Please secure your payment to this form and return back to your child’s teacher. Thank you for supporting Jones Dairy. Go Panthers! 2013- 2014 Jones Dairy Elementary PTA Membership Application/Direct Donation Option WELCOME to JONES DAIRY ELEMENTARY! We hope that your experience within our JDE family over the next year will be a positive, fun filled, journey and that your child/children will share those same experiences as well. As a “ School of Excellence”, each year, we start fresh and we wouldn’t be able to do all that we do throughout the school year without YOUR support, whether that be as a PTA member or whether that be through your direct donation. Option #1) PTA Membership Application: The cost of membership is $7.00. The JDE PTA forwards $4, to the National & NC PTA for support & the remaining $3 is used for Jones Dairy PTA for efforts here at our school. As part of the JDE PTA family, you would be entitled to participate or vote in business meetings of the general membership including the election of officers. You are entitled to National PTA membership discounts. You will be e-mailed a monthly school newsletter. Option #2) Direct Donation Option: 100% of proceeds go back to JDE and you receive a car magnet and window decal for showing your support for our school!!! You will be e-mailed a monthly school newsletter. Option #3) Sign up for BOTH: PTA Membership & Make a Direct Donation: You will receive both a PTA membership, a window decal, car magnet and a e-newsletter. Please list information for one child so that we can get the membership cards and/or magnets to you: Child’s First & Last Name: ____________________________ Teacher:_____________Track: ______Grade:______ Option 1: JDE PTA Membership Yes I want to be a PTA Member so I can support my school and local PTA efforts. Please circle which type of membership you want: (Single/Family) Cost: Single Membership - $7.00 (one card) Cost: Family Membership - $14.00 (2 cards) (Please make checks out to: JDE PTA. NO magnet or window decal given with this option) First Name: _________________________Last Name:_________________________ If Family Membership please list the FIRST & LAST name for the 2nd card: First: ______________ Last: ___________________ Email address:__________________________________________ Option 2: Direct Donation I do not want to be a PTA member but want a 100% of my gift to go directly to Jones Dairy Elementary PTA and will receive a window decal and a magnet to display my spirit. Amount of Direct Donation: ___$10___$15___$20____Other (Make checks out to: JDE PTA) First Name:_________________________Last Name:_________________________ Email address:__________________________________________ Option 3: Sign up for Both If you choose this option, please fill out BOTH Option # 1 and Option #2 above. You will receive a PTA membership card, window decal and car magnet. Thank you for your support! For PTA Use Only: Date______ ____________ Amnt Recvd:___________Cash:_________Check#: _______________Recvd By: For PTA Use Only: Date:________Amount Recvd:___________ Cash:_______ _Check #:___________Received By: ____________