Supplementary Tables (docx 40K)


Supplementary table 1 EORTC QLQ-C30 global quality of life and functional mean scores at all time points by treatment group and changes between baseline and assessment point.

Global health






Global health











Mean 95% CI

67.8 (63.3 72.3)

83.2 (79.5 87.0)

77.9 (72.5 83.2)

76.1 (71.9 80.4)

85.7 (81.9 89.5)

76.9 (71.8 81.9)

68.3 (64.9 71.8)

85.7 (82.4 88.9)

83.5 (79.4 87.6)

77.1 (73.3 81.0)

85.5 (82.6 88.4)

82.1 (78.1 86.1)

7 weeks

Mean 95% CI CH

62.2 (58.4 66.1) -5.6

76.0 (71.8 80.3) -7.2

68.4 (62.5 74.4) -9.5

81.1 (76.8 85.4) 5.0

83.0 (79.1 87.0) -2.7

73.4 (68.4 78.5) -3.5

58.7 (54.3 63.1) -9.6

73.2 (68.7 77.7) -12.5

63.4 (56.6 70.3) -20.1

72.0 (67.1 77.0) -5.1

74.7 (69.9 79.5) -10.8

67.7 (61.7 73.8) -14.4

CRT = chemoradiotherapy

CRT + C = chemoradiotherapy plus cetuximab

CI = confidence intervals

CH =mean difference between time point and baseline

High score is equivalent to a better quality of life

13 weeks

Mean 95% CI CH

45.3 (40.2 50.4) – 22.5

59.3 (54.0 64.7) -23.9

45.3 (38.5 52.1) -32.6

74.5 (70.0 79.1) -1.6

74.8 (70.0 79.7) -10.9

54.4 (47.7 61.2) -22.5

45.2 (39.8 50.7) -23.1

58.1 (52.3 63.9) -27.6

42.8 (35.6 50.1) -40.7

69.2 (63.4 75.0) -7.9

69.8 (64.0 75.5) -15.7

57.8 (50.4 75.5) -24.3

26 weeks

Mean 95% CI CH

65.4 (60.4 70.5) -2.4

74.7 (69.8 79.5) -8.5

67.8 (60.9 74.6) -10.1

76.3 (70.9 81.1) 0.2

79.8 (74.3 85.3) 5.9

71.9 (65.3 78.5) -5.0

68.1 (63.4 72.8) -0.2

76.3 (71.4 81.2) -9.4

72.4 (65.8 78.9) -11.1

77.4 (72.2 82.6) 0.3

79.5 (74.5 84.5) -6.0

80.3 (74.6 86.0) -1.8

52 weeks

Mean 95% CI CH

71.5 (66.4 76.6) 3.7

78.6 (73.9 83.3) -4.6

75.9 (69.6 82.2) -2.0

80.6 (74.8 86.4) 4.5

84.7 (80.1 89.3) -1.0

78.2 (71.6 84.7) 1.3

72.6 (67.7 77.6) 4.3

76.9 (71.2 82.5) -8.8

77.2 (69.8 84.6) -6.3

77.9 (72.0 83.8) 0.8

82.3 (77.5 87.1) -3.2

81.0 (73.9 88.1) -1.1

104 weeks

Mean 95% CI CH

68.5 (61.4 75.7) 0.7

74.8 (68.3 81.3) -8.4

72.0 (62.8 81.2) -5.9

80.8 (74.0 87.7) 4.7

82.0 (76.0 87.9) -3.7

79.9 (71.6 88.3) 3.0

71.7 (63.4 79.9) 3.4

76.4 (67.4 85.4) -9.3

77.9 (66.6 89.3) -5.6

80.7 (71.1 87.8) 3.6

81.0 (71.8 90.1) -4.5

85.7 (75.7 95.7) 3.6

Supplementary table 2a Proportion of ‘severe’ symptoms for EORTC QLQ-C30 symptoms scales and items at all time points by treatment group and changes between baseline and assessment point.






Appetite loss



Financial difficulty








% (95% CI)

18.3 (12.4 26.2)

5.7 (2.8 11.4)

10.6 (6.3 17.2)

7.4 (3.9 13.4)

14.8 (9.5 22.1)

22.5 (15.9 30.8)

12.3 (7.6 19.3)

4.9 (2.3 10.3)

16.4 (10.9 24.0)

24.0 (17.2 32.3)

4.8 (2.2 10.2)

7 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

20.2 (13.5 29.2) 3.9

5.8 (2.7 12.1) 0.1

1.9 (0.5 6.8) -8.7

9.8 (5.4 17.1) 2.4

22.5 (15.5 31.6) 7.7

22.5 (15.5 31.6) 0.0

8.0 (4.1 15.0) -4.3

5.0 (2.1 11.1) 0.1

15.8 (10.0 24.2) -0.6

18.5 (11.9 27.6) -5.5

5.4 (2.3 12.1) 0.6




Appetite loss



Financial difficulty

8.1 (4.4 14.2)

13.0 (8.2 20.1)

16.9 (11.4 24.5)

26.6 (19.6 35.0)

15.3 (10.0 22.7)

2.4 (0.8 06.9)

12.1 (7.5 19.0)

6.4 (3.0 13.2) -1.7

12.0 (6.8 20.2) -1.0

28.0 (19.9 37.8) 11.1

37.4 (28.1 47.6) 10.8

24.7 (17.1 34.4) 9.4

5.4 (2.3 12.1) 3.0

15.1 (9.2 23.7) 3.0

High scores represent a higher proportion of patients with severe symptoms

CI = Confidence interval

CH = difference between baseline score and the score at the defined time point,

CRT = Chemoradiotherapy

CRT + C = Chemoradiotherapy plus cetuximab

13 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

45.9 (36.4 55.8) 27.6

22.2 (15.2 31.4) 16.5

25.0 (17.5 34.3) 14.4

23.2 (16.0 32.5) 15.8

23.7 (16.4 33.1) 8.9

59.4 (49.4 68.7) 36.9

21.2 (14.3 30.3) 8.9

7.2 (3.5 14.2) 2.3

24.7 (17.2 34.2) 8.3

38.1 (28.4 48.8) 14.1

16.3 (10.0 25.5) 11.5

20.9 (13.7 30.7) 12.8

31.8 (22.8 42.3) 18.8

31.3 (22.4, 41.9) 14.4

58.1 (47.6 68.0) 31.5

26.2 (18.0 36.5) 10.9

8.7 (4.3 17.0) 6.3

12.3 (6.8 21.3) 0.2

26 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

28.4 (20.0 38.6) 9.6

7.9 (3.9 15.4) 2.2

15.6 (9.5 24.4) 5.0

21.3 (14.1 31.0) 13.9

18.2 (11.5 27.5) 3.4

14.8 (8.8 23.7) -7.7

8.9 (4.6 16.6) -3.4

2.2 (0.6 7.8) -2.7

14.6 (8.7 23.4) 1.8

22.4 (14.8 32.3) 11.9

2.4 (0.6 8.2) -2.4

10.6 (5.7 18.9) 2.5

7.1 (3.3 14.7) -5.9

15.3 (9.2 24.4) -1.6

15.5 (9.3 24.7) -11.1

6.0 (2.6 13.3) -9.3

1.2 (0.2 6.5) -1.2

14.5 (8.5 23.6) 2.4

52 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

17.6 (10.6 27.8) 2.8

4.1 (1.4 11.3) -1.6

12.2 (6.5 21.5) 1.6

13.5 (7.5 23.1) 6.1

16.2 (9.7 26.2) 1.4

13.5 (7.5 23.1) 9.0

8.3 (3.9 17.0) -4.0

1.4 (0.2 7.4) -3.5

6.8 (3.0 15.1) -9.6

20.0 (12.1 31.3) 9.5

1.5 (0.3 8.2) -3.3

9.2 (4.3 18.7) 1.1

15.4 (8.6 26.1) 2.4

23.1 (14.5 34.6) 6.2

9.4 (4.4 19.0) 17.2

7.8 (3.4 17.0) -7.5

1.6 (0.3 8.3) -0.8

9.4 (4.4 19.0) -2.7

104 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

24.0 (14.3 37.4) 9.2

2.0 (0.4 10.5) -3.7

8.0 (3.2 18.8) -2.6

12.2 (5.7 24.2) 4.8

16.0 (8.3 28.5) -1.2

10.0 (4.3 21.4) -12.5

10.2 (4.4 21.8) -2.1

4.1 (1.1 13.7) -0.8

10.4 (4.5 22.2) -6.0

17.6 (8.3 33.5) 7.1

2.9 (0.5 14.9) -1.9

11.4 (4.5 26.0) 3.3

17.6 (8.3 33.5) 4.6

17.6 (8.3 33.5) 0.7

8.8 (3.0 23.0) -17.8

0.0 (0.0 9.9) -15.3

0.0 (0.0 9.9) -2.4

0.0 (0.0 10.2) -12.1

Supplementary table 2b Proportion of ‘severe’ symptoms for EORTC QLQ-OES18 symptoms scales and items at all time points by treatment group and changes between baseline and assessment point.





Trouble saliva


Dry mouth

Trouble with taste

Trouble coughing

Trouble talking





Trouble saliva


Dry mouth

Trouble with taste

Trouble coughing

Trouble talking






% (95% CI)

18.3 (12.4,26.2)

36.4 (28.3 45.4)

9.2 (5.2 15.7)

10.0 (5.8 16.7)

15.0 (9.7 22.5)

12.1 (7.3 19.2)

17.5 (11.7 25.3)

11.0 (6.6 17.9)

11.7 (7.1 18.6)

3.3 (1.3 8.3)

24.0 (17.2,32.3)

30.8 (23.3 39.6)

6.6 (3.4 12.5)

10.7 (6.4 17.5)

15.7 (10.3 23.2)

12.4 (7.7 19.4)

15.8 (10.4 23.4)

10.7 (6.4 17.5)

9.1 (5.2 15.5)

4.1 (1.8 09.3)

7 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

20.2 (13.5, 29.2) 1.9

20.2 (13.5 29.2 -16.2

9.9 (5.5 17.3) 0.7

6.9 (3.4 13.6) -3.1

11.9 (6.9 19.6) -3.1

9.2 (4.9 16.5) -2.9

21.0 (14.2 30.0) 3.5

24.2 (16.9 33.5) 13.2

7.0 (3.4 13.7) -4.7

5.9 (2.8 12.4) 2.6

18.5 (11.9, 27.6) 5.5

29.3 (21.0 39.3) -1.5

7.6 (3.7 14.9) 1.0

6.5 (3.0 13.5) -4.2

7.8 (3.8 15.2) -7.9

9.9 (5.3 17.7) -2.5

38.0 (28.8 48.3) 22.2

39.1 (29.8 49.3) 28.4

8.7 (4.5 16.2) -0.4

8.7 (4.5 16.2) 4.6

13 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

45.9 (36.4,55.8) 27.6

45.3 (35.6 55.3) 8.9

11.3 (6.5 19.2) 2.1

20.8 (13.9 30.0) 10.8

19.4 (12.8 28.3) 4.4

8.2( 4.2 15.4) -3.9

25.5 (17.9 35.0) 5.0

46.3 (36.6 56.3) 35.3

24.5 (17.0 33.9) 12.8

5.2 (2.2 11.5) 1.9

38.1 (28.4,48.8) 24.1

53.0 (42.4 63.4) 22.2

8.3 (4.1 16.2) 1.7

16.7 (10.2 26.1) 6.0

16.7 (10.2 26.1) 1.0

6.2 (2.7 13.6) -6.2

38.1 (28.4 48.8) 22.3

48.2 (37.8 58.8) 37.5

34.1( 24.8 44.9) 25.0

8.4 ( 4.1 16.4) 4.3

26 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

11.1 (6.1 19.3) -12.9

17.8 (11.2 26.9 -18.6

4.4 (1.7 10.9) -4.8

5.6 (2.4 12.4) -4.4

10.0 (5.4 17.9) -5.0

7.8 (3.8 15.2) -4.3

15.6 (9.5 24.4) -1.9

19.1 (12.3 28.5) 8.1

15.6 (9.5 24.4) 3.9

4.4 (1.7 10.9) 1.1

9.8(5.0 18.1) -8.5

13.4 (7.7 22.4) -17.4

6.0 (2.6 13.3) -0.6

8.4 (4.1 16.4)-2.3

6.0 (2.6 13.3) -9.7

4.8 (1.9 11.7) -7.6

10.8 (5.8 19.3) -5.0

12.3 (6.8 21.3) 1.6

12.0 (6.7 20.8) 3.1

2.4 (0.7 8.4) -1.7

52 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

15.7 (9.0 26.0)-8.3

15.1(8.6 25.3)-21.3

4.1 (1.4 11.5) -5.1

6.8 (3.0 15.1) -3.2

9.7 (4.8 18.7) -5.3

9.7 (4.8 18.7)-2.4

17.8 (10.7 28.1) 0.3

6.9 (3.0 15.2) -4.1

13.7 (7.6 23.4) 2.0

4.2 (1.4 11.5) 1.1

9.5 (4.4 19.3) -8.8

10.8 (5.3 20.6) -20.0

7.7 (3.3 16.8) 1.1

4.6 (1.6 12.7) -6.1

9.4 (4.4 19.0) -6.3

10.9 (5.4 20.9) -1.5

13.8 (7.5 24.3) -2.0

9.2 (4.3 18.7) -1.5

21.5 (13.3 33.0) 12.4

9.2 (4.3 18.7) 5.1

104 weeks

% (95% CI) CH

8.0 (1.1 13.5) -16.0

10.0 (4.3 21.4) -26.4

8.0 (3.2 18.8) -1.2

2.0 (0.4 10.5) -8.0

4.0 (1.1 13.5) -11.0

4.0 (1.1 13.5) -8.1

14.0 (7.0 26.2) -3.5

8.0 (3.2 18.8) -3.0

14.0 (7.0 26.2) 2.3

6.0 (2.1 16.2) 2.7

11.4 (4.5 26.0) -3.8

14.3 (6.3 29.4) -16.5

8.6 (3.0 22.4) 2.0

8.6 (3.0 22.4) -2.1

11.8 (4.7 26.6) -3.9

11.4 (4.5 26.0) -1.0

14.3 (6.3 29.4) -1.5

14.3 (6.3 29.4) 3.6

14.3 (6.3 29.4) 5.2

17.1 (8.1 32.7) 13.0

High scores represent a higher proportion of patients with severe symptoms

CI = Confidence interval

CH = difference between baseline score and the score at the defined time point,

CRT = Chemoradiotherapy

CRT + C = Chemoradiotherapy plus cetuximab

DLQI overall score$

DLQI Scales


Daily activities#


Work & school@

Personal relationships#


DLQI overall score$

DLQI Scales


Daily activities#


Work & school@

Personal relationships#


Supplementary table 3 Mean Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scores at all time points by treatment group and changes in scores between baseline and assessment point.





Mean 95% CI

1.92 (1.76 2.08)

0.17 (0.06 0.27)

0.01 (0.00 0.03)

0.02 (0.00 0.05)

1.63 (1.54 1.72)

0.04 (0.01 0.08)

0.01 (0.00 0.03)

7 weeks 13 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks

Mean 95% CI CH Mean 95% CI CH Mean 95% CI CH Mean 95% CI CH

2.62 (2.11 3.13) 0.70 2.93 (2.32 3.54) 1.01 2.41 (2.06 2.75) 0.49 1.94 (1.72 2.16) 0.02

0.58 (0.37 0.79) 0.41

0.21 (0.06 0.36) 0.20

0.12 (0.00 0.25) 0.10

1.61 (1.51 1.71) -0.02

0.06 (0.00 0.13) 0.02

0.09 (0.00 0.18) 0.08

0.82 (0.59 1.04) 0.65

0.25 (0.11 0.39) 0.24

0.21 (0.03 0.38) 0.19

1.46 (1.35 1.56) -0.17

0.08 (0.00 0.17) 0.04

0.14 (0.06 0.23) 0.13

0.55 (0.34 0.75) 0.38

0.08 (0.01 0.15) 0.07

0.05 (0.00 0.10) 0.03

1.62 (1.51 1.72) -0.01

0.06 (0.00 0.13) 0.02

0.05 (0.00 0.10) 0.04

0.36 (0.14 0.58) 0.19

0.07 (0.00 0.17) 0.06

0.00 (0.00 0.00) -0.02

1.57 (1.45 1.69) -0.06

0.01 (0.00 0.04) 0.03

0.00 (0.00 0.00) 0.01

104 weeks

Mean 95% CI CH

2.93 (1.54 4.32) 1.01

0.65 (0.26 1.03 ) -0.48

0.25 (0.00 0.53) 0.24

0.15 (0.00 0.41) 0.13

1.64 (1.48 1.79) 0.01

0.13 (0.00 0.38) 0.09

0.10 (0.00 0.24) 0.09


2.12 (1.83 2.41)

0.29 (0.17 0.41)

0.08 (0.00 0.15)

0.01 (0.00 0.03)

1.63 (1.53 1.72)

0.05 (0.00 0.10)

0.04 (0.00 0.10)

4.59 (3.86 5.33) 2.47

1.69 (1.40 1.98) 1.40

0.62 (0.36 0.87) 0.54

0.48 (0.26 0.71) 0.47

1.59 (1.48 1.70) -0.04

0.24 (0.10 0.39) 0.19

0.24 (0.13 0.36) 0.20

5.70 (4.60 6.81) 3.58

1.99 (1.63 2.35) 1.7

0.89 (0.57 1.20) 0.81

0.55 (0.28 0.81) 0.54

1.54 (1.40 1.67) -0.09

0.29 (0.09 0.48) 0.24

0.43 (0.27 0.60) 0.39

2.51 (2.07 2.94) 0.39

0.49 (0.27 0.70) -0.2

0.14 (0.04 0.25) 0.06

0.10 (0.00 0.21) 0.09

1.65 (1.54 1.75) -0.02

0.02 (0.00 0.06) -0.03

0.07 (0.01 0.14) 0.03

2.72 (2.20 3.23) 0.60

0.66 (0.35 0.98) 0.37

0.18 (0.02 0.34) 0.10

0.08 (0.00 0.18) -0.07

1.62 (1.49 1.74) -0.01

0.05 (0.01 0.11) 0.00

0.10 (0.00 0.22) 0.06

2.63 (1.85 3.42) 0.51

0.58 (0.22 0.93) 0.29

0.20 (0.00 0.42) 0.12

0.11 (0.00 0.30) -0.10

1.54 (1.37 1.72) 0.09

0.00 (0.00 0.00) 0.05

0.09 (0.00 0.23) -0.05

High scores represent greater problems.

$ = worse (maximum) score 30,

# = worse (maximum) score 6,

@ = worse (maximum) score 3

CI = Confidence interval

CRT = Chemoradiotherapy

CRT + C = Chemoradiotherapy plus cetuximab

CH Change from baseline
