Directive No. 1/2015


Directive No. 1/2015

On the methods of assessing scholarly and pedagogical qualifications for habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures at the Faculty of Economics and Administration

In accordance with Section 28, subsection 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education

Institutions and on the Modification and Amendments of Other Acts (Higher Education Act) and

Section V., subsection 2.1.1 letter v) of the Organisational Code of the Faculty of Economics and Administration (hereinafter referred to as FEA) I, hereby issue this directive.

Section 1

Subject of the provision


This provision addresses the methods and procedures by which scholarly and pedagogical qualifications are assessed by members of habilitation committees, assessment committees and the Scientific Board of FEA during habilitation procedure and professor appointment procedures at FEA.


Further specified are the requirements necessary for habilitation theses submitted in the form of a collection of published scholarly work accompanied with a commentary (Section

72, subsection 3, part b) of the Higher Education Act.

Section 2

Facts assessed during the procedure


The habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures at FEA are regulated by

Sections 71-74 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. and Rector’s Directive No. 3/2014 on Habilitation

Procedures and Professor Appointment Procedures at Masaryk University. This directive specifies the form and scope of documents proving the scholarly and pedagogical qualifications of an applicant (further only documents) that are subject to assessment during the procedure.


Scholarly qualifications and pedagogical qualifications are assessed during the habilitation procedure. Pedagogical qualifications of an applicant are assessed on the basis of a public lecture for a professional audience, a habilitation lecture and previous pedagogical experience. The scholarly qualifications of an applicant are assessed mainly on the basis of the habilitation thesis, its defence, and on the basis of other scholarly and professional work, responses to that work, scholarly internships and any other indicators attesting to scholarly activity. The relevant and necessary documents that certify to existing scholarly activity and previous pedagogical experience are a part of annexes in a proposal to initiate the procedure, developed in accordance with Rector’s Directive No. 3/2014 on Habilitation

Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedures at Masaryk University.


As part of the proposal to initiate the habilitation procedure, applicants at FEA are obliged to submit an outline describing the concept of their scholarly activity and the results accomplished (see Rector’s Directive No. 3/2014 on Habilitation procedure and professor appointment procedures at Masaryk University, Section 4, subsection 2, letter d), also

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including basic information on the applicant’s focus of teaching. The outline should include mainly 1 :

 a description of the scientific and research profile of an applicant indicating their development over a previous period of time and their present research focus

 a description of the applicant’s scientific and research results with an emphasis on their contributions to scholarship in a chosen area, as well as professional characteristics and any significant advisory activity testifying to the applicant’s recognition by experts in the field

 a description of pedagogical expertise, stating major subjects taught and what contribution(s) the applicant can offer in terms of their implementation and development.


During professor appointment procedures, an applicant, a distinguished and recognised scholar, contributing to development, provides evidence of their scholarly and pedagogical qualifications. The assessment is based mainly on published scholarly and professional work, responses to these, completed scholarly internships and other indicators testifying to their scholarly activity and previous pedagogical experience. This also includes potential recommendations and an assessment of a public lecture aimed at professionals, as well as a lecture at a public session of the scientific board. The relevant and necessary documents that certify existing scholarly activity and previous pedagogical experience are a part of annexes in a proposal to initiate the procedure, developed in accordance with Rector’s Directive No. 3/2014 on Habilitation Procedures and Professor Appointment Procedures at Masaryk University.


As part of the proposal to initiate the professor appointment procedure, applicants at

FEA are obliged to submit an outline describing the concept of their scholarly activity and the results accomplished (see Rector’s Directive No. 3/2014, section 10, subsection

2, letter e). The outline of the scholarly activity should include mainly 2 :

 a description of the scientific and research profile of the applicant indicating development over a previous period of time and their present research focus,

 a description of scientific and research activity and results of an applicant with an emphasis on contributions to scholarship in a chosen area (accompanied by e.g. professional activity and relevant advisory activity testifying to the recognition by the professional public); this should include information about: o key publications of an applicant and responses to these, o development of scholarly teams and international research cooperation, o results in the supervisory activity of doctoral students,

 a description of any pedagogical expertise of the applicant, stating major subjects taught and (if relevant) subjects/programmes guaranteed specifying the contribution to their implementation and development.

Section 3

Methods of assessing materials of pedagogical qualification


For the habilitation procedure, applicants are expected to engage in regular tertiary teaching and have a minimum of three years’ experience. Applicants are further expected to supervise Bachelor and Master theses, to develop teaching materials and volunteer their expertise on final state examinations committees. Applicants are expected to meet the requirements of the position of a lecturer, preferably in subjects shaping the study programme or field.

1 With a structure at the applicant’s own discretion.

2 See footnote no. 1.

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For professor appointment procedures, applicants are expected to engage in regular tertiary teaching and have a minimum of five years’ experience, of which at least two years are in the position of associate professor. In addition, applicants are expected to have experience in giving lectures in major subjects shaping the study programmes or fields, and, to actively participate in defining the focus of the programmes and fields, and in guaranteeing them. The pedagogical qualification of an applicant is supported by their cooperation in final state examinations committees or boards for doctoral studies


and committees, and successful supervision of a range of final theses.

Applicants pursuing the conferment of a professorial title are expected to participate in the education of doctoral programmes students, with at least two doctoral students supervised by the applicant, who have successfully completed their studies.

Section 4

Methods of assessment of an applicant’s scholarly qualification


For scholarly qualifications to be assessed, applicants will submit self-evaluation assessment, conducted on the basis of point values allocated for individual activities as stated in Annex No.1 of this directive, accompanied with a commentary 3 , if necessary.

Data in the self-evaluation table are based on documents certifying scholarly qualifications of the applicant, processed in accordance with Rector’s Directive No.

3/2014 on Habilitation Procedures and Professor Appointment Procedures at Masaryk



Quantitative criteria of assessment are stipulated for the part of requirements which specifies professional and scholarly publications, research activity and responses to the author’s work. Manifesting and documenting compliance with the recommended minimum requirements concerning professional and scholarly publications, research


activity and responses to it, serves as an instrumental foundation to initiate the procedure.

In order to assess an applicant in the habilitation procedure and professor appointment procedures, the following recommended minimum requirements have been stipulated.

Minimum number of points recommended:

Assessed categories of results:

(i, ii, iii, iv, xv, xvi)* publication activity, editorship

Associate professor


100 of these:

(i) scholarly articles in journals


1,0 ** articles in impact journals

(ii) authorship or coauthorship of a scholarly book publication


Minimum: of these:

(i) scholarly articles in journals

(ii) authorship or co-authorship of a scholarly book publication





2,0 ** articles in impact journals


3 Commentary is appropriate mainly where the possibility of compensation in evaluation is used, or where certain connections need clarification etc.

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(xiv)* invited lecture at a scientific conference research and development projects citations





35 80

Note: * For classification of the categories assessed see Annex No.1 Self-evaluation table to assess scholarly qualification of an applicant.

** The authorship share of one article is divided equally among the authors.

Permissible compensation:

The points in the category of scholarly book publication (ii) can be compensated for by points for articles in impact journals (i), however, not the other way around.

Compensation is possible in cases where the number of articles published in impact journals has exceeded the recommended minimum.

Section 5

Provision on requirements for habilitation thesis submitted in the form of a collection of previously published scholarly works with commentary


By published scholarly works is understood:

 original scholarly articles published in reviewed journals, chapters in published monographic books distributed through distribution networks.


Habilitation thesis submitted in the form of a collection of published scholarly works with a commentary must include the minimum of five original scholarly articles published in reviewed journals, and: a.

the majority of the submitted articles must bear individual authorship; the remaining articles must bear a minimum of 50 % authorship (with the exception


of b), b.

at least one article included in the submitted collection must be published in a journal with IF corresponding with the median value of IF of journals of the pertinent economic field or of a higher value 4 ; such an article must bear a minimum of 33 % authorship (or the sum of authorship shares for more articles published in IF journals with the IF corresponding with the median value of IF journals of a pertinent economic field or of a higher value).

The collection of articles must be accompanied by a unifying commentary with a minimum range of 30 pages. The commentary must bear characteristics of:

 a complex concept of the submitted collection of works,

 the present state of research in the given area (at the international level),

 theoretical foundations and research methodology,

 a summary of the findings and specification of the overall scientific contribution of the articles published; in cases of articles bearing co-authorship, applicants must further specify their personal contribution,

 the specification of limits of the research published and a desirable direction of further research.

4 IF relates to the year of publication.

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Section 6

Concluding provisions


I entrust the vice-dean for academic qualifications and doctoral degree programme with interpretation of individual provisions of this directive.


I entrust the vice-dean for academic qualifications and doctoral degree programme with continuous update of individual provisions of this directive.


An authorised official of the research department at FEA is commissioned to control the adherence to the directive.


Attached to this directive is Annex No.1 Self-evaluation table to assess scholarly qualification of an applicant.


This directive enters into force on 5 January 2015.


This directive cancels directive No. 2/2011.

In Brno 5 January 2015

prof. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc., v.r.


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