Art 309 Calendar: Fall 2003

Last updated: 7/27/15
Art 309 Calendar: Fall 2015
The professors reserve the right to adjust the schedule as is appropriate for student learning.
Work not turned in during class time on the day it is due will be considered late. Late work receives a 10%
deduction. Work over one week late will not be accepted and will receive 0 pts.
Week One
8/18 Orientation/Introductions/Record keeping system/Text information
Professional publications: Scholastic Arts, School Arts, Art Education
Professional art education organizations and conferences: NAEA, IAEA
398.05 explanation and registration procedures
Application for Student Teaching (Fall 2016 and Spring 2017) available on COE website
(see calendar on website for link)
Draft due September 18th, Final draft due October 6th Due to 56 DeGarmo Hall Oct
6 -10
Illinois Content Exam Visual Art (145), Test Selection, Study Guide and Test dates can
Be accessed at:
MUST PASS PRIOR TO STUDENT TEACHING!! Suggest taking November 15th
(Registration Deadline October 3rd)
Saturday Art Classes overview,
Binder assessment, - handouts
Expansion of one Saturday Lesson to 4-5 days. (Unit Plan)
Teaching Portfolio Requirements (Draft for 7D due 9/25)
Curriculum Project and Themes
Saturday Class Overview
National Standards (copies provided)
Description, Video #5 from last year
Writing Behavioral Objectives
Writing Objectives
1:00 – 2:00
Lesson Focus for First Saturday
Cultural Influences on Artmaking
2:30 Milner Library - sixth floor Teaching Materials Center, Humanities
Where to find materials to support instruction
Books, printed reproductions, slides, web sites, actual artworks, artifacts
Sit with Saturday teaching groups
Determine the culture and artmaking you will include in your first Saturday lesson
Due Tuesday: Written objective for Artmaking assignment and
Week Two
8/25 One Lesson Objective due.
Looking at works of art: “What do you want to know?” (in re. Frames)
Writing Lesson Plans (Download template & bring to class)
National Goals and Standards
Exploring the National Standards in relation to the Frames.
View video for last year’s Saturday #1
Philosophical frame, Critical frame & Cultural frame: Token Response
Work out draft of first lesson. Due: Tuesday 9/1.
Week Three
First draft of Saturday lesson due
 Saturday Binder Assignment
 Time chart (who’s doing what and when).
 Parent Letter examples
 Effective Learning Environment
 Unit Plan Assignment Explanation (Expansion of a Saturday Class Lesson)
o Sign up for Unit presentation dates.
 Review draft lessons
Revised draft of Saturday lesson due
Artmaking Example & Parent letter due
Introduction of Curriculum project -- Curriculum Plan Template
Working with Themes
Kindergarten section due: Tuesday, October 21st
Introduce Interrelating the Arts theme
Video of last year’s Saturday #2
Interrelating exercise
Shoot Video introductions for first Saturday
Week Four
Curriculum / Resource File overview
Interrelating the arts exercises
Reminder: Saturday Binder Assignment. Document! Document! Document!
Shoot video of colleague’s teaching (edTPA Task 2)
Lesson presentation
In-process feedback (assessment)
Photos of
Teacher Examples
Room set up
In-process student work
Finished work by students
Shoot video introductions
Prepare materials & rooms
Videotape introductions for Week 1 (and Weeks 1-3)
First Saturday Class—7:15 - 7:30 arrival. Bagels, coffee, tea, cocoa will be available.
Videotaping of rooms @ 7:30 Have teacher examples in a prominent location so Dr. Stewart
can video document.
Preparation for Saturday
FIRST Saturday Class-- Video Taping of rooms BEGINS AT 7:30 Remember: Document
everything and video your partners presentation and interactions with students. Try to get
examples of feedback and student progress on assignments for Task 3.
Week Five
9/15 Draft for the Second Saturday Class Lesson Plan (Interrelating the Arts) Due.
Guided Reflections about the First Saturday class Due with art making
example for lesson 2.
View Video Segments of Saturday #1 Classes
Review Saturday Art Class Notebook Assignment (edTPA format) Due Th 11/14
Curriculum Theme Discussion – sign up for theme
Revised Draft for Second Saturday Class Lesson Plan
Artmaking example and parent letter for Saturday #2
View previous year’s Saturday #3
Shoot video introductions & prepare for Saturday.
9/18 Fri.
Preparation for Saturday
Shoot video introductions
Second Saturday Class-- Video Taping of rooms BEGINS AT 7:30
Week Six
9/22 Guided Reflections about the Second Saturday class Due
View Video of Saturday Class #2
Timeline of Procedures for continuing Cultural and Interrelated Lessons
Goals of Other Learning Areas (for integration)
Art Informs History video ?
Lesson Focus for 4th Saturday: Living Artists
Living Artist Activity
View Video Last Year’s Saturday #4 (Living Artist)
Glaze Preparation
Preparation for Saturday
Shoot video introductions for class #3 and for Parent Video for first 3 Saturdays
Artmaking Example & Parent Letter Due
TEACHING PORTFOLIO draft entry 7D Instructional Environment Due
9/25 Fri. Preparation for Saturday
Shoot video introductions
Third Saturday Class--7:30 arrival, Video Taping BEGINS AT 7:45
Final Draft of Saturday #1 & #2
Week Seven
9/29 Guided Reflections about the Third Saturday class Due
View Video of 3rd Saturday Class
First Draft of Living Artists Lesson (Lesson for 4th Saturday)
Lesson Focus for Final Saturday: Community
Artmaking Example and Parent Letter Due for Living Artists Lesson
Revised Draft for Fourth Saturday Lesson Plan
View Video Last Year’s Saturday #5 (Community)
Shoot video introductions & prepare for Saturday.
Shoot video introductions & prepare for Saturday.]
Fourth Saturday Class--7:30 arrival, Video Taping BEGINS AT 7:45
Revised Lesson Plan Due (IT IS ALSO HOMECOMING)
Remind parents that next Saturday is Parent day.
Draft of Community Lesson Due
Week Eight Student Teaching Application Due no later that 10/9
Guided Reflections about the Fourth Saturday class Due
Community lesson draft due
Curriculum Assignment Introduction
Read for In-class Discussion Classroom Organization and Exhibition of Student Work, Chapter 19,
pp. 369-383
Care of Art Materials, Tools, and Facilities
Health and Safety Concerns
Read Safer Materials for Elementary School Art, Appendix D, p. 422-423
Discussion of Unit Assignment
Video Taping of Introductions to Parents last three weeks
Sign up for Saturday Class Unit
10/8 View Video of Segments of Fourth Class
Community Artmaking Example and Parent Letter Due – Remind parents it is Parent
Revised Draft of Community Lesson Due
Preparation for Saturday & Exhibition Setup
10/10 Fifth and FINAL Saturday Class & Exhibition --7:00 arrival
Revised Lesson Plan Due
Week Nine
10/13 Guided Reflections about the Final Saturday class Due
Synthesis of Saturday Art Classes
View Video of Final Saturday Class
Saturday Art Class Assessment Discussion
Assign day and time for Unit Presentation
In-Class Work day: Bring Laptops and Materials for:
 Curriculum
 Unit
 Saturday Analysis
 Resource file
Unit Assignment Clarification and Rubric Development
Week Ten– Homecoming October 19-25
10/20 Work day: Bring Laptops and Materials for:
 Unit
 Saturday Analysis
 Resource file
10/22 Work day: Bring Laptops and Materials for:
 Unit
 Saturday Analysis
 Resource file
Week Eleven
10/27 Unit Presentations (6)
10/29 Unit Presentations (5)
Written Units are due
Week Twelve
11/3 Work day: Bring Laptops and Materials for:
 Curriculum
 Saturday Analysis
 Resource file
Work day: Bring Laptops and Materials for:
 Curriculum
 Saturday Analysis
 Resource file
Illinois Art Education Association Conference 2015
HILTON HOTEL -- Lisle, Illinois
November 5 – November 7, 2015
Week Thirteen
11/10 In-Class Work Session: Saturday Assessment & Curriculum
11/12 Saturday Assessment Due
Week Fourteen
11/17 Kindergarten Curriculum Section DUE
Reflections of Teaching Art at the Elementary and Middle Level
Characteristics of Good Art Teachers
Characteristics and Behaviors of Students in the Art Room
Planning and Implementing the Art Curriculum
With What?
Review of Teaching Portfolio & Resource File
Course Evaluation & Clinical Forms
Exam Review
Curriculum Work Day
November 22 – November 30
Thanksgiving (11/26) Break
Week Fifteen
12/1 Student Teacher Seminar
Kindergarten revisions with two new Curriculum sections and Checklist Due
Course Notebook and Resource File (elementary focus)
Teaching Portfolio Due Monday 12/3/4
Individual Conferences (8) 40 minutes each
9:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon, 1:00 – 4:20p.m.
12/4 Individual Conferences (8) 40 minutes each
9:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon, 1:00 – 4:20 p.m.
Week Sixteen
12/8 EXAM 3:10