Study of UDL-Based Mathematics Games in Three Inclusive Fourth Grade Classrooms Cindy Anderson Roosevelt University, Chicago United States Kevin Anderson Elmwood Park Community Unit School District 401 United States Abstract: A study of the effectiveness of 2 games designed using an authoring system with features that follow universal design for learning principles were tested in 3 inclusive fourth grade classrooms. Students were administered a pretest and posttest of random multiplication facts from 0 to 12 and a Likert survey designed to measure their opinions as to the effectiveness of the games in studying multiplication and in their ability to keep students engaged. Results demonstrated a positive effective on multiplication achievement, however Likert results on the value of the use of the games as a teaching tool and their ability to engage students were mixed. Students scored above the midpoint when rating the games ability to keep them engaged but below the midpoint on their use as a tool for practicing multiplication. Results may have been impacted by their opinion that the games could not be played without a teacher's intervention. Introduction In 2000, President George Bush passed a law designed to encourage schools to ensure that all students were challenged to meet academic standards. No Child Left Behind (2000) was a call to action that even students with disabilities were expected to meet minimal standards on academic standards. The law challenges classroom teachers to prepare all their students to score in the performance range on achievement tests designed from the academic standards. The history of accountablility for all students has a long history. In 1983, the publication of A Nation at Risk (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983) began a movement towards accountability in education. In 1989 the government accepted the challenge and President George H.W. Bush's administration authored a set of national educational goals that would become the Goals 2000: Educate America Act (H.R. 1804). This act made standards-based accountability obligatory. Teacher organizations in each content area in turn authored their individual lists of standards in their own content area, standards that became the basis for standardized assessment instruments designed to measure the preparedness of students for the needs outlined by businesses in the earlier 1983 report. States then used these lists of academic standards to grow their own standards and standardized assessments (Anderson & Anderson, 2005). This article reports the results of a study that was funded by a university research grant. The research incorporated games that were designed to address multiplication standards of the Common Core (2010) and were developed using authoring software that was designed to be accessible to all students called Classroom Suite (2003). Developed by Intellitools, Classroom Suite is a suite of programs with built-in features that follow the Universal Design for Learning principles for accessibility (CAST, 2010). The program has text-to-speech synthesis and is designed to interact with a variety of alternative input devices, such as switches and alternate keyboards. The software has math tools that are computer versions of manipulatives that some students with disabilities are not able to use when presented off the computer. The program includes dice, spinners, flipping coins and other math tools such as counting boxes and sorting boxes. These tools can be use by developers to create accessible activities. These games were used for the research in this study. Thus, two multiplication games were created using this universally designed software and its manipulative tools and were used with inclusive fourth grade classrooms. This study outlines the results of the research. Review of Literature Effectiveness of Technology on Mathematics Achievement Use of technology in mathematics instruction has been encouraged by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2000). Several studies support the NCTM stance on using technology in mathematics instruction. Several other studies specifically investigated the effectiveness of technology when teaching students who have trouble learning. This review of past research will outline pertinent studies in each of these areas. Math Instruction Using Computer-Based Tools Several studies have researched the effects of technology integration into mathematics instruction in the classroom, with most demonstrating improvements in achievement. Several of these studies looked at specific instructional software programs while others looked at instructional systems that include mathematics. Some studies focus on researching mathematics software games. Overall, most demonstrate the effectiveness of technology integration with significant results. Dynarski Godini, Heaviside, Novak, Carey, Campuzano, Means, Murphy, Penuel, Javitz, Emery, and Sussex (2007) studied the success of several learning systems, including PLATO Achieve Now, and iLearn Math, on sixth and ninth grade students. The students were compared using nonrandom groups, evaluating those using the technology to those without technology. Using multiple measurements, authors were not able to demonstrate a statistically significant difference between schools using the technology and those not using the technology. Sedig (2008) studied the effectives of a mathematics software game called Super Tangrams (1998). Super Tangrams permits students manipulate tangram pieces to make them match a suggested pattern. Scoring is based on the number of moves needed to match the figure. Assessment involved a pretest and posttest of tangram matching and a survey to find out opinions about the software's format for learning mathematics. Using three groups who received differing levels of instruction, results demonstrated that all groups achieved significant changes in their scores and knowledge of transformational geometry. Results of the opinion surveys found that students found the game to be engaging, as well. Chang, Lin, Ching, Cheng, Chang, Chen, Wu, and Chan (2010), used EduBingo (2010), a drill and practice program, to measure the potential of a one-to-one wireless approach in elementary classrooms. Using a variety of mathematics problems including fractions, multiplication, and division built into the software, the authors found that the game increased mathematics skills and students’ opinions of mathematics. Schoppek and Tulis (2010) studied a software program, Merlin's Math Mill (2010), to determine if it could be effective to increase skills in basic arithmetical operations. The software was adaptive to the skills of the third graders using it. It selected appropriate problems, provided feedback, and changed based on the needs of the students. In two separate experiments, third graders using the software showed significant gains over control groups throughout the ability levels. Follow up research three months later continued to demonstrate gains. Kebritschi, Hirumi, and Bai (2010) studied the effects of a mathematics computer game called Dimension, on algebra and pre-algebra students’ skills and motivation for algebra. They also studied the role of students’ prior mathematics achievement, computer ability, and English language fluency on the outcome. Comparing experimental and control groups, researchers found significant achievement improvement for the experimental group. However no significant difference was found in motivation for algebra between the experimental and the control group. Knowledge of English, computer skills, and prior knowledge of the topic did not seem to impact the results. Ota and DuPaul (2002) researched the effects that computer games have on the mathematic achievement in children who were identified as having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. In the study, the students improved their accuracy in problems as measured by digits per minute. In addition, Ota and DuPaul (2002) found that computer games allowed the students to attend more closely to the mathematics. Their off-task behavior also decreased while playing the games. Ota and DuPaul the students’ achievement scores and increased attending to the computer games, because the games focus on curriculum and are engaging. Mathematics software has been found to be successful when used to increase students’ mathematics skills. In addition, mathematics games have been found to increase achievement scores but were mixed in their ability to improve attitudes of students towards mathematics. However, not much has been done looking at software that is accessible and designed using the principles of universal design for learning. This study looked at the effects of UDL-based games on the multiplication achievement and attitudes of students in inclusive fourth grades. Specifically, this study asked the following research questions: 1. Does use of the multiplication games impact achievement scores in fourth graders? 2. How do students feel about Multiplication Baseball/Multiplication Bingo as a tool for practicing multiplication facts? 3. How do the students feel about Multiplication Baseball/Multiplication Bingo as engaging pasttimes? Method Participants The participants were 92 fourth grade students in a surburban school district. The sample included 3 classes, with 94 students included. Of the sample, 39 were African-American with 25 of them boys. The sample included 1 Hispanic girl and 2 Hispanic boys. The rest of the students were Caucasian. Materials This study was designed to study the effectiveness of two accessible multiplication games developed by the authors. These games were developed with an authoring software, Classroom Suite, a program that is made by Intellitools (2003) and has built-in universal design for learning features. The games used in the study were a Bingo game and a baseball game. Classroom Suite enables activities developed with the software to speak using text to speech synthesis, a tool that assists students who are at-risk for reading (Boone & Higgins, 1993). With Classroom Suite, the text of the games, such as the directions and the numerals on the games, can be spoken, providing an oral alternative for the students who cannot read the text. Poor writers can take advantage of built-in word prediction, while buttons and tools can be programmed to be accessible for students who use alternative input devices. Classroom Suite also can be used to develop menus and buttons that can be accessed using these alternative inputs as well as normal inputs. The Bingo game is designed to reinforce the learning of multiplication facts from zero to 12. The game includes a menu designed by the authors that allows the user to navigate from a directions page, a page that included a chart of multiplication facts for scaffolding multiplication facts, and then the game page itself (Figure 1). A second set of two buttons at the bottom of the game page fills out the two game cards with random multiplication fact responses (Figure 1). The Bingo game is designed for two players. To begin the game, each player spins a spinner to determine who goes first in the game. The winning spinner then presses a button labeled “Draw Cards.” This button delivers two playing cards into a box at the center of the playing screen that are the numbers that are multiplied. If the player’s response is accurate, both players can cover that numeral on their respective BINGO cards. If the player’s response was incorrect, the opponent has a chance to correct the answer. If that player is correct, he/she covers the number on his or her BINGO card. The incorrect player does not get to use his/her BINGO card when their answer is incorrect. Play then progresses to the opponent. The conclusion of this Bingo game is the same as the traditional BINGO with the winner being person with an unbroken line of chips extending across, up and down, or diagonally. The multiplication chart can be used as a scaffold if negotiated between the players or to settle disputes about correct responses. Its inclusion is designed to assist in UDL lesson design. Figure 1. Multiplication Bingo game The multiplication baseball game was designed to follow the rules of baseball to the maximum extent possible. Each student had nine balls that represent players that are added by the student using a button on the menubar (Figure 2). A quarter, an accessible tool of Classroom Suite, is flipped to determine who was the first player at bat. When a player was at bat, he or she presses a button on the menu to release playing cards that are multiplied to determine how far or if his player was able to advance. An incorrect response is an automatic out. For a correct response, the response would determine how far the player advances. However, before the player advances, the opponent has the chance to activate the “Defense” button. This button randomly chooses a happy figure or sad face and drops them onto the playing field. The happy figure allows that player to advance the appropriate bases. The sad face describes an appropriate baseball play that is an out, and the batter was declared as being out. The latter feature keeps the second player involved in every play and allows the game to more closely resemble a true baseball game, both in its plays, the inning scores and the final score. However, as an additional fail safe for one player's turn not to continue too long, the game had a run limit per inning built in, also. Figure 3. Multiplication Baseball Game Board The multiplication baseball game has a few additional features. The game includes many buttons to help the player play the game. The buttons include a button for the directions of the game, scoring directions traditional baseball rules for those players not familiar with baseball, the scaffolding multiplication chart, the previously described “Defense” button, a button for dropping the cards to be multiplied, a button for placing players on the field, and a button for a help-me video. The game screen has several additional tools. There is a small scoreboard for score-keeping, a baseball diamond that serves as background, and boxes that act as dugouts for players. Procedure This study took place during a four-week period in the spring of the school year. During this time, the classes met with the researchers twice a week for 50 minutes each time. As a pretest, students took a one minute timed pretest of 50 multiplication facts. The students were then given instructions regarding the play of the game. The authors oversaw the use of the games with the students twice a week for 50 minutes each time for four weeks. First, the Bingo game was used for two weeks, followed by the baseball game was during final two weeks. At the conclusion of the two weeks of use of each of the individual games, students were asked to fill out a Likert survey to measure their opinions of the game they had just completed. At the end of the four weeks, the students were given a posttest of 50 randomly selected multiplication facts to measure their achievement. Statistical analysis used in the study was a correlated samples t-test using a pretest and postest of 50 random multiplication facts from 0 to 12. Students’ ratings concerning the games were measured using a Likert survey with results changed to numerical data and reported as means. Results To answer the first research question, “Does use of the multiplication games impact achievement scores in fourth graders?” the researcher used a t-test for correlated samples. The dependent variable was the score on the multiplication fact assessment. Students demonstrated statistically significant gains from pretest (M=17.17, SD=8.4) to posttest (M=20.07, SD=10.6); t(182)=-2.0, p= .021. Thus, in response to this research question was found to be supported. The games appear to indicate an advancement in achievement scores on multiplication facts. To answer the second research question, “How do students feel about Multiplication Baseball/Multiplication Bingo as a tool for practicing multiplication facts?" researchers asked several questions on a Likert survey. Tables 1 and 2 report these results. Survey Item Classroom Suite Bingo is a good way to practice multiplication facts. Mean 2.842 SD 0.9733 Classroom Suite Bingo was good practice for fourth graders. 2.763 0.9708 Classroom Suite Bingo helped me to remember multiplication facts faster. 2.684 0.9893 Classroom Suite Bingo could be played without asking the teacher for help. 2.737 1.2233 Table 1. Results of opinion questions on Likert survey concerning Multiplication Bingo. Results are based on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest rating. Survey Item Classroom Suite Baseball is a good way to practice multiplication facts. Mean 3.000 SD 1.1882 Classroom Suite Baseball was good practice for fourth graders. 2.829 1.0142 Classroom Suite Baseball helped me to remember multiplication facts faster. 2.543 1.0100 Classroom Suite Baseball could be played without asking the teacher for help. 2.514 1.1725 Table 2. Results of opinion questions on Likert survey concerning Multiplication Baseball. Results are based on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest rating. Results indicate that the students were somewhat ambivalent about the games as a tool for remembering multiplication facts, although they felt the Baseball to be a good tool for practicing multiplication facts. This might be explained by the fact that they liked baseball better (Tables 3 and 4). It was also the second game to be used. To answer the third research question, " How do the students feel about Multiplication Baseball/Multiplication Bingo as engaging pasttimes?" students responded to several questions on the Likert scale. Results are reported in Tables 3 and 4. Survey Item Classroom Suite Bingo is fun Classroom Suite Bingo was fun to play every day. Classroom Suite Bingo was easy to learn. Classroom Suite Bingo could be played without asking the teacher for help. I would recommend Classroom Suite Bingo to other fourth graders. Mean 3.053 2.553 SD 0.8683 1.1554 3.158 0.9733 2.737 1.2233 2.974 0.9722 Table 3. Results of opinion questions on Likert survey concerning Multiplication Bingo. Results are based on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest rating. Survey Item Classroom Suite Baseball is fun Classroom Suite Baseball was fun to play every day. Classroom Suite Baseball was easy to learn. Classroom Suite Baseball could be played without asking the teacher for help. I would recommend Classroom Suite Baseball to other fourth graders. Mean 3.171 2.800 SD 1.1242 1.2078 2.829 1.0977 2.514 1.1725 2.914 0.9194 Table 4. Results of opinion questions on Likert survey concerning Multiplication Baseball. Results are based on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest rating. Results indicate that the students were somewhat ambivalent about the games. Both reported scores higher than the midpoint concerning whether or not they were fun. If they were to say that they were fun to play every day, they were not so sure. Results seem to point to reasons why students felt as they did. They did not rate highly either game as a game that could be played without teacher intervention or one that they would recommend to other fourth graders. Results of the research outlined in this study indicated that the multiplication games, Bingo and baseball, were effective as a tool in practicing multiplication facts for inclusive fourth graders. While the statistical analysis indicated success, students were not so quick to agree about the games effectiveness as a tool for practicing multiplication facts. They did report that at least Multiplication Baseball was engaging. However, they did not endorse either game wholeheartedly when asked if they would recommend the games. These responses might be explained by the response to the question asking if they could play the games without teacher intervention. Neither was reported to be a game that could be played independently. Discussion Pre and posttest analysis of multiplication facts in this study determined a statistically significant increase in students' ability to answer multiplication fact assessment. Like Chang, (2010) and Schoppek & Tulis (2010) use of the games was a beneficial and effective means for practicing multiplication facts. Practicing multiplication facts through use of the games led to increased multiplication achievement. Students were also assessed on their opinions of the games. Generally, they reported that the games were engaging, especially Baseball, but they were ambivalent about their ability to teach multiplication facts. They reported scores above the midpoint for enjoyment but below the midpoint for their ability to teach multiplication. Again, as in Chang, (2010) and Schoppek & Tulis (2010), students found the games engaging. However, students were not sure of the games as a good method for studying multiplication facts. This contrasts with the study by Ota and DuPaul (2002) who found that students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder found the games engaging, also accredited the games to be a good tool for learning mathematics. This study demonstrated the possible effectiveness of using games to provide instruction in mathematics. However, it provided somewhat mixed results in reporting how the students felt about the games as a tool for practicing mathematics. These results may have been explained by student's comments concerning the fact that the games required teacher intervention to play. Perhaps the benefit of using games is measured by the ability to play them independently. Given the somewhat unanticipated response on the part of the students in not identifying the games as an effective tool for studying multiplication, perhaps future research should focus on identifying student opinions of games as a tool for mathematics instruction. It would seem that games would be thought to be an effective tool in increasing engagement on the part of students. Further study into what students judge as both engaging and effective instruction could be the next investigation. References Anderson, K. M., & Anderson, C. L. (2005). Using standards-based instruction to reach all children. In K. Higgins,R. Boone, & D. Edyburn (Eds.), The handbook of special education technology research and practice. Whitefish Bay, WI: Knowledge by Design, Inc. 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