Ethical Scrutiny and Approval of Research Proposals

SoE Ethical Scrutiny Form
Queen’s University Belfast
School of Education
Ethical Scrutiny and Approval of Research Proposals
Notes for Proposers
1. The University requires all research activity involving people as participants to be subjected to
ethical scrutiny and this form is designed to enable the School of Education’s Ethics Committee to
assess any research proposed by members of staff or students.
2. If your research does not involve human participants, their material or data you do not
need to proceed with this form. If you are a student, please agree this course of action with
your supervisor who will need to confirm this in writing to the Ethics Committee via the Ethics
Secretary (
3. Research with human participants, their material or data cannot proceed without the written
approval of the Ethics Committee.
4. The Committee’s role is to examine proposals and where necessary request adjustment to
research plans to ensure they are ethically acceptable. In general, the Committee will not
comment on the content or methods-related details of a proposal unless there is a clear ethical
dimension to these. Adequate planning and design, appropriateness of methods, samples,
instruments and scheduling etc. are the responsibility of the proposer and will only be addressed
by the Committee if they have ethical implications.
5. The primary focus for scrutiny is all research involving people. Where the participants include
children or vulnerable adults, research cannot proceed unless all researchers involved have
obtained an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate from Access NI. A certificate must be obtained in
relation to the specific regulated activity and an existing Certificate is not valid 1.In principle, all
research in the School of Education should be conducted in a manner that respects the rights of
all participants (including to privacy of data, confidentiality and anonymity as appropriate), causes
no harm to participants or researchers, and requires the active, fully informed consent of all
participants and their parents, carers, guardians or relevant responsible others.
6. In order to give ethical approval, the Committee must be confident that the participants are taking
part willingly and knowingly. Consent forms, which must be attached to the application, must
therefore clearly demonstrate that prospective participants are being fully informed about the
purpose of the research and their role in it, how their data will be gathered, the purposes to which
their data will be put and how their right to privacy (confidentiality and anonymity) will be
respected. Any potential limitations of confidentiality should be highlighted (e.g. where insider
research is conducted or small sample sizes involved). Consent forms must also inform the
participants of their entitlement to withdraw and its time limitations without having to give a
reason. Consent should also be considered for indirect participants of the research, who may not
take part directly in the study but who form the primary focus for the research. This will be
particularly applicable in the case of small samples (e.g. teaching staff perceptions of working with
a particular child with Special Educational Needs). Proposer(s) must indicate how they will deal
with circumstances in which consent has been withheld for some participants (e.g. parental
consent withheld for some pupils in a classroom context).2
7. The Committee does not expect to see fully-fledged data collection instruments but must be
satisfied from the consent forms attached that the nature of any questioning, discussion,
observation, testing or other intervention is explained fully to the participants and will be carried
out with all due sensitivity and respect to them and others in their context. They must show that
If you are a student, the secretary of your course will have details. Please also refer to for further
details. Note that a fee will be chargeable.2 Note that consent is not required, by definition, for an anonymous questionnaire.
However, the sourcing of contact details for a postal or online questionnaire, or of access to distribute questionnaires to a
sample of potential respondents, e.g. sending questionnaires to schools for completion by pupils, teachers or parents of pupils,
will require appropriate permissions which will be subject to the consent principles above.
Note that consent is not required, by definition, for an anonymous questionnaire. However, the sourcing of contact details for a
postal or online questionnaire, or of access to distribute questionnaires to a sample of potential respondents, e.g. sending
questionnaires to schools for completion by pupils, teachers or parents of pupils, will require appropriate permissions which will
be subject to the consent principles above.
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the researchers fully appreciate the need for the participants’ consent to be reciprocated by
sensitive and respectful treatment, which must govern the framing of any interactions.
8. A detailed reasoned case is required for any proposal in which the non-return of a consent
request is assumed to grant consent. This could give rise to unauthorised participation in the
research (e.g. by a pupil whose parents or guardians have not received the consent request and
therefore have not given consent) and will not be approved without a strong case.
9. Educational research undertaken outside of the Northern Ireland jurisdiction must adhere to the
same ethical standards as research in Northern Ireland. Any additional regulations (e.g. police
clearance) and cultural sensitivities of the host jurisdiction must also be observed.
10. Additional scrutiny, including the option of referral to the central University Ethics Committee, will
be required where proposals:
have the potential to cause harm to participants or researchers, whether directly physical or
may give rise to situations in which the researchers have to make statutory disclosure of
illegal activity, whether on the part of participants or others;
seek to deceive participants for any reason;
may give rise to situations that may put the participants or researchers in any form of
11. Furthermore, ethical approval must be obtained from a National Health Service Research Ethics
Committee (NHS REC) if the research involves patients (or their relatives or carers) or other users
of health and social care services, or access to personal records3.
12. Researchers should give special attention to circumstances which may present security problems
or potential disclosure of illegal activity. Such circumstances might include some forms of home
visits, one-to-one meetings in non-public areas, and interviews with children or vulnerable adults.
Difficulties are not always predictable and consideration should be given to either the researcher
or participant being accompanied as appropriate. Such an arrangement also affords extra
assurances for participants.
13. Once ethical approval has been granted, the research may commence. Ethical approval applies
only to the procedures outlined in the submission to the Ethics Committee. If any changes to the
approved research proposal are considered:
For Students: these must be discussed with your supervisor, and may require additional
ethical approval;
For Staff: substantive changes need to be clarified with the Chair of the Ethics
Committee and may require additional approval.
14. Researchers are required to be familiar with the School of Education’s Policy and Principles on
Ethics in Educational Research and the University Policy on the Ethical Approval of Research.
They are also required to be familiar with authoritative ethical guidelines for educational research
such as those of the British Educational Research Association or the American Educational
Research Association.
15. It is the responsibility of the principal investigator to add any research projects involving human
participants, their material or data to the University’s Human Subjects Database for insurance
purposes. The Human Subjects Database is accessible through QOL under ‘My Research’.
16. This form along with any correspondence that is undertaken as a follow-up (e.g. approval letter,
request for amendments etc) will be kept as a formal record of the scrutiny process, for inspection
as required by the University authorities. As such, proposers should ensure that proposals are
presented to a professional standard as they will be returned for resubmission if deemed not to
have been adequately prepared.
Please Email the Completed Application Form, Consent Form(s) and a cover email requesting
ethics review to the Ethics Secretary:
See the University’s Research Governance for further details
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In the Case of Student Applicants, the Request for Ethical Review must be made by the
supervisor, copying the student into correspondence to demonstrate their agreement with the
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SoE Ethical Scrutiny Form
Ethical Scrutiny and Approval of Research Proposals
Title of Research
First Submission
(please tick)
Proposer’s Name
Queen’s Email Address
Contact Telephone No.
Contact Address
Category of Proposer (please tick)
Principal Investigator (Staff)
If you are a student, please complete the following:
Student Number
Course of Study (please tick)
If you are a principal investigator, please provide the proposed funding source and name and
position of any co-investigators:
Proposed funding source
Co-Investigator (1)
Co-Investigator (2)
Please give a non-technical description of the proposed research, including the
methods you intend to use (200 words maximum)
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2. Please answer the following questions in relation to your proposed research.
Please note that answering ‘Yes’ to questions (b), (c) or (d) will require detailed
explanations and will be referred for additional scrutiny with the School of
Education or University. Answering ‘Yes’ to (e) will require a separate application
to the relevant NHS Research Ethics Committee.
a. Does the research involve children (under-18) or vulnerable adults?
If ‘Yes’, has an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate been obtained?
Please provide the date of issue on the Certificate
b. Can any aspect of the research give rise to any form of harm to participants, including
the researcher(s)?
c. Can any aspect of the research produce information that could lead to criminal
prosecution of the participants or others?
d. Is deception of the participants planned in any aspect of the research?
e. Does any aspect of the research involve patients (or their relatives or carers) or other
users of health and social care services, the premises or facilities of such services,
access to personal records or the participation of health or social care staff?
3. Please give a description of the proposed participants and any relationship you have to
them. (If you are in a position of authority, for example, you should indicate how you will deal with the potential
influences of such a relationship)
4. Please give details of the method of recruitment for participants and the inclusion/exclusion
sampling criteria. Please detail any ethical aspects that must be considered, including the
proposed use of any incentives.
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5. Please give details of the location(s) at which the data collection will be undertaken and any
circumstances that might give rise to security concerns for participants or researchers,
conflicts of interest where data might be critical of working practices, people etc. or disclosure
of illegal activities.
6. Please indicate how the active, informed consent of all participants will be gained.
Give consideration whether this should also include indirect participants, who may
not take part themselves but who are the primary focus of the research. (Consent
forms must be attached)
7. Please indicate how the participants’ rights to privacy (inc. confidentiality and
anonymity) and the privacy of their data will be protected. Highlight potential
limitations of confidentiality in the ethics form and information sheets for participants
(e.g. for small samples or insider research and how this will be addressed). Please
also indicate how the data will be stored (and ultimately destroyed as appropriate).
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8. Please complete the checklist below to confirm you have considered all ethical
aspects of your research.
(Note that the consent forms that must accompany this application will be
scrutinised and any omission or inadequacy in detail will result in a request for
I have attached (an) appropriate consent form(s)
Each consent form is presented to a high standard, as befitting work carried out under the
auspices of Queen’s University
Each consent form has full contact details to enable prospective participants to make
follow-up inquiries
Each consent form has full details, in plain non-technical language, of the purpose of the
research and the proposed role of the person being invited to participate
Each consent form has full details of the purposes to which the data (in all their forms: text,
oral, video, imagery etc) will be put, including for research dissemination purposes
Each consent form explains how the privacy of the participants and their data will be
protected, including the storage and ultimate destruction of the data as appropriate
Each consent form gives assurances that the data collection (questionnaires, interviews,
tests etc) will be carried out in a sensitive and non-stressful manner, and that the
participant has the right to cease participation at any time and without the need to provide a
Please include here any other comments you wish to make about the consent form(s)
Declaration by All Proposers:
I have read and understood the School of Education’s Policy and Principles on Ethics in Educational
Research and the University Policy on the Ethical Approval of Research and I undertake to adhere to
its directives and to follow all principles and procedures outlined.
I declare that the details above accurately reflect my research proposals and I undertake to seek
updated approval if substantive changes are proposed after this submission. I have consulted an
authoritative set of educational research guidelines.
(Students Only) My proposals are based on consultation with my supervisor(s).
Supervisor’s Signature: (Student Proposal Only, first supervisor only if there are two)
Please note that the Supervisor’s Signature will be removed prior to forwarding for assessment to the Ethics
Committee. In instances where supervisors feel that their specialised expertise may be important information for
the Ethics Committee to take into account (eg in relation in researching highly sensitive areas such as
trauma/abuse), please submit an additional page with any relevant information.
If EDC required (2a refers), confirmation that Enhanced Disclosure Certificate received
Final Approval Signed-Off by Chair of Ethics Committee
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