x-ray interactions

Radiological Physics and Dosimetry
Fall 2014
Schedule Number: 22629
Class Days: M W F
Class Times: 10:10:50
Class Location: P-245
Professor: Patrick Papin
Contact Information:
Office Hours Days: MWF
Office Hours Times (and by appointment): 11-12
Office Hours Location: P-231
Course Overview
Description from the Official Course Catalog: Ionizing radiation fields, interactions of radiation with matter, cavity
theory, external radiation dosimetry.
Description of the Purpose and Course Content: The logical development of radiological physics, leading into
radiation dosimetry in its broader sense. The recommendations of the International Commission on Radiation Units
and Measurements (ICRU) are used as the primary basis for the radiological units and quantities used throughout
the course. Dosimetry concepts such as radiation equilibrium, charged-particle equilibrium, transient chargedparticle equilibrium, broad-beam attenuation, and the derivation of the Kramers x-ray spectrum are presented.
Gamma- and x-ray interactions, charged particle interactions, and neutron interactions are addressed to provide
the physical basis of radiological physics, detection, measurement , and dosimetry. The course will cover the
following instrumentation: Ionization chambers, integrating dosimeters, pulse-mode detectors, and neutron
Student Learning Outcomes: You should be able identify, describe, and explain the principles of radiological physics
and radiation dosimetry. With this knowledge you will be able to analyze and recognize proper detection and
measurement techniques and instrumentation leading to an accurate determination of radiation exposure and
Real Life Relevance: Without an understanding of the principles taught in this class one could not function in any
field related to the intentional or non-intentional use of ionizing radiation.
Relation to Other Courses: Any course that involves the study and use of ionizing radiation will utilize principles
from this course. This is true in the professional areas of medical and health physics, radiation protection.
environmental science, and homeland security.
Enrollment Information
Prerequisites: Credit or concurrent registration in Physics 354.
Adding/Dropping Procedures: Students must make schedule adjustments by September 8, 2014.
Course Materials
Required text:
F.H. Attix “Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry. Wiley, 2004
Recommended materials:
J. E. Turner, “Radiation, and Radiation Protection” 2007 Edition: 3rd Edition
H. E. Johns and J. R. Cunningham, “The Physics of Radiology,” 1983, 4th edition.
F. M. Khan, “The Physics of Radiation Therapy,” 2003, 3rd edition.
AAPM. Task Group 21. Medical Physics, 10 (6), 1983.
AAPM's TG-51 protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high-energy photon and electron beams.
Med Phys. 1999 Sep;26(9):1847-70.
Course Structure and Conduct
Class Format: The classes will take the form of a lecture and discussion. Students are expected to have reviewed all material
before class and be capable of participating and answering questions in class.
Course Outline (subject to change)
Topics and chapter
Aug 25 (M)
Ionizing Radiation (Ch 1)
Aug 27 (W)
Quantities and definitions (Kerma, Dose, Exposure) (Ch 2)
Sept 3 (W)
Quantities and definitions (Kerma, Dose, Exposure) (Ch 2)
Sept 10 (W)
Exponential attenuation: Narrow/broad beam attenuation (Ch 3)
Sept 12 (F)
Charged-particle and radiation equilibria (Ch 4)
Sept 19 (F)
Charged-particle and radiation equilibria (Ch 4)
Sept 24 (W)
Sept 26 (F)
Exam 1 (Ch 1, 2, 3, 4)
Oct 3 (F)
Oct 6 (M)
Oct 8 (W)
Oct 13 (M)
Oct 15 (W)
Oct 20 (M)
Oct 22 (W)
Oct 27 (M)
Oct 29 (W)
Photon interactions in matter (Ch 7)
Photon interactions in matter (Ch 7)
Charge particle interactions (Ch 8)
Charge particle interactions (Ch 8)
Charge particle interactions (Ch 8)
X-ray production and quality (Ch 9)
X-ray production and quality (Ch 9)
Exam 2 (Ch 7, 8, 9)
Nov 3 (M)
Nov 5 (W)
Nov 10 (M)
Nov 17 (M)
Nov 19 (W)
Nov 24 (M)
Dec 1 (M)
Dec 3 (W)
Cavity theory (Ch 10)
Dosimetry fundamentals (Ch 11)
Ionization chambers (Ch 12)
Ionization chambers (Ch 12)
Integrating dosimeters (Ch 14)
Pulse mode detectors (Ch 15)
Exam 3 (Ch 10, 11, 12, 14, 15)
Dec 8 (M)
Dec 10 (W)
Neutron interactions and dosimetry (Ch 16)
Course wrap-up and review
Dec 12 (F), Comprehensive Final Exam (10:30-12:30)
Chapters 5 and 6 will be covered in Phy 567 (Nuclear Medicine)
Chapter 13 will be covered in Phy 672A (Radiation Therapy Lab)
Course Assessment and Grading
Course grade, based on participation (10%), assignments (20%), Exam 1 (15%), Exam 2 (15%),
Exam 3 (15%), and Final Exam (25%).
Assignment due dates will be given throughout term. Late assignments will be deducted at a rate of 10% each day late.
The following grading scheme will be used (Plus grading may be used to benefit students):
85 – 100%
75 – 84%
65 – 74%
55 – 64%
less than 55%
Student Disability Services
If you believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact me and Student Disability Services
at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon
as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon
disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.