
Rashed Al shamisi
Eng 121
Analysis Report #2
Due date 04,18,2013
Word count: 905
Language Analysis Report
Every academic discipline has its own language guide to express specific facts and
thoughts. For example, an article by Fawaz Alanezi, titled “Juvenile Delinquency in Kuwait:
Applying Social Disorganization Theory Dom.” Dr. Fawaz Alanezi is Assistant Professor in the
Department of Sociology and Social Work in the College of Social Sciences at Kuwait
University, Kuwait. By analyzing the article grammatically for an article related to discipline of
Criminology, I noticed that in this major we use a lot of noun phrase because they want to defined
each subject with full definitions to aware people of them. Moreover, the adverbs in this article
are limited. As a result, it is a scientific article related to criminology, which the criminology
articles uses facts instead of opinions. Furthermore, there are a lot of indirect quotations in this
article because the writer wants to make some arguments in his cases and make his ideas reliable.
However, in this major we use the direct quote in charts and statistics because in this major is
more scientific and it is need to be clear for the reader.
Although there are varieties of language structures, but there is variety of sentences types
too. For example we could notice three simple sentences, three complex sentences, four
compound sentences, and three compound complex sentences. As a result, the majority of
sentence type is the compound sentences in this article. Which compound sentence structure
contain two Independent clause “Social control theory is rooted in the early works of Durkheim
1951 and contends that in the case of the breakdown or the absence of effective social control,
delinquent behavior might occur.” (Alanezi, 2010, 69). This is an example of a compound
complex sentence, but the subject is a phrase, “ Social control theory.’’ (Alanezi, 2010, 69). In
addition, in this article they are a lot of subjects are phrase because this major required to make
there subject clear for the reader to understand. For example, the noun phrase defined subjects
with fall definitions to aware people of them. Moreover, as majoring in this field I think that the
writer use the right noun phrasal in his articles because in this field we have to be more specific,
gives more definitions when we are sending our subjects to the reader to make it easier for him.
While there is a lot of noun phrase, but in this article you would not find a lot of adverb.
The reason that in scientific writing you do not need a lot of adverb because you do not express a
lot of opinions. You would use facts instead of others opinion because in this major required
details evidences, solutions and arguments. As a result, the writer uses only two adverbs. For
example, the firs one is likely, “The social control theory suggests, … are more likely” (Alanezi,
2010, 69). The last one is simple. As a result, these kinds of Adverb consider as weak adverbs and
the uses of the adverbs in this field are meeting exactly the technique of this major in this article.
Also, as an criminology article uses viewer adverbs because they give facts instead of people
opinions and the adverb express the people opinion and in this major we need the truth and facts.
As a result, this major need to provide fact evidence and solution for criminal cases and political
cases, and federal not an opinion. In short, I think this uses of adverbs that meet the goal and the
structure for a perfect criminology articles.
However there were no Adverb, in this article I find that there are a lot of quotations. For
example they are eight indirect quotations and two of direct quotations. The researcher in this
scientific article wants to give some trustable evidence in his research, because he wants to make
his argument easier for readers to imagine how this case is serious, and gives the truth facts for
them to believe and think about his case. By using the indirect quotations a lot because he is
doing along research and he want to make a short quotation instead of using a long quotations in
his research. As a result, the writer want to make some arguments about what kind of evidences in
his case that he reaches with the old evidence of other’s people cases and make his proof reliable.
I think criminology major depends on the indirect quotation to convince people with old cases
and gives them some evidences that based on the research.
In conclusion, this article is a perfect technique of a scientific article. From all of his uses of
adverbs, sentence types, quotations, and the phrase. This article is a simple of criminology articles
because the writer was good at using these kinds of structure for this major. As a result, the
criminology article needs a simple sentences, indirect quotations, and noun phrasal because by
using these kind of structures you will emphasize the clearly definitions, a reliable resources and
prevent with truth facts to make people who read these kind of articles understand them well with
full meaning. Thus, these kind of language structures use in this scientific major because it need a
simple writing with providing facts, and make sure that you use a clear idea and points to make
the context easier for the reader.
Works Cited
Alanezi, F. (2010, Spring). Juvenile Delinquency in Kuwait: Applying Social
Disorganization TheoryDom. Journal of Crimonology.