Ocean Exhibit Draft (3D Multi-textured Art) Name: ___________________ Date: _____________ Period: ________ Directions: Ocean Exhibit Sketch: Use this sheet to create a sketch sample of your Ocean floor, ocean layers, ocean zones, energy source, light visibility, organism size, organism category types such as Benthos organism, Nekton organism, plankton organism, and bioluminescent organisms, environmental resources, oxygen levels, Pressure levels, Temperature ranges, scientist, and science career, land formations such as trench, atolls, seamounts, Midocean ridge, and instruments/technology such as Argo, Alvin, and Conshelf. Include Painted frame boarder design. One 3-D popup image must be included. Use the information from the ocean notes categories. Exhibit maybe a painting, sketch, sculpture, chalk work, scratched art, fabric art, etc. *Suggestions: Ocean Title: 3D popup, Frame: Painted, Ocean Illustration: Drawing, Ocean floor label: white, Ocean zones labels: white Light visibility: colored blue shades, Ocean technology: Cutouts, Ocean organisms: Art paper Cutouts- Benthos, Plankton, Bioluminescent, Nekton, Ocean scientist/career: Signature mark: 3D Popup cutout, Landform: drawings, Energy source: Gray & yellow, Ocean levels/ranges: two tones construction paper & white -temperatures, pressures, and oxygen. Ocean Exhibit Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ocean Exhibit Image Ocean summary placard Part 2: Exhibit Summary Placard - Write a brief description that describes ocean facts themes. examples of existing organisms at each layer, structural forms such seamounts, under water mountains, under water valleys or openings, water instruments/technology, and illustrate the changes of environmental survival conditions such as light, pressure, oxygen, and existing organisms. Include a nice border around the summary placard. 1 Due Date: Name: Ocean Exhibit Draft Date: Period: *Directions: List what you plan to use for the different art textures. 1. Paint: 2. Pencil drawing: 3. 3D Popup: 4. Crayon: 5. Marker: 6. Highlighter: 7. Colored pencil: 8. Construction paper cutout: 9. Printed cutout/stickers: 10. Food item: 11. House hold product: 12. Fabric item: 13. (1 )Additional not listed Art selection: 14. Typed Key Terms Summary: Basic Description / Story/ Poem / Song 2