Field Guide: Waves and Waves Properties 1) Wave Properties a) Our first sighting of a wave i) Wave: rhythmic disturbance that carries energy through matter or space ii) Amplitude: the maximum amount of displacement of a particle on the medium from its rest position iii) Frequency: how often the particle of the medium vibrates when a wave passes through the medium (Waves - Lesson 1 The Nature of a Wave) b) Classifying by duration (pulse and continuous progressive) i) Wave pulse: a single bump or disturbance that travels through a medium ii) Continuous (progressive) wave: Repeating bumps or disturbances that travels through a medium c) Classifying by orientation (Transverse, longitudinal) i) Transverse wave: a wave that vibrates perpendicular to the direction of wave ii) Crest: Point of the medium that exhibits the maximum amount of positive or upward displacement from the rest position. iii) Trough: The point on the medium that exhibits the maximum amount of negative or downward displacement from the rest position. iv) Longitudinal wave: the disturbance is in the same direction as, or parallel to, the direction of wave motion ie. Sound wave v) Compression: a point on a medium through which a longitudinal wave is travelling that has the maximum density. vi) Rarefaction: a region where the coils are spread apart, thus maximizing the distance between coils. d) Wave transports energy not matter i) As disturbance moves through the medium, energy is transported from one end of the medium to the other e) Classifying by appearance i) Travelling: When a wave travels through a medium, a crest is seen moving along from particle to particle across a medium. ii) Standing: a wave that vibrates back and forth from a positive displacement to a negative displacement; they occur at regular time intervals f) Classifying by Medium (mechanical and electromagnetic) i) Mechanical: a wave that is not capable of transmitting its energy through a vacuum; they require a medium in order to transport their energy from one location to another. ie. Sound wave ii) Electromagnetic: a wave that is capable of transmitting its energy through a vacuum. They are produced by vibration of charged particles. 2) Waves at a boundary a) Reflection (incident and reflected waves) i) When any wave meets the boundary between two different media it is partially reflected and partially transmitted. ii) This diagram shows that when plane waves are reflected at a boundary. When working with rays, by convention we always measure the angles between the rays and the normal (perpendicular to the barrier). This diagram shows when a single ray of light strikes a smooth mirror it produces a single reflected ray. This type of ‘perfect’ reflection is different to the reflection that takes place from an uneven surface. iii) Diffuse reflection: When a ray strikes an uneven surface, it generates multiple rays in all direction. iv) Law of reflection: The incident angle is equal to the reflected angle. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal all lie in the same plane v) The incident angle is always taken as the angle between the incident ray and the normal. The normal to a surface is the line at right angles to the surface as shown above. b) Refraction (incident and transmitted ) i) If plane waves are incident at an angle on the boundary between two different medium, the transmitted wave will change direction; this is refraction. ii) The change in direction is caused by the change in speed. iii) For instance, in this example, light waves travel faster in air than in glass. So, when the light waves strike the glass, due to the change in the speed of the wave, it changes direction. 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑖 iv) Snell’s law: The ratio 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑟 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡, for a given frequency. The ratio is equal to the ratio of the speeds in the different media. 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃1 𝑉1 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃2 𝑉2 3) Waves at apertures and obstacles a) Diffraction i) Diffraction: the effect of a wave spreading as it passes through an opening or goes around an obstacle. ii) When wave encounters obstacles, the waves pass around the barrier into the regions behind it; subsequently the water behind the barrier is disturbed. iii) The amount of diffraction increases with increasing wavelength and decreases with decreasing wavelength. iv) As wavelength (speed of wave) increases, the amount of diffraction increases. On the other hand, as the wavelength decreases, the amount of diffraction also decreases v) Also, when the distance of an opening increases, there is less diffraction vi) But, when the distance of the opening decreases, the waves spread around more. vii) So, diffraction becomes relatively more important when the wavelength is large in comparison to the size of the aperture. The wavelength needs to be of the same order of magnitude as the aperture for diffraction to be noticeable 4) Waves meeting waves a) Interference (constructive and destructive) i) If the waves have the same amplitude and the same frequency then the interference at a particular point can be constructive or destructive ii) Constructive: Interference that occurs at any location along the medium where the two interfering waves have a displacement in the same direction. In this case, both waves have an upward displacement. The medium has an upward displacement that is greater than the displacement of the two interfering pulses. iii) Destructive: interference that occurs at any location along the medium where the two interfering waves have a displacement in the opposite direction. These two pulses completely destroy each other when they are completely overlapped b) Superposition (patterns and path differences) i) Superposition: When two waves interfere, the resulting displacement of the medium at any location is the algebraic sum of the displacements of the individual waves at that same location. 5) Moving wave source or observer a) Doppler Effect i) Doppler Effect: the change of frequency of a wave as a result of the movement of the source or the movement of the observer ii) When a source is moving, sound waves are emitted at a particular frequency from the source. The speed of the sound wave in the air does not change, but the motion of the source means that the wave fronts are all ‘bunched up’ ahead of the source. This means that the stationary observer receives sound waves of reduced wavelength. iii) The overall effect is that the observer will heard sound at a higher frequency than it was emitted by the source. This applies when the source is moving towards the observer. Bibliography Kirk, T. (2007). Physics for the IB diploma (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Physics: Diffraction . (n.d.). Get Homework Help with CliffsNotes Study Guides . Retrieved September 28, 2012, from guide/Diffraction.topicArticleId-10453,articleId-10443.html Serway, R. A., & Faughn, J. S. (2006).Holt physics. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Waves - Table of Contents. (n.d.). The Physics Classroom. Retrieved September 27, 2012, from