STEPHEN OLBRYS GENCARELLA 233 Hamburg Road Lyme, CT 06371 Cell Phone: (860) 617-1386 Email: Department of Communication University of Massachusetts, Amherst Amherst, MA 01003 Office Phone: (413) 545-3685 EDUCATION: Joint Ph.D. Communication and Culture and Folklore, Indiana University, 2003 Dissertation: Social Evil, Civil Rights, and the Commodification of the Salem Witch Trials Committee: John Lucaites (director), Richard Bauman, Robert Ivie, John McDowell M.A. Classical Studies, Tufts University, 1995 Thesis: “What Does Your Mind Hide Within?” Nous as a Model of Consciousness in Ancient Greek Literature Committee: Steven Hirsch (director), Gregory Crane B.A. Humanities, Providence College, 1993 (summa cum laude) ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 2009-present Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2003-2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2001-2003 Lecturer, Department of Communication, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2000-2001 Visiting Instructor, Department of Educational Psychology, Indiana University 1999-2001 Associate Instructor / Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication and Culture, Indiana University 1999 Instructor, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) 1997-1999 Associate Instructor / Teaching Assistant, Folklore Institute, Indiana University SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY: Book, Edited Gencarella, S. and Pezzullo, P., Eds. (2010). Readings on Rhetoric and Performance. State College, PA: Strata Publishing, Inc. (Reviewed by Vershawn Ashanti Young in Text and Performance Quarterly, 31, 4, 451-453; reviewed by Juan Francisco Sans in Journal of Folklore Research, March 2013, online.) Refereed Journal Articles Gencarella, S. (2011). Folk Criticism and the Art of Critical Folklore Studies. Journal of American Folklore, 124, 251-271. Lead essay. Gencarella, S. (2010a). Gramsci, Good Sense, and Critical Folklore Studies. Journal of Folklore Research, 47 (3), 221-252. Lead essay. (With response by José E. Limón, Breaking with Gramsci: Gencarella on Good Sense and Critical Folklore Studies, 253-258.) Gencarella, S. (2010b). Purifying Rhetoric: Empedocles and the Myth of Rhetorical Theory. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 96 (3), 231-256. Lead essay. Gencarella, S. (2009). Constituting Folklore: A Case for Critical Folklore Studies. Journal of American Folklore, 122, 172-196. Gencarella, S. (2007a). Touring History: Guidebooks and the Commodification of the Salem Witch Trials. Journal of American Culture 30 (3), 271-284. Lead essay. Gencarella, S. (2007b). The Myth of Rhetoric: Korax and the Art of Pollution. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 37 (3), 251-273. Olbrys, S. (2006a). Dissoi Logoi, Civic Friendship, and the Politics of Education. Communication Education, 55 (4), 353-369. Lead essay. Olbrys, S. (2006b). Disciplining the Carnivalesque: Chris Farley’s Exotic Dance. Communication and Critical / Cultural Studies, 3 (3), 239-258. Olbrys, S. (2005a). Seinfeld’s Democratic Vistas. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 22 (5), 390-408. Olbrys, S. (2005b). Money Talks: Folklore in the Public Sphere. Folklore, 116 (3), 292-310. Stoeltje, B., Fox, C., and Olbrys, S. (1999). The Self in Fieldwork: A Methodological Concern. Journal of American Folklore, 112, 158-182. Lead essay. Book Chapter Gencarella, S. (2013). Critical Folklore Studies and the Revaluation of Tradition. In Tradition in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Trevor Blank and Robert Glenn Howard. Logan: Utah State University Press. 49-71. Refereed Pedagogy Article Olbrys, S. (2004). Keep Your Keys: Teaching, Democracy, and Performance Art. Thought and Action, 20, 9-22. Lead essay. Non-Refereed Pedagogy Article Olbrys, S. (2005). The Ivory Tower, Apathy, and the Art of Citizenship. Best Practices, 1 (2), 18. (Invited essay.) Reprinted in The Best of Best Practices. (2006). David Thomson, ed. Waco: TSTC Publishing. 15-21. Lead essay. (Invited). Book Reviews, Brief Articles, and Responses Gencarella, S. (2012). Rooting for the Wolves: Critical Folklore Studies and the Psychoanalytic Wilderness. Cultural Analysis, 11, online. Gencarella, S. (2010c). Gramsci, Good Sense, and Critical Folklore Studies: A Critical Reintroduction. Journal of Folklore Research, 47 (3), 259-264. Olbrys, S. (2004). Review of Myth: A New Symposium, edited by Gregory Schrempp and William Hansen. New England Classical Journal, 31, 48-51. (Invited). Olbrys, S. (2004). Teachers, Terrorists, and Tyranny: A Reply to Education Secretary Rod Paige. Thought and Action, 20, 165-166. Works Submitted or in Progress Gencarella, S. Democratic Laughter: Alternative Situation Comedy as Social Criticism. Book manuscript in preparation. Refereed Convention / Conference Papers and Presentations Gencarella, S., and Ingram, B. (2013). "Gorgias: The First Neuroscientist." Paper to be presented at the 2014 Rhetoric Society of America Conference, San Antonio. Gencarella, S. (2011). "All We Could Wish to See": Critical Rhetoric and the New Theater of Cruelty. Robert Gunderson Distinguished Alumni Lecture, Department of Communication and Culture, Indiana University. Gencarella, S., and Ingram, B. (2010). "All We Could Wish to See": A Case for Comic Cruelty. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, San Francisco. Gencarella, S. and Lucaites, J. L. (2007). Democracy for Dummies: The Commodification of Idiocy and the Problem of Judgment. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, Chicago. Olbrys, S. and Lucaites, J. L. (2005). Democracy for Dummies: The Commodification of Idiocy and the Problem of Judgment. Paper presented at Figures of Democracy Conference, Concordia University. Olbrys, S. (2005). The Haunted Tourist: Redemption in Display at Civil Rights Museums. Paper presented at Contesting Public Memories Conference, Syracuse University. Olbrys, S. (2005). Carving Up the Body Politic, or, Why Everybody Still Wants to be a Fascist. Paper presented at Performing in Uncertain Times Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Olbrys, S. (2004). Democracy: A Wild Emotion in a Time of Piety. Paper presented at Psychoanalysis and Democracy Conference, Columbia University. (Chair of Panel: Psychoanalysis, Rhetoric, and Rationality.) Olbrys, S. (2004). Democracy, Teaching, and Performance Art: A Conversation. Presentation at National Education Association Annual Conference, Seattle. Olbrys, S. (2003). Democracy as Sparring without Parting. Paper presented at Literature, Communication, and Democracy Conference, University of Massachusetts, Lowell. Olbrys, S. (2002). A Cartoon, A War, and the Truth About Political Correctness. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Northeast Popular Culture / American Culture Association, New London, NH. Olbrys, S. (2000). The Commodification of Social Evil: Remembering the Salem Witch Trials. Paper presented at Annual Meetings of the National Communication Association, Seattle. Olbrys, S. (2000). Dirty Words: Folklore, Rhetoric, Criticism. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the California Folklore Society, Berkeley. Olbrys, S. (2000). The Commodification of Legal History: Remembering the Salem Witch Trials. Paper presented at the Working Group on Law, Culture, and the Humanities, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC. Olbrys, S. (1999). Consilience Unbound: The Problem of “Folk” in Science. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society, Memphis. Olbrys, S. (1999). Is There A Myth In This Vase? Paper presented at Colloquium on Myth, Folklore Department, Indiana University, Bloomington. Olbrys, S. (1998). Popular Patterns: The Traditional Source of Chariton’s Novel Kallirhoe. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society, Seattle. Public Lectures and Invited Talks 2006 A Plea for Rhetoric. New Student Orientation Program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 2005 Politics in the Classroom and the Crisis in Education. University of Massachusetts Democrats. 2004 Will Democracy Survive 2004? Party Politics, Political Rhetoric, and the Presidential Election. Commonwealth College, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 2004 Invited speaker for a panel on fair elections. Democracy Matters, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 2004 Humor and American Politics. Misquamicut Business Association Summer Lecture Series, Westerly, Rhode Island. 2003 In Desperation but with Faith: The History and Traditions of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Feste. Misquamicut Business Association Summer Lecture Series, Westerly, Rhode Island. 2002 The Folklore and Commercialization of the Salem Witch Trials. Misquamicut Business Association Summer Lecture Series, Westerly, Rhode Island. Grant Activity: Funded 2010 Awarded $274,000, The Davis Education Foundation, Falmouth, ME (Deputy Provost John Cunningham and Martha Stassen, PIs) 2006 Awarded $2000, UMass Diversity Grant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (with Leda Cooks) 2004 Awarded $1500, Faculty Grant for Teaching, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2003 Awarded $1000, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Center for Diversity and Pluralism (with Todd Avery) Grant Activity: Proposed 2007 College of Humanities and Fine Arts Vision Grant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Nick Bromell, PI) 2005 Contributing member to the University of Massachusetts, Amherst application for the Ford Foundation Difficult Dialogues Initiative Grant Other Scholarly Activity 2004-2005 Visiting Researcher, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts TEACHING: Undergraduate Courses Taught (University of Massachusetts) COMM 118 COMM 297C/265 COMM 297K COMM 297V/297ZZ COMM 310 COMM 397AG COMM 397AK COMM 397FF COMM 397O COMM 412 COMM 494EI COMM 494PI COMM 494RI COMM 497K COMM 497P COMM 497UU Introduction to Interpersonal Communication and Culture Democracy and Discourse Rhetoric and Public Discourse Ethnography of Performance / Performance and Social Theory Persuasion Theory Critical Folklore Studies Rhetoric and Social Theory Myth, Ritual, and Performance Unspeakable Discourses Political Communication Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Good Life Horror and Public Culture Rhetoric, Science, and Public Culture Rhetorical Criticism Humor as Communication and Social Action / Humor and Public Culture Ancient Rhetorical Theory Undergraduate Honors Sections Taught (University of Massachusetts) HONORS 265 (H01) Democracy and Discourse HONORS 297VV (H13) Ethnography of Performance HONORS 397O (H07) Unspeakable Discourses Undergraduate Courses Taught (Indiana University) CMCL 121 CMCL 122 FOLK 101 Public Speaking Introduction to Interpersonal Communication Introduction to Folklore Graduate Courses Taught (University of Massachusetts) COMM 665/695B COMM 666 COMM 795E COMM 795F COMM 795G Contemporary Rhetorical Theory Rhetoric and Social Change Democracy, Rhetoric, and Performance Performance and Public Culture Language as Action and Performance Faculty Associations Five College Faculty Seminar in Performance Studies Five College Faculty Seminar in Folklore Advising Chair, Doctoral Dissertations: Gregory Dorchak, 2009-present; Joanna Brook, 2009-2012; Brett Ingram, 2008-2013; Camille Martinez, 2008-present Chair, Master’s Theses: Shara Dunn, 2007-2009 Chair, Graduate Student Comprehensive Exams: Bryan Baldwin, 2010; Gregory Dorchak, 2009; Camille Martinez, 2008; Brett Ingram, 2008 Chair, Graduate Student Plan of Study Committees: Ray Huling, 2013-present; Rachel Briggs, 2011present; Hari Kumar 2008-2009; Gregory Dorchak, 2007-2009; Shara Dunn, 2006-2007; Brett Ingram 2004-2008; Bryan Baldwin 2003-2008 Chair, Undergraduate Honors Theses / Projects: Leslie Salomon, 2007-2008; Katie Abbondanza 20042005; Marziah Alavi, 2003-2004; Suzanne Polizzi, 2003-2004; Tara Porter, 2003-2004; Cristin Genarelli, 2003-2004; Lisa Kuchta, 2002-2003; Elena Panesis, 2001-2002 Committee Member, Doctoral Dissertations: Bryan Baldwin, 2011-present; Rachel Wagner, 2011-present (Social Justice Education); Zach McDowell, 2011-2012; Chase Catalano, 2009-present (Social Justice Education); Razvan Sibii, 2008-present; Stephanie Kent, 2008-2009; Scott Oberacker, 2005-2009; Nessim Watson, 2004-2005; Winnifred Wood, 2003-2004 (Rhetoric and Composition) Committee Member, Masters Theses: Hari Kumar, 2009-present; Catalin Cighi, 2007-2008 (Hospitality and Tourism); Jane Stout, 2007-2008 (Psychology); Razvan Sibii, 2005-2006 Committee Member, Graduate Student Comprehensive Exams: Rachel Wagner, 2010-2011 (Social Justice Education); Zach MacDowell, 2009-2010; Alison Brzenchek, 2008-2009; Dawn Lovegrove, 2008-2009; Brion Van Over, 2008-2009; Chase Catalano, 2007-2009 (Social Justice Education); Donna Halper, 2006-2007; Joanna Brook, 2005-2006; Viveca Greene, 2005-2006; Carol Bailey, 2005-2006 (English); Shannon Payne, 2005-2006 (American Studies); Razvan Sibii, 2004-2005; Carmen McClish, 2004-2005 Committee Member, Graduate Student Plan of Study Committees: Zach McDowell, 2008-2010; Jillian Marty, 2007-2010; Camille Martinez, 2005-2008; Alison Brzenchek, 2007-2008; Donna Halper, 2003-2006; Jeff Stablea, 2005-2006; Razvan Sibii, 2003-2004 Committee Member, Undergraduate Honors Theses / Projects: Elizabeth Cleary, 2002-2003; Zachary Denver, 2006-2007; Ryan Rucki, 2004-2005 PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND ACTIVITY: Academic Honors Recipient, National Education Association Award in Excellence / Democracy in Higher Education, 2004 Teaching Honors Finalist, Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2001, 2003 Nominee, Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007 Recipient, Panhellenic Council Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2001 Service Honors Commencement Faculty Marshal, 2010 Recipient, Emerging Leader Award, Massachusetts Society of Professors / Massachusetts Teacher’s Association, 2005 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: Department Activity Director of Junior Year Writing / Communication 375, 2004-present Director of Public Speaking / Communication 260, 2001-present (did not serve 2004-2005) Director of Instructional Development Program for Incoming Graduate Students, 2004-2007 Member, Human Subjects Committee, 2007-2008 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, 2006-2007 Member, Graduate Studies Committee, 2005-2006 Member, Personnel Committee, 2004-2005, 2010-2011, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2003-2004, 2008 Member, Center for the Study of Communication, 2002-2004 Campus Activity Member, General Education Variance Committee, 2013-present Member, General Education Council, 2009-present University Director of Junior Year Writing, 2009-2013 Member, College of Humanities and Arts and Sciences Merger Committee, 2011-2012 Member, General Education Integrative Experience Steering Committee, 2010-2012 Member, General Education Davis Fellows Selection Committee, 2010-2012 Judge, Junior Year Writing Best Essay Contest, 2009-2012 Chair, Faculty Senate University Writing Committee, 2005-2006, 2007-2008 Editor, Faculty Senate University Writing Committee Report on the Junior Year Program, 2008 Editor, Faculty Senate University Writing Committee Report on the First Year Program, 2006 Member, Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Student Plagiarism, 2005-2006 Member or Ad Hoc Member, Faculty Senate University Writing Committee, 2003-2012 Member, Student Commencement Speaker Address, 2003 Massachusetts Society of Professors Activity Member, MTA Commonwealth Revenue Enhancement Committee, 2010-2011 Member, MTA Board of Directors (elected), 2006-2009; 2009-2010 Massachusetts Society of Professors Delegate to the MTA Annual Meeting (elected), 2005 Vice President, Massachusetts Society of Professors (elected), 2005-2008 Delegate, MTA Summer Conference Meeting / Emerging Leaders Program, 2005 Discipline Activity Editorial Board, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2007-2010 Review Board, Thought and Action, 2008-2010 Editorial Board, Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 2007-2009 Editorial Board, Thought and Action, 2005-2008 Ad Hoc Reviewer, New England Classical Journal, 2004-2005 Community Activity Coordinator, campus student voter registration drive (in collaboration with MSP, GEO, and SGA), 2008 Workshop on democratic communication for Nuance multicultural program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2006 Workshop on political communication with MassPIRG, 2006 Workshop on rhetoric of political conflicts at Hebrew High School of New England, 2006 Coordinator, campus student voter registration drive (in collaboration with MSP, GEO, and SGA; 1600+ students registered); cited in Daily Hampshire Gazette and MTA Today, 2006 Volunteer Consultant, Massachusetts Voters for Fair Elections , 2005-2006 Volunteer Consultant, Pioneer Valley Progressives, 2005-2006 Volunteer Consultant, Western Massachusetts League of Women Voters Heath Care Committee, 2005 Invited by State Senator Stan Rosenberg to contribute to a public workshop on political framing, 2005 Volunteer Consultant, State of Massachusetts 4H Public Speaking Program, 2004