Course Equivalents to Virginia Community College Courses VA CC

Course Equivalents to Virginia Community College Courses
VA CC Course
ACC 211/212= ACC 201/202 Principles of Accounting, I & II
ADJ 100 = CJU 201 Intro to Criminal Justice
ADJ 130 = CJU 220 Criminal Law
ADJ 140= CJU 204 Corrections
ADJ 236= CJU 330 Investigation
ART 101or 102= ART 100 Art Appreciation, Art Foundation (previously ART 103)
ART 121 or 122=ART 104 Drawing Fundamentals
ART 201= ART 320 Ancient through Medieval Art in History
ART 202=ART 321 Renaissance to Impressionist Art in History
ART 231 or 232=ART 318 Introduction to Sculpture
ART 241 or 242=ART 212 Painting Studio
ART 283 or 284=ART 201 Basic Computer Graphics
BIO 101/102=BIO 111/112 General Biology I & II
BIO 107= ESC 102 Intro to Environmental Science
BIO 141/142= BIO 254/255 Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II
BIO 231= BIO 254 Anatomy I
BIO 270=ESC 203 Fundamentals of Ecology (must take lab: 4 credits)
BUS 100=BUS 151 Business Enterprises
BUS 241= BUS 315 Bus Law
CHM 102/122=CHM 105 Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry
CHM 111/112=CHM 103/104, General Chemistry, I & II
CHM 241/242=CHM 301/302, Organic Chemistry I &II
CHM 245/246=CHM 301/302, Organic Chemistry I & II
CST 100/110=COM 201 Public Speaking
CST 130=THA 100 Theatre Appreciation
CST 131/132=THA 111/112 Fundamentals of Acting I & II
CST 136=THA 281 Theatre Practicum
CST 145=THA 202 Stage Craft
CST 231= THA 301 World Theatre Through 18th Century (Not a Writing Intensive)
DAN 168=DAN 121 Rhythm with Feet
ECO 201=ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202=ECO 202 Principles of Microeconomics
ENG111/112=ENG101/102 Composition and Research I & II
ENG 241/242=ENG 205/206 American Literature I & II
ENG 243/244= ENG 203/204 British Literature
ENG 251/252=ENG 201/202 World Literature I & II
ENV 221=ESC 313 Natural Resource Management
FIN 107=BUS 201 Personal Finance
FRE 101/102=FRE 101/102 Elementary French I & II
GEO 230 = PSC 302 Political Geography- Social Studies Majors only
GEP 210= PSC 302 Political Geography –Social Studies Majors only
GIS 200= GEO 221 Geographic Information Systems
HIS 101/102 or 111/112=HIS 101/102, Western Civilization I & II
HIS 121/122=HIS 201/202 American History I & II
HIS 225/226= HIS 205 Europe 1500-1789
HLT 156=HHP 206 Introduction to Athletic Injuries
ITE 100 or 120= CSC 101 Introduction to Computers and Computer Information Systems
ITE 115 = CSC 100 Computer Literacy or BUS 230, Computer Applications
ITP 120 and 220=CSC 310 Java Programming
MTH 152 (MTH 120)= MTH 105 Fundamentals of Mathematics
MTH 157 OR 241= MTH 208 OR 206 Introductory Statistics
MTH 240=MTH 208 or 206 Introductory Statistics
MTH 158= MTH 100 College Algebra
MTH 163 = MTH 111 or MTH 103 Pre-Calculus
MTH 164,166, or 168 =MTH 112 Pre- Calculus II
MTH 173,174,176, or 175=MTH 211 Calculus (Must be 4 credits) or MTH 203 (for Business Majors)
MTH 271=MTH 211 Calculus (Must be 4 credits) or MTH 203 (for Business Majors)
MTH 273=MTH 211 Concepts of Calculus (Must be 4 credits) or MTH 203 (for Business Majors)
MTH 277=MTH 301 Multivariable Calculus
MTH 279= MTH303 Differential Equations
MTH 285= MTH302 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MTH 286=MTH 311 Discrete Mathematics
MTH 291=MTH 303 Differential Equations
PED 107=HHP 153 Cardiorespiratory Activities
PED 111= HHP 136 Introduction to Muscular Fitness
PED 116= HHP 110 Concepts of Fitness (must be Fitness & Wellness)
PED 173= REC104 Rock Climbing and Rappelling
PED 176= REC105 Winter Camping
PHI 100,101,102=PHI 131 The Human Condition
PHI 111= PHI 101 Logic
PHI 220= PHI 211 Ethics
PHT 101=ART 217 Black and White Photography
PHT 164=ART 215 Digital Photography
PHY 201/202= PHY 201/202 General Physics I & II
PHY 241/242= PHY 203/204 Fundamentals of Physics (Calculus-based)
PLS 135= PSC 101 American National Gov’t and Politics
PLS 136= PSC 202 State and Local Gov’t
PLS 211= PSC 101 American National Gov’t and Politics
PLS 212= PSC 202 State and Local Gov’t
PSY 200=PSY 201 General Psychology
PSY 215 or 281= PSY 320 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 216= PSY 230 Social Psychology
PSY 235 = PSY 211 Human Growth and Development-Child
PSY 236= PSY 212 Human Growth and Development-Adult
REL 200=REL 112 Literature of the Old Testament
REL 210=REL 113 Literature of the New Testament
REL 230, 231= REL 151 World Religions
RUS 101/102=RUS 101/102 Elementary Russian I & II
SOC 161/200/201= SOC 101 General Sociology
SOC 215 = SOC 205 Marriage and Problems
SOC 250= SOC 204 Sociology of Sport
SOC 266 = SOC 203 Sociology of US Cultural Diversity
SOC 268= SOC 202 Social Problems
SPA 101/102=SPA 101/102 Elementary Spanish I & II
SPD 110= COM 201 Public Speaking
SPD 111=THA 222 Voice and Diction
SPD 131=THA 111 Fundamentals of Acting
SPD 141=THA 100 Theatre Appreciation
SPD 241=THA 246 Beginning Directing
WEB 210=CSC 230 Web Design