AP Environmental Science (APES) Syllabus and Course Outline Instructor: Mrs. Tina Sullivan Room: DO204 Email: tsullivan@qcsd.org Phone: 512-529-2117 Pre-requisites: Biology and/or Chemistry (a strong background in both will be needed) What is Environmental Science? “Environmental science is the study of the natural sciences in an interdisciplinary context that always includes consideration of people and how they have influenced the systems under examination. It includes many aspects of biology, earth and atmospheric sciences, fundamental principles of chemistry and physics, population dynamics, and an appreciation for biological and natural resources." Brief Course Description The Advanced Placement Environmental Science course is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester introductory college course in environmental science. Environmental Science is interdisciplinary, and embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study such as Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Earth Science and Social Science. This course will provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world; to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Weekly laboratory and field investigations are designed to complement the textbook and lecture portion of the class. Students will experience confounding variables that exist in the natural world while developing data collection, sampling and analysis procedures. Students will use appropriate mathematical calculations to analyze and present data. Textbook Author: Miller, Tyler Title: Living in the Environment – 14th Ed. Publisher: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning; 2005 In addition to this text, the students also have access to: Author: Miller, Tyler Title: Living in the Environment – 17th Ed. Publisher: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning; 2012 Author: Botkin, Daniel Title: Environmental Science; Earth as a Living Planet – 9th Ed. Mrs. Tina Sullivan tsullivan@qcsd.org (215) 529-2117 QCSHS Room DO204 Publisher: Wiley; 2014 Other Course Materials World on the Edge (2011), Lester Brown. Students will begin the course by reading, analyzing, and summarizing this selection to better understand current crises in Environmental Science (summer). Internet/Newspaper/Magazine - Current events are used to reinforce concepts and analyze emerging research in the field of environmental science. Digital, newspaper and magazine articles help make the subject meaningful to students and help them think more broadly about the subject matter. Laboratory investigations from various sources (see listing in syllabus body) Video List (see listing in syllabus body) – students will have opportunities to see materials presented in various ways to help with understanding material. Outline of Topics You may visit http://www.collegeboard.com/ap/students/envsci/cours002.html for an outline of topics as well as a course description and a course overview. The order of topics in the outline is not necessarily the order in which the topics will be addressed, and many of the topics will be interwoven repeatedly throughout the course. Course Content Overview (Chapters refer to the 17th edition) Units and Related Text Unit 1: Humans and Sustainability Humans and Sustainability: An Overview (Chapter 1) Additional Resources What is a Scientist? For the AP Student, Reading Activities and Assessments Tragedy of the Commons Lab Environmental Footprint Analysis Ecological Footprint Unit 1 Quiz Unit 2: Natural Systems and Ecosystem Introduction Science, Matter, Energy, and Systems (Chapter 2) Ecosystems: What Are They and How Do They Work? (Chapter 3) Writing a Lab Report Instructions Melt Away Mint Lab Chapter 3 Interactive Review CD Eating at Lower Trophic Levels Activity Biogeochemical cycle vocab review Unit 2 Test Biodiversity – Using the Shannon Index Quiz Unit 2 Biodiversity – Comparing Diversity Lab Unit 3: Human and Natural Case Study: Why Should We A Simulation of Natural Mrs. Tina Sullivan tsullivan@qcsd.org (215) 529-2117 QCSHS Room DO204 Populations Biodiversity and Evolution (Chapter 4) Biodiversity, Species Interactions and Population Control (Chapter 5) The Human Population and Its Impact (Chapter 6) Protect Sharks Forestry Guest Speaker Crash Course Video: Human Impacts on the Environment World in the Balance Video Unit 4: Biomes and Biodiversity Climate and Biodiversity (Chapter 7) Aquatic Biodiversity (Chapter 8) Biomes Video Why Poor Places are More Diverse An Eden for Sharks Reading Which Came First, the Rain or the Rainforest? How Big is the Ocean? Mangroves Reading Coral Reef Adventure Stream Quality Index Crash: A Tale of Two Species Guest Speaker – (Ex) Dr. Larry Niles- Habitat Restoration Horseshoe Crabs and the Red Knots Wastewater Treatment Plant Ocean Confetti Reading: Polar Bears and Climate Change Scientific American: Our Evolving Present Data Analysis Chapter 9 How to Keep Elephants and Wolves Out of Your Yard Back to the Wild The Super Trees The Age of Megafires Virtual Fishing Link The Big One That Got Away Big Fish Stories, Getting Littler Bluefin Tuna GM Foods Video Reading: The Meat Guzzler The Meatrix Unit 5: Sustaining Biodiversity Sustaining Biodiversity: The Species Approach (Chapter 9) Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity: The Ecosystem Approach (Chapter 10) Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity (Chapter 11) Unit 6: Sustaining Natural Resources Food, Soil and Pest Management Mrs. Tina Sullivan tsullivan@qcsd.org (215) 529-2117 Selection Finding a Niche in a New Environment Guest Speaker Survey Countries Category Activity (need to find) Population Analysis Chapter 4,5,6 Vocab Quiz The Power of the Pyramids Unit 3 Test Birds, Bioaccumulation, and the Bay Coral Reef Adventure Stream Survey Guest Speaker Survey Chapter 7,8 Quiz DO in Lakes Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour Test Unit 4 Living with Tigers Cane Toad Essay For the Siberian Tiger Wolf Wars Biodiversity Interactive Biodiversity Activity Quiz Chapter 9/10 Under Fire reading Seed Fishing Lab Planet Seed Tragedy of the Commons Unit 5 Test Eyes of Nye GM Foods Rethinking the Meat Guzzler Soil Triangle Activity QCSHS Room DO204 (Chapter 12) Water Resources (Chapter 13) Water Pollution (Chapter 20) (Field Trip- Wastewater Treatment Plant) A Teacher Growing Green in the South Bronx Wastewater Treatment Plant Trip Wastewater Treatment Video Creek Biological Testing Video: Stream Flow Video: Gardens of the Queen Review Site Unit 7: Resources- NonRenewable and Renewable Geology and Nonrenewable Mineral Resources (Chapter 14) Nonrenewable Energy (Chapter 15) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Chapter 16) (Field TripGreen Building) Rare Earth Elements Reading: The Energizer Modern Marvels Renewable Energy Field Trip Vertical Screens TED Energy Review Video Elon Musk Unit 8: Atmosphere and Climate Environmental Hazards and Human Health (Chapter 17) Air Pollution (Chapter 18) Climate Disruption and Ozone Depletion (Chapter 19) Accidental Poisoning at Dartmouth Case Study: Tuna for Lunch What Fish to Eat Air Pollution PPT Video: Acid Rain Reading: Sick Building Syndrome Video: Chasing Ice 13 Misconceptions About Climate Change TED Reverse Climate Change? Toxicity Lab Risk Assessment Activity LD50 and MSDS Smog in a Jar Chapter 17 Quiz Air Pollution Lab Writing a Lab Report CD Review Chapter 18-19 Quiz Chapter 18-19 Unit 8 Test Unit 9: Pollution Solid and Hazardous Waste (Chapter 21) (Field Trip- Landfill) The Garbage Game Garbage Doesn’t Lie Landfill Field Trip Landfill Worksheet Energy and Recycling Urban Transportation Mrs. Tina Sullivan tsullivan@qcsd.org (215) 529-2117 Soil Calculations Soil Surveys and You Pesticide Spraying Water Loss Drop By Drop Water Use Survey Watershed Worksheets Determining Groundwater Contamination Wastewater Treatment Plant Chapter 12,13,20 Quiz CD Water Review National Geographic: The Chesapeake Bay How the Market Can Keep Streams Flowing Unit 6 Test Light Bulb Comparison Surface Mining Simulation Lab Fossil Fuel Activity Selling Energy Modern Marvels Renewable Energy Vertical Screens Vocab Quiz Unit 7 Test QCSHS Room DO204 Cities and Sustainability (Chapter 22) K-Cup Horror Film Kahoot Review Chapter 21 CBS The Electronic Wasteland Unit 9 Test Recycle City Video: The Eye of Nye: Transportation TED Evolution of Cities The New Suburb Reading: Up on the Roof Urban Footprint Cool Climate Maps TED Urban Sustainable Future TED Retrofitting Suburbia Unit 10: Sustaining Human Societies Economics, Environment and Sustainability (Chapter 23) Politics, Environment and Sustainability (Chapter 24) Environmental Worldviews, Ethics and Sustainability (Chapter 25) Independent Study Unit 10 Test Grading: The established science department guidelines for this course are: Summative (i.e., tests, major projects, lab reports): 70% Formative (i.e., minor projects, classwork, graded HW): 20% HW compliance: 10% Final Exam: 10% of overall course grade Late summative assignments will receive a 10% penalty per day late. Late formative assignments will not be accepted. Grades will be updated on PowerSchool. Please be sure to check your grade regularly. I look forward to working with you this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns before they escalate. I am available for help most days after school or other times by appointment. Please email me to set an appointment. Mrs. Tina Sullivan tsullivan@qcsd.org (215) 529-2117 QCSHS Room DO204