Changes to Funding Rules Future Fellowships commencing in 2014 Future Fellowships commencing in 2015 Objectives New objective to ensure that outstanding mid-career researchers are recruited and retained, by Administering Organisations in continuing academic positions (B3.1.1b) This change was proposed in the Funding Rules consultation process and was supported by the feedback. c. support research in national priorities that will result in economic, environmental, social, health and/or cultural benefits for Australia; and (4.2.1c) Amended wording: d. support research in national priorities that will result in economic, environmental, social, and/or cultural benefits for Australia; and (B3.1.1d) Selection Criteria Future Fellowship Candidate Selection criterion ‘Future Fellowship Candidate’ has been divided into two categories related to the salary level applied for. (B3.2.1a) This change was proposed in the Funding Rules consultation process and was supported by the feedback. Target Priority Areas Target Priority Areas have been removed Strategic Statement The Administering Organisation must provide a strategic statement within the Proposal which: The Administering Organisation must provide a strategic statement within the Proposal which: a. details the existing and/or emerging research strengths of the Administering Organisation; a. indicates that this area is a core or emerging area of research strength and describes the level of resources to be provided to support the successful candidate (for example, include project costs, PhD students, or salary top-up); b. describes how the Future Fellowship Candidate aligns with and/or complements the staffing profile of the Administering Organisation; c. outlines plans for integration of the Future b. outlines plans to retain the successful Future Fellow in a continuing position, Changes to Funding Rules Future Fellowships commencing in 2014 Future Fellowships commencing in 2015 Fellowship Candidate into the ongoing activities of the organisation at the end of the Future Fellowship; and subject to appropriate performance during the Fellowship; d. is signed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Chief Executive Officer or equivalent. (4.4.1) c. where the Future Fellowship candidate is an existing employee of the Administering Organisation, describes how the salary that was previously provided by the Administering Organisation will be used; and d. is signed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Chief Executive Officer or equivalent. (B3.3.1) Budget Items Supported b. expenditure on Fieldwork essential to the project, including technical and logistical support for the Future Fellowship Candidate only (5.2.1b) Expenditure on Field Research may now also be funded for support personnel. (B4.2.1a) No higher degree by research stipends One higher degree by research stipend per Proposal can be funded. (B4.2.1b) Host Organisation Requirements The Future Fellow may conduct research at the Host Organisation(s), provided that it is in the best interests of the research and its outcomes, and is of national benefit to Australia, for a period or periods of up to: a. twelve (12) months in total, over the life of the Future Fellowship, at Host Organisations that are not Eligible Organisations; or Timing restrictions for conducting research at Host Organisations have been removed. (B5.1.4) b. twenty-four (24) months in total, over the life of the Future Fellowship, at Host Organisations that are Eligible Organisations. (6.2.4) Limits on Projects and Proposals A Future Fellow may only receive funding concurrently for a maximum of two Discovery Projects. If two Projects are funded concurrently under the Discovery Limits have been aligned with the other Discovery Program schemes. Within the Discovery Program a researcher Changes to Funding Rules Future Fellowships commencing in 2014 Future Fellowships commencing in 2015 Projects scheme only one can be as sole CI. (9.1.5) can be funded for a maximum of: Researchers cannot submit a Future Fellowships Proposal for funding commencing in 2014 and the following regardless of the time of proposal submission: a. a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) for funding commencing in 2015; b. a Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award (DORA) within a Discovery Projects Proposal for funding commencing in 2015; a. two Projects as a CI, or b. one ARC Fellowship or ARC Award, and one Project as a CI. (A6.2.1) Limits also introduced for cross-holding Future Fellowships and funded Centres of Excellence and Industrial Transformation Research Hubs and Centres (A6.2.2) This change was proposed in the Funding Rules consultation process in mid-2014 and was supported by the feedback. c. an Australian Laureate Fellowships Proposal for funding commencing in 2014; or d. a Fellowship or other career award on a NHMRC proposal for funding commencing in 2014 or 2015. (9.1.4) Salary Levels A Future Fellowship salary may be requested and awarded at one of three salary levels (2014$) (plus salary-related (on-cost) funding), which is either equivalent to or higher than the academic salary level of the Future Fellowship Candidate as at the closing time for submission of Proposals. (8.1.1) The Future Fellowship salary must be requested and will be awarded at the academic level one step higher than the Future Fellowship Candidate’s academic level (or equivalent) at the closing time for submission of Proposals. (B6.4.1, Table 1) This change was proposed in the Funding Rules consultation process in mid-2014 and was supported by the feedback. Future Fellowship Candidate and Role The Future Fellow must be employed by the Administering Organisation for the duration of the Future Fellowship. (7.1.8) The Future Fellow must be an employee at the Administering Organisation for the duration of the Fellowship. (B6.2.1) Changes to Funding Rules Future Fellowships commencing in 2014 Future Fellowships commencing in 2015 The Future Fellow is expected to spend a minimum of 20 per cent of her/his time on activities at the Administering Organisation. (B6.2.2) Eligibility Exemption Requests To be considered a mid-career researcher for the purposes of the Future Fellowships scheme, a Future Fellowship Candidate must: b. have obtained approval from the ARC, via the submission of an Eligibility Exemption Request pursuant to the process outlined in section 9.3, for the: Recognition of a research qualification equivalent to a PhD is no longer included in the Eligibility Exemption Request process. It is the Administering Organisation’s responsibility to certify that the Future Fellowship Candidate holds a research qualification which meets the level 10 criteria of the Australian Qualifications Framework Second Edition January 2013. (B6.3.3) i. recognition of research experience or a research qualification equivalent to between 5 and 15 years research experience since the award of a PhD (7.2.2 b i) Types of career interruption have been updated in line with DECRA (B6.5.4)