Biology specialism additional subject knowledge audit Ratings S Secure R Refreshment needed D Development needed Name: ……………………………………………. Level and year of previous study Rating Action taken The variety of life and biochemical basis of life Measurement of biodiversity Biodiversity Classification Adaptations of organisms Genetic inheritance Genetic variation and natural selection 1 Biology specialism additional subject knowledge audit Evolution Ecosystems (including colonization, climax communities, succession) Populations, communities, niche Energy flow through ecosystems and efficiency transfer Nutrient cycling Human impact on ecological balance Sustainability and conservation 2 Biology specialism additional subject knowledge audit Area Level and year of previous study Rating Action taken Transport and exchange Mechanisms Gaseous exchange (in plants and animals) Exchange, transport and control Transport in plants and transpiration Circulatory systems in mammals Kidney and excretion Homeostasis Negative / positive feedback Stimuli and response Coordination and control (chemical / electrical) in animals Coordination and control in plants 3 Biology specialism additional subject knowledge audit Area Level and year of previous study Rating Action taken Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell physiology Cells and cellular control Viruses Organisation: tissues, organs, systems Cell division: mitosis and meiosis DNA, protein synthesis and mutation Gene technologies and medical / industrial applications Genome sequencing 4 Biology specialism additional subject knowledge audit Area Level and year of previous study Rating Action taken Biological molecules and energetics Nature of biological Molecules Important biological molecules (DNA and RNA, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) inorganic ions Enzymes – tertiary structure, catalysis ATP, ATP synthesis in the membranes of mitochondria and chloroplasts Photosynthesis – energy transfer, ATP, lightdependent stage; light-independent stage 5