AN APPLICANT’S GUIDE TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP City of Needles Community Development Department 817 Third Street Needles, CA 92363 (760) 326-3805 Subdivision of property in the City of Needles shall be in accordance with the State Subdivision Map Act, the Code of the City of Needles and all other applicable regulations and policies The environmental review process must be complete prior to approval of a Tentative Map unless concurrent filing is requested and waiver of State timelines are agreed to by the applicant. I. The tentative application form must be completed and signed; the application fee of $1,500.00 plus $40.00 per lot over 10 lots is required with the submittal of the application. II. To assist staff in completing an initial study, the project applicant is required to complete and submit with the Tentative Tract Map application an Environmental Information form fee of $210.00. This is the first step in doing an environmental determination of what studies or mitigations may be needed, if any. III. If further steps are required, the applicant may be required to submit an Environmental Checklist form for the Initial Study fee of $741.00 and depending on information submitted and the environmental issues discovered, additional environmental forms and studies may be required. IV. Final Map Review fee is $855.00 plus $140.00 per lot over 10 lots required with final map submittal. (Checks payable to the City of Needles) V. Site Photos (Polaroid OK) showing topography, vegetation, existing and adjacent structures, view of and from the site. We like to have aerial photos whenever available. If you have the aerials available on disk we would like a copy digitally. We prefer the digital aerials be ortho-rectified, if possible. VI. Preliminary/Conceptual Map (optional) for review by staff/applicant at development review committee meeting on the project. Actual Map (Step VII.) may be utilized if preferred: Plans – 10 copies required (these must be folded to approximately 9” x 1”) plus at least one (1) 11” x 17” copy. Required data: Tract Map Application – Revised July 2006 1 A. B. C. D. VII. Existing boundary lines, trees, waterways, structures, contours, streets and easements. Proposed grading, street layout, lot lines, open space parks and recreation and building sites. North arrow, scale and contour cross streets. Vicinity map showing nearby cross streets. Tentative Map (must be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer): Plans – 25 copies required (folded to approximately 9” x 11”) plus at least one (1) 11” x 17”. The map must be legibly drawn on one sheet of paper containing the following. A. A title containing the subdivision number, subdivision name and type of subdivision. B. Name and address of legal owner, subdivider and person preparing the map (including registration number). C. Sufficient legal description to define the boundary of the proposed subdivision. D. Data, north arrow, scale and contour interval. E. Existing and proposed land use. F. A vicinity map showing roads, adjoining subdivision, river, railroads and other data sufficient to locate the proposed subdivision and show its relation to the community. G. Existing topography of the proposed site and at least 100 feet beyond its boundary including: 1. Existing contours at 2 foot intervals if the existing ground slope is less than 10% and not less than 5 foot intervals for existing ground slopes greater than or more than 150 feet apart. Existing contours should be represented by dashed lines or by screened lines. 2. Type, location and dripline of existing trees over 15” in circumference. Any trees proposed to be removed should be so indicated. 3. The approximate location and outline of existing structures identified by type. Buildings to be removed should be marked. 4. The approximate location of all areas subject to inundation or storm water overflow and the location, width and direction of flow of each water course. 5. The location, pavement and right-of-way width, grade and name of existing streets or highways. 6. The widths, locations and identity of all existing easements. 7. The location and size of existing sanitary sewers, water mains and storm drains. The approximate slope of existing sewers and storm drains should be indicated. H. Proposed improvements, including: 1. The location, grade, centerline radius and arc length of curves, pavement and right-of-way width, and names of all streets. Typical Tract Map Application – Revised July 2006 2 I. J. K. L. M. VIII. section of all streets must be shown, including curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Curvalinear sidewalks with planting areas are desired. 2. The location and radius of all curb returns and cul-de-sacs. 3. The location, width and purpose of all easements. 4. The angle of intersecting streets if such angle deviates from a right angle by more than four degrees. 5. The approximate lot layout and the approximate dimensions of each lot and of each building site. Engineering data must show the approximate finished grading of each lot, the preliminary design of all grading, the elevation of proposed building pads, the top and toe of cut-and-fill slopes to scale and the number of each lot. 6. Proposed contours at 2 foot intervals must be shown if the existing ground slope is less than 10% and not at less than 5 foot intervals for existing ground slopes greater than or equal to 10. A separate grading plan may be submitted. 7. Proposed recreation sites, trails and parks for private or public use. 8. Proposed common areas and areas to be dedicated to public open space. 9. The location and size of sanitary sewers, water mains and storm drains. Proposed slopes and approximate elevations of sanitary sewers and storm drains must be indicated. 10. Typical drawings or photographs of proposed structures, landscaping, lighting and entry statements. The name or names of any geologist or soils engineer whose services were required in the preparation of the tentative map, and a copy of any report provided. The source and date of existing contours. All lettering must be 1/8” minimum. Certificates for final map. Samples attached hereto. If it is planned to develop the site as shown on the tentative map in phases, then the proposed phases and their sequence of construction should be sown on the tentative map. Accompanying Data and Reports – The Tentative Map must be accompanied by the following data or reports: A. Soils Report – A preliminary soils report prepared in accordance with the City’s requirements must be submitted. If the preliminary soils report indicates the presence of critically expansive soils or other soil problems which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects, the soils report accompanying the final map must contain an investigation of each lot within the subdivision. B. Title Report – A preliminary title report, prepared within 6 months prior to filing the Tentative Map. C. Proposed Development Report - A proposal of what is to be developed within the subdivision. Proposal should include type of construction (industrial, commercial, single-family residential, condominiums, Tract Map Application – Revised July 2006 3 D. apartments, mobilehomes, etc.), square footage and any other construction that would have utility service needs. Draft copies of CC&R’s and incorporation papers for Homeowners Associations including Articles and Bylaws. Tract Map Application – Revised July 2006 4 CITY OF NEEDLES APPLICATION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP Tract #_______________________Assessor’s Parcel #_________________________ Location:______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Type of project and # of units: Single Family_______Condos________Mobile________ Apartments___________Acreage_________________. APPLICANT/DEVELOPER Name_________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person___________________________________Phone_________________ ENGINEER/SURVEYOR/LAND PLANNER/ARCHITECT Name_________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person___________________________________Phone_________________ I, WE, BEING THE OWNER/DEVELOPER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY DO HEREBY AUTHORIZE_______________________________________TO ACT AS OUR AGENT WITH RESPECT TO FILING AND PROCESSING THIS APPLICATION. ______________________________________________ SIGNATURE – Developer/Property Owner (Circle One) ______________________ DATE REQUEST FOR CONCURRENT PROCESSING We hereby request the City to concurrently process this map with the Environmental Assessment (CEQA)proceedings and HEREBY WAIVE the State limits for processing (Government Code Section 66452.1). ______________________________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________ DATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR STAFF COMPLETION 1. Required Maps and Tract Map Application _____________________Fees Paid $____________ 2. Required Environmental Information Form “I” ___________________Fees Paid $____________ 3. Required Environmental Information Form “J” ___________________Fees Paid $____________ 4. Received by:________________________________Date______________Receipt No._______ 5. Expiration of 30 day period to accept will be __________________________________________ Accepted by:______________________________________________________ Tract Map Application – Revised July 2006 5