CHALLENGE 1 1 MARKING SCHEME TASK A THE ANSWER IS BLOWING IN THE WIND MARKING SCHEME A Challenge 1 28th of April 2015 Team: 1 Version = 01.04.2015 final CHALLENGE 1 2 MARKING SCHEME TASK A 1. The ecology of Astacus astacus ssp. virtuliensis 1.1. Match the definitions (left column) with the correct ecological terms (biotope, habitat, ecological niche) through ticking the correct box. 9 Marks 1 Mark for each correct answer Characteristics of biotope, habitat, Biotope Habitat Ecological niche ecological niche of Astacus v. Omnivore x Actively collects food Rivers, streams, lakes x x Steep banks x Strong structuring of the benthic x division Minimum water temperature in x summer 15 °C Nocturnal x Oxygen content of the water x Hiding places x 1.2 Astacus performance in response to water temperature in summertime (12 Marks) 1.2.1 Draw a graph (bell-shaped curve) demonstrating the relationship between the stated water temperatures (minimum, optimum, maximum) versus the species performance. 1.2.2 Label the graph of 1.2.1 with the characteristic temperature range and temperature points/temperature ranges (minimum, maximum, optimum, pessimum [= opposite of optimum]). Annotate the graph and add a legend. 2 Version = 01.04.2015 final CHALLENGE 1 Formal: 30% allocated to Content marking70% allocated to 3 MARKING SCHEME TASK A usage of area (no graph, at least ½ page or 1, 2 or 0 3/4 or greater of page respectively): Labeling of axes: Scaling, numbers, range and units: Everything must be indicated, 2 or 0 otherwise no marks will be given Plotting points: o or x on the exact 1 or 0 position Bell shaped curve 1 Correctly marked start 1 Correctly marked terminal point 1 Correctly marked optimal range 2 Correctly marked pessimum 1 1 Correctly marked pessimum 2 1 It will also be correct, if the lines or points are marked like: Min, Max, Opt, Pessimum…. 3 Version = 01.04.2015 final CHALLENGE 1 4 MARKING SCHEME TASK A 2. Possible effects of a pump station on Astacus astacus subsp. virtuliensis 2.1 Identify areas in the graphs representing ecological factors that can lead to extinction of the crayfish population. Mark those areas clearly. No area marked in the table „Average oxygen….“ (3 Marks) 1 Mark _______________________________________________________________________ Area between red graph (water temperature) and 25°C correctly marked 1 Mark Area between red graph(water temperature) and line middle of September correctly marked 1 Mark 4 Version = 01.04.2015 final CHALLENGE 1 5 MARKING SCHEME TASK A 2.2 Mark optimal areas for temperature and oxygen content in summer within the diagrams. (5 Marks) Area between blue graph and line 6 mg/L oxygen correctly marked Area between red graph under the line 6 mg/L and line 6mg/L oxygen not marked Area between beginning of June and middle of September correctly marked 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark Area between 19°C and 21°C blue correctly marked Area between red graph and middle of September correctly marked 1 Mark 1 Mark 5 Version = 01.04.2015 final CHALLENGE 1 6 MARKING SCHEME TASK A 3. Functional morphology of crayfish 3.1 On the provided crayfish handout, arrange the crayfish extremities, from the glass container, in the correct order. Each box must show either a cross or a zero: “X“ for correct, “0“ for incorrect!! (20 Marks) All extremities must be glued onto the crayfish handout!! Left/right 1 Mark Extr Marks 1 1 in correct order 2 1 in correct order 3 Ex. 3-Ex.8 between Ex. 2 4 and Ex.9 , 5 (it is not nessessary, to do 6 6 it in correct order) 7 8 9 1 in correct order 10 1 in correct order 11 1 in correct order 12 13 14 2 between Ex. 11 and Ex. 15 between Ex. 13 and Ex.19 15 16 5 17 18 19 1 in correct order A picture has been taken of the finished answer sheet by the laboratory assistant. (The country label must be clearly visible on the picture!) Signature laboratory assistant:_____________________________________ 6 Version = 01.04.2015 final CHALLENGE 1 3.2 7 MARKING SCHEME TASK A Match each extremity to its main function (multiple assignments are possible, but maximally three assignments per extremity are allowed).the table “Function” Each box must show either a cross or a zero: “X“ for correct, “0“ for incorrect! Extremity Function A B C D1 D D2 X X Marks E D3 X E1 0 E2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 X X 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 X or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 X 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 0 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 Version = 01.04.2015 final (10 Marks) CHALLENGE 1 8 MARKING SCHEME TASK A 4. Crayfish identification 4.1. Tick the statements on the key in the grey column that lead to the identification of the presented crayfish! (9 Marks) 3 Marks for each correct answer Key to native and alien crayfish species in Europe 1a X Undersides of chelipeds are red or go to 2 orange Undersides of chelipeds are neither red 1b go to 4 nor orange Red swamp 2a crayfish one postorbital ridge Procambarus clarkii Louisiana crayfish 2b X 3a Sharp spines behind the cervical groove X 3b go to 3 two postorbital ridges Astacus astacus Noble crayfish subsp. virtuliensis No sharp spines behind the cervical groove, Carapax und surface of chelae Pacifastacus Signal crayfish leniusculus smooth 4a Spines behind the cervical groove 4b No spines behind the cervical groove 5a one postorbital ridge 5b two postorbital ridges 6a 6b go to 5 Austropotamobius Stone crayfish torrentium go to 6 no transverse maroon bands across Danube crayfish Astacus Galician crayfish leptodactylus White clawed Austropotamobius crayfish pallipes abdominal segments transverse maroon bands across Eastern Crayfish abdominal segments Delcore Crayfish Orconectes limosus 4.2. Write the correct Latin name of the crayfish you have identified. Pacifastacus leniusculus (2 Marks) 8 Version = 01.04.2015 final CHALLENGE 1 9 MARKING SCHEME TASK A 5. Theoretical questions (10 Marks) 5.1. Which of the statements are correct, which are incorrect? Tick your choice! Answer sheet 2 Marks for each correct answer correct Statement The organs of equilibrium in crayfish are called statocysts The Nautilus larva is an early developmental stage of decapods Crayfish eyes show the same basic bauplan as cephalopods. The scheme shows the age distribution of a crayfish population that most likely becomes extinct: incorrect 2 2 2 3 3: Reproduction completed 2: Capable of reproduction 1: Young 2 2 …1 The competition between two populations of different species is stronger if the ecological niches of these species highly overlap 2 6. Evaluate the situation of constructing a pump station in Kleinvirtulien (10 Marks) Factor Effect Yes Crayfish population Regardless of your identification result: For the individuals Astacus astacus ssp. virtuliensis that exist in the valley Threat of the habitat through changes in the environment (Assessment) Threat for the population through reduced O2 water content Threat for the population through increased water temperatures in summer Astacus astacus ssp. virtuliensis identified Danger of extinction is given Pump station No 2 2 2 Electrolysis station Pump station No answer expected Electrolysis station Pump station No answer expected Electrolysis station 9 Version = 01.04.2015 final 2 2 No answer expected CHALLENGE 1 10 MARKING SCHEME TASK A Task D Recommendation of the science team for the power station construction in Klein-Virtulien 1. Summarize your results as a team in the table “Findings” to help you come to a common statement in table “Recommendation”! (no Marks) Answer sheet Table Findings Yes Crayfish worth protecting are found in the valley and danger of extinction is given X The capacity of the pump storage facility is better suited than that of the “Power-to-Gas“ facility X Chromium (VI) exceeds legal limits for drinking water 2. Indicate your team recommendation in the table “Recommendation”! No X Answer sheet This group statement will be awarded another 6 Marks! Table Recommendation A conventional pump storage station should be built A modern electrolysis station (Power-to-Gas,P2G) should be built 10 Version = 01.04.2015 final Yes No X X CHALLENGE 1 11 MARKING SCHEME TASK A Task E Facts about..... Evaluate the following statements! (24 Marks) 2 Marks for each correct answer Table „Facts about….“ Facts Facts about chromium Statements correct Chromium is an important alloy component in stainless steel. Chromium is chromosomes. Facts about water a main compound X of X Chromium(III) compounds are known for their yellow colour. X Freshwater osteichthyes actively take up electrolytes with their branchiae from the surrounding water and excrete highly concentrated urine X The pH of water increases with rising temperature. A fully filled water reservoir of 45m depth has a concrete dam at ist end. The force of water exerted from the inside onto 1 m2 of the dam is about 450.000N.. Facts about energy X X ATP is the cell’s energy carrier. In all organisms the ATP synthesis takes place in the mitochondria. Negative reaction enthalpy endothermic reaction. implies X an X The solar constant is about 1,4 N/m². Facts about biomolecules incorrect The blood of some crayfish contains copper ions. X X Peptides are always larger than proteins. X The mass of one biomolecule is always smaller than that of one lead atom. X 11 Version = 01.04.2015 final