Blue Mountain Translator District Welcome Blue Mountain Translator District Members to our annual newsletter, 2015/16 CONTACT INFORMATION PO Box 901 La Grande OR 97850 541.963.0196/541.406.4900 Email us at: Blue Mountain Translator District on Facebook LIKE us for the latest information on what the district is up to! OPT OUT FORMS According to Oregon Statutes 354 we are required to mail each district member annually. Our address records tie in with both county assessors’ offices. Remember to fill out your form according to usage at the location address. If your property is a rental you are responsible for responding according to your tenant’s usage. If you have multiple residences, please respond per each residence. REMINDER LETTERS BMTD’s Board of Directors Your current Board Members are: Tim Wallender, Ken Patterson, Christina Wood, Julianne Williams and Tim Kerns This year sees Dennis Spence retire from the district’s board. We thank Dennis for his 20 years of volunteer service to the district. We are always looking for more board members and if you have an interest in keeping television on the air in Baker and Union Counties we would appreciate your time as a board member. Contact the district for more information. OUTAGES Please contact the district if you are having trouble receiving the signal. We are here to help. If outage problems, troubleshoot first by checking your antenna connections and rescanning your television. If the problem persists, call the district at 541.406.4900 or 541.963.0196 As noted on the annual mailing last year and this year we are no longer sending reminder letters in January. Should you feel you have not received an annual letter please contact the district office and one will be sent to you. FUTURE PLANS Channel 23 was converted from analog to digital this May. We are now broadcasting 3 Boise channels in Union County. You may have to rescan your televisions. The district is working to bring a fiber connection allowing us to broadcast more channels. Stay tuned! The FCC is going to be conducting a spectrum auction that could have a negative impact on the district. Please contact your government reps in DC and express your concern for protecting translator television. For more information:!facts/c103x Blue Mountain Translator District NEWS Beaver Mountain – Baker County We have added a PAYPAL button to our website for annual membership fees, be sure to add your reference number to special instructions when using PayPal. Opt Out forms may also be scanned and emailed (no photos) to rather than mailed. The district will reply to your email to confirm receipt. Point your antenna towards the mountain south of Baker City just east of Dooley Mountain Mt Fanny – Baker and Union Counties Point your antenna towards the mountain above the town of Cove Mt Harris – Union County Point your antenna at the mountain east of Imbler CHANNEL LISTINGS FUNDING The district board is looking at ways to change our tax base to be more fair and equitable along with changing our statutes. Presently no households in the incorporated cities are members of the district although they are liable for the signal if they receive and use it. We propose incorporating these households into the district with a nominal flat fee, assessing the flat fee tax on all households and eliminate the annual mailing. Please share your thoughts regarding this with the district office, board members, county commissioners and your state senators and representatives. HOW TO RECEIVE THE SIGNAL You will need an outdoor UHF antenna. A separate pre-amp may be needed to improve the reception from your outdoor antenna. A newer digital capable television must be used. If you have an older television you will need a converter box to receive the digital signals. Beaver Mountain – Baker County 40 KPTV Fox Portland 42 KOIN CBS Portland 44 KATU ABC Portland 46 7.1 KTVB NBC Boise - HD 7.2 KTVB NBC Boise 7.3 JN Justice Network 50 KGW NBC Portland Mt. Fanny – Union and Baker Counties 23 7.1 KTVB NBC Boise - HD 7.2 KTVB 24/7 Boise 7.3 JN Justice Network 26 KGW NBC Portland 29 KOIN CBS Portland 31 KRCW NW32 Portland 33 KPTV FOX Portland 35 KATU ABC Portland 39 KPDX PDX Portland Mt Harris – Union County 41 KPTV FOX Portland 43 KGW NBC Portland 45 KOIN CBS Portland 47 KATU ABC Portland You will also receive: Oregon Public Broadcasting on 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3 from Mt Fanny & Beaver Mountain. Spanish channels Univision 16.1 and Mundofox 16.2 from Mt Fanny.