MUSIC Junior High____ Vocal Solo Senior High ____ Name ______________________________________________ State _____________________________________________ School _____________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ Composition #1 ______________________________________ Composer _________________________________________ Composition #2 ______________________________________ Composer _________________________________________ Time ______________________________________________ {Judges – Circle time if outside limits for category} FACTORS EVALUATED COMMENTS #1 Male ____ Female ____ (Check One) COMMENTS #2 POINTS 4-10 POINTS 4-10 PRESENTATION: (a) Poise (b) Communication (c) Facial Expression (d) Posture (e) Memorization TECHNIQUE: (a) Breath (b) Diction (c) Tone (d) Vitality MUSICIANSHIP: (a) Phrasing (b) Contrast Mood (c) Contrast Dynamics ACCURACY: (a) Text (b) Rhythm (c) Pitch (d) Style (if period piece) SELECTION: (a) Words/music complementary (b) Difficulty (c) Appropriate for the voice (d) Appropriate for the occasion Total (100 possible points) ___________ POINT SCALE 9-10... Excellent, Superior 7-8…. Good, Above Average 5-6…. Fair, Average 4…… Poor ______________________________________________ Judge’s Signature MUSIC Woodwind Solo _____ (Check Category) Junior High ____ Brass Solo ____ Senior High ____ Name ______________________________________________ State _____________________________________________ School _____________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ Composition ________________________________________ Composer _________________________________________ Time ______________________________________________ {Judges – Circle time if outside limits for category} FACTORS EVALUATED COMMENTS POINTS (4-10) TONE: (a) Quality (b) Control (c) Intonation (d) Vibrato ARTICULATION: (a) Attacks and Releases (b) Slurring (c) Note Accuracy (d) Rhythmic Accuracy INTERPRETATION: (a) Tempo (b) Phrasing (c) Dynamics (d) Fluency MUSICIANSHIP (summary): (a) Correctness (b) Mood & Emotion (c) Artistry SELECTION: (a) Appropriateness (b) Difficulty PRESENTATION: (a) Appearance (b) Poise (c) Stage Presence MEMORIZATION: (a) Slips (b) Recoveries Total (70 possible points) ____________ POINT SCALE 9-10... Excellent, Superior 7-8…. Good, Above Average 5-6…. Fair, Average 4…… Poor ______________________________________________ Judge’s Signature MUSIC Junior High ____ String Solo Senior High ____ Name ______________________________________________ State _____________________________________________ School _____________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ Composition ________________________________________ Composer _________________________________________ Time ______________________________________________ {Judges – Circle time if outside limits for category} FACTORS EVALUATED COMMENTS POINTS (4-10) INTONATION: TONE PRODUCTION: ACCURACY: (a) Notes (b) Rhythm TECHNIQUE: (a) Bowing (b) Left Hand (c) Posture INTERPRETATION MUSICIANSHIP POISE: DIFFICULTY APPROPRIATENESS: MEMORIZATION: Total (70 possible points) ____________ POINT SCALE 9-10... Excellent, Superior 7-8…. Good, Above Average 5-6…. Fair, Average 4…… Poor ______________________________________________ Judge’s Signature MUSIC Piano Solo Junior High ____ Senior High ____ Name ______________________________________________ State _____________________________________________ School _____________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ Composition ________________________________________ Composer _________________________________________ Time ______________________________________________ {Judges – Circle time if outside limits for category} FACTORS EVALUATED Classical COMMENTS Sacred (Check One) POINTS (6-20) PERFORMANCE: (a) Musical effect (b) Poise (c) Difficulty and/or choice of selection (d) Memorization INTERPRETATION: (a) Dynamics (b) Phrasing (c) Styling/mood (d) Balance/voicing MUSICIANSHIP: (a) Feeling for meter (b) Steadiness (c) Tempo (d) Expression/feeling (e) Range of dynamics ACCURACY: (a) Note accuracy (b) Rhythmic accuracy (c) Continuity (d) Fluency (e) Dynamics/tempo indications TECHNIQUE: (a) Coordination (b) Fingering (c) Tone quality (d) Facility (e) Appropriate touch/Pedaling Total (100 possible points) ___________ POINT SCALE 17-20... Excellent, Superior 13-16…. Good, Above Average 9-12…. Fair, Average 6-8…… Poor ______________________________________________ Judge’s Signature MUSIC Percussion Solo Junior High ____ Senior High ____ Name ______________________________________________ State _____________________________________________ School _____________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ Composition ________________________________________ Composer _________________________________________ Time ______________________________________________ {Judges – Circle time if outside limits for category} Check One: Snare Drum Solo____ Timpani Solo____ FACTORS EVALUATED Mallet Percussion____ Multiple Percussion____ COMMENTS POINTS (4-10) TONE: Stick/mallet choice Playing area Correct method and consistence of tone reproduction or articulation Head/snare tension ACCURACY: Correct pitches Correct rhythms and rests Precision Intonation (where applicable) Correct interpretation of meter Key signature/accidentals (where applicable) TECHNIQUE: Stick control Mechanics of hand/arm motion, grip/left hand, right hand Attacks/releases Pedaling execution (where applicable) Rolls Dampening Posture Instrument height, physical set up Mastery of rudiments –sticking patterns (where applicable) MUSICIANSHIP/ INTERPRETATION: Phrasing, shaping of musical line Expressive elements Balance Dynamics Emotional involvement Fluency, style TEMPO: Attention to metronome marking Control and maintenance of basic pulse and subdivisions SELECTION: Suitability of literature Difficulty PRESENTATION: Appearance Poise Stage presence/general conduct/mannerisms POINT SCALE 9-10... Excellent, Superior 7-8…. Good, Above Average 5-6…. Fair, Average 4…… Poor Total (70 possible points) ____________ ______________________________________________ Judge’s Signature