Project choices Learning Target: Students will either identify what brain structures can make someone extraordinary or else diagnose someone using the DSM as a guide. Wednesday, May 14 1. Work on “Did You Know?” Posters (due Friday, 5/16…or sooner) Learning Target: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of a psychological concept by writing an example and illustrating it. Tuesday, May 13 1. Work on “What About Bob” CER (due at the end of class) 2. Work on “Did You Know?” Posters (due Friday, 5/16…or sooner) Learning Target: Diagnose Bob using the criteria from the DSM Monday, May 12 1. 3rd and 7th Hour: Complete watching “What About Bob” and complete CER 2. 5th Hour: Work on CER and start “Did You Know Posters” Learning Target: Diagnose Bob using the criteria from the DSM *Start collecting all your graded work