Year 9 Geography Exam Review Your exam will last one hour. The

Year 9 Geography Exam Review
Your exam will last one hour.
The topics that we studied this year are:
1. Hazardous Environments
2. Settlements and Development
3. Industry
Within each of the four topics you are expected to know about the following.
Topic One – Hazardous Environments
How the Earth in formed
Cross section of the Earth
Plate boundaries (4 types and their direction of movement)
Earthquakes - Causes
Response to an Earthquake in an LEDC and MEDC country
Comparing LEDC and MEDC responses
Richter and Mercalli scales
How a Volcano is formed
Cross Section of a Volcano
The effects of a Volcanic Eruption
The benefits of living near a Volcano
Emergency Response to a Volcano
Topic Two – Settlements and Development
Location Factors
Benefits and Problems of Growth
Land Use Patterns
Changes with Time
Sustainable Development
Topic Three – Industry
Industry Sectors
Industry in MEDC and LEDC
Environmental Concerns
Social Concerns
If you are unsure about any of these topics please ask your classroom teacher.
The following is an example of what the exam could look like.
1. Label the following diagram with the layers of the earth and answer the following
What is the earth’s crust made up of?
What is the space between two of these
pieces called? ____________________________
Which layer of the earth is hot molten rock? ________________________________
Explain how the earth’s crust floats and moves around.
2. Complete the sentences to explain the formation of a hotspot volcano.
Hotspot volcanoes are formed when
The magma
Lava builds up on the
As the
continental oceanic
rises to
through the oceanic crust.
over time to form volcanic
crust moves over the hotspot,
of islands develop.
3. Label the diagram and answer the following questions about earthquakes.
Explain what causes an earthquake/why do they
Explain the difference between what the Mercalli
Scale and Richter Scale measure.
4. Using the diagram below answer the following questions.
What type of plate movement does this diagram show?
What is the main difference between oceanic and continental
5. Why do you think more people die from an earthquake in an LEDC compared to an
earthquake in a HEDC? Explain your answer using information from a case study
covered in class.
6. Match the correct terms to their definitions and accompanying maps by drawing
connecting lines.
Settlements where few
buildings are spread over
a large area
A settlement based in a
narrow band along a road
or other feature
Settlements centred around
a focus point, such as a
bridge or major crossroads
Which of these settlement types would most likely be a port town?
7. Label the following models and answer the questions below.
Industrial Zone
Low-class housing
Middle-class housing
High-class housing
What is the name of this land use
What is the name of the fifth zone in
this model? What would you find
What is the name of this model?
Describe TWO ways that these models different.
8. There are a lot of good and bad things that happen to a city as it continues to develop.
Using Doha as an example, describe TWO benefits and TWO problems that you can already
see today or you may see in the future.
What is sustainable development?
10. Describe the THREE strands of sustainable development. Use examples of each strand in
your explanation.
11. Many people think that governments’ spending money on sporting events (ex. The
Olympics, World Cup) is a waste of money and not helping to develop their cities sustainably. Do
you agree with this statement or disagree? Support your opinion with at least THREE arguments
and consider TWO different countries, and at least TWO different social classes in your response.