Dr. Kawes Omer Zangana, DCH,FIBMS/ Ped.

Dr. Kawes Omer Zangana, DCH,FIBMS/ Ped.
Lecturer of Pediatrics
Pediatrician; Raparin Prdiatric Teaching Hospital
E-mail: kawes.omer@med.hmu.edu.iq
Phone: +964 750 477 10 82
A graduate of the Iraqi Board for Medical Specializations (Iraq) and a
postgraduate Diploma of Pediatric and Child Health. He is working as a lecturer
at College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University (HMU), teaching in Pediatric s
specially neonatology, infectious diseases and Pediatric nephrology. His
research focuses on pediatric infectious diseases, pulmonary infectious diseases
and neonatology