TOR for International Researcher/Consultant

International Consultant, Migration Project
Action Based Research
Addressing Negative Economic and
Social Consequences of Labour Migration to Children and their Families
Migration of adult workers from Tajikistan to Russia in particular, has increased over the last few years to
the detriment of the family members left behind, especially children. Not only is labor migration currently
supported in the country, but also it is actively encouraged on account of the economic benefits from
remittances sent back to Tajikistan and the reduction in unemployment in country. The prevalent attitudes
towards migration suggest that the current trend is likely to remain stable or even continue increasing.
While the remittances sent back from the family members who are working abroad can reduce the
economic vulnerability of the families left behind, they are often either insufficient to address children’s
needs or managed in such a way as to have limited impact on the family’s wellbeing.
The Child Protection Situation Analysis conducted by Save the Children in October 2011 1 indicated that
migration increases the vulnerability of children, especially of children from the poorest households or
whose parents have decided to abandon their families in Tajikistan and start a new family abroad. After
parents migrate, children are much more likely to live in female-headed or child-headed households, with
extended family members or be sent to residential institutions. The survey has also highlighted the
increased exposure to abuse and neglect suffered by children within their own families, communities and
institutions. A study conducted by UNICEF in November 20112 has also highlighted that children from
abandoned families performed less well in school and were more likely to work in the household, small
trade or in the field rather than attend non-compulsory education. Additionally, children from migrant
families (especially girls and children from abandoned households) showed a tendency to become
withdrawn and depressed. Children were also more likely to become aggressive or rebellious, which was
exacerbated by bullying at school.
The newly initiated project of Save the Children International and International Organization for Migration in
Tajikistan, funded by European Union (EuropeAid) will address the vulnerability of children from migrant
families through tailor-made responses based on the results of the planned Action Research on the
situation of children and their families and identification of the most vulnerable households. This Action
Research is one of the first and main components of the project. It should build on the findings of abovementioned studies on impacts of migration and contribute to effectively setting a child protection
mechanism for identification, registration, referral and service provision to children of migrant families.
Save the Children International, Tajikistan Country Office: ‘Child Protection Situation Analysis’ October 2011
UNICEF: 'Impact of Labor Migration on Children Left Behind' in Tajikistan' November 2011
The findings of the Action Research will link with the relevant government bodies of child-centered policy
recommendations focused on promoting a greater sensitivity to the care and protection of most vulnerable
children. At the same time, the Action Research will raise the awareness of impacts of parental migration
on children and families left behind and promote an informed decision-making process on the part of
parents contemplating migration as an option.
Expected Outcomes
The proposed Action Research component requires an international technical assistance due to its nature
of sensitivity and necessity for development of special approaches to lead interviewing process with
children of migrant families. The Research has following expected outcomes related to migration:
1. Enable the policy and decision-makers to better understand and assess the long-term impact of the
current situation and policy priorities on the well being of the most vulnerable population.
2. Support the development of child protection training modules and realistic recommendations on
improved policies for child protection and mitigation of the negative consequence of migration.
3. Serve as an outreach activity for identification of the most vulnerable children and households and
provision of immediate counseling and assistance by a group of trained researchers.
Consultancy Objectives
Save the Children International will commission the Action Research through contracted 30 to 40 local
researchers enabled to implement the actual data collection and interviewing process of migrant families in
targeted districts. In specific, the Consultancy will be focused at:
1. Developing the capacity of local researchers to conduct interviews and understand internal and
external factors leading to CP problems in migrant families, as well as finding response mechanisms to
inform policy and programme decisions to address migration consequence among population
2. Guiding the team of researchers to identify families at risk and provide immediate assistance and
referral to the Migrant Support Centers and other relevant NGO to receive psycho social services in
parallel to researching
3. Empowering the implementing actors (Child Rights Centre and Migrant Support Centers) in conducting
child protection trainings for different target groups (public office holders, civil servants, service
providers and NGO staff members)
4. Consulting and contributing to development or adaptation of existing Training-of-Trainers Child
Protection training modules with consideration of findings of Action Research
5. Providing recommendations in enhancing national mechanisms for identification, registration and
referral of children and young people of migrant families to child protection services
Scope and Focus
In order to get an in depth understanding of negative long-term impacts of migration on children in the
context of targeted regions, the Action Research will tackle the following key questions:
 What is the scope of migration impacts to families and what are the key challenges and difficulties
affecting children of migrant families in the targeted districts?
What are the internal and external factors contributing to occurring child protection issues (violence
against children, negligence, child labor, school dropout etc.) in migrant family setting?
What are the risks and protective factors?
What is the existing Child Protection policy and programs addressing the problems and solutions of
children from migrant families etc.?
What is the current Child Protection structure and capacity of decision makers and service
providers in identifying, recording and referring children in need of special protection measures?
What types of services or assistance have been provided by the local Authorities, NGOs or
community based organizations to the children and young people facing problems because of
migration of their parents?
Expected tasks of the Consultancy:
The following assignments will be implemented during the whole period of Consultancy in Tajikistan:
1) International consultant will work in close collaboration with relevant Government authorities, including
Ministry of Labor and Migration, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, State Committee on Statistics,
other line ministries, Sughd and Khatlon district Authorities and recruited local research team (that will
be commissioned separately by SCI) and civil society organizations to develop the Action Research
methodology, research tools including interview questions and questionnaire forms as needed, and
administer the study to children in all targeted districts of Tajikistan. The consultant should cover, but
not limited:
 To develop data collection and sampling methodology, as well as analytical tools in the
context of selected districts.
 To conduct desk review analysis of existing qualitative and quantitative information
regarding the impacts of migration to children in targeted districts.
 To train the local research team to collect data as per identified methodology.
 To select and train a core team (out of selected researchers) for provision of immediate
assistance to the identified most vulnerable children and their families.
 To train the local research team on interview techniques with focus on targeting children
and young people who live in migrant families.
 To adapt and conduct a pilot test of the questionnaire-interview questions for accuracy of
translation into the local language.
 To pay specific attention to confidentiality and use appropriate and sensitive methods
during interviews with each person who have been affected by migration that takes into
consideration psychological issues that may arise as a result of participating in the study.
 To develop a data collection monitoring framework and monitor the fieldworks.
 To develop data entry programme (SPSS for quantitative and any other relevant program
for qualitative data) and provide training to the local data clerks; and ensure quality check
while data entry and facilitate data cleaning process.
 To provide observations and further recommendations to the research process done by
the local research team.
 To prepare or adapt a TOT Child Protection module drawing on the findings of the
research and ensuring that they are sensitive to the actual situation of migrant families.
2) The International Consultant will analyze data and prepare a draft and then a final report of the analysis
and findings, with recommendations on development of a policy recommendation for strengthening the
national child protection structures in Tajikistan including mechanisms for identification, registration,
referral, intervention and prevention of negative consequence of migration on families.
3) The consultant will prepare presentations and present research findings to representatives of SCI, IOM,
EU, relevant Government authorities and other international and nongovernmental organizations and
organize discussion with key informants to contribute to policy dialogue on this issue.
Process and Methodology
Action Research will be implemented through an inclusive consultation process targeting the government,
non-governmental organizations, families and children at district level. Its results will be combined with the
global SCI programming experience and utilized for the development of a policy recommendation aimed at
strengthening the national child protection structures in Tajikistan.
The partners of the Action Research will work closely with the government in order to propose a model for
an improved child protection system with clearly mapped roles and responsibilities of duty-bearers. A more
effective child abuse referral system and improvement of formal functions of Child Rights Commissions in
addressing and responding to negative economic and social consequences of labour migration to children
and their families will be one of the main topics of policy discussions.
Action Research will identify those families where risk to children and vulnerability in general is such that an
immediate response is required. These families will be provided with immediate assistance in the course of
researching and service provision through counseling, referral to the Migrant Support Centers, or
application of Child Safeguarding procedures. Where necessary the reported cases will be further
supported and followed up by the child protection lawyers employed in the Child Rights Commissions and
Migrant Support Centers.
Additionally, the Action Research will be focused on actual data collection, real case studies and every-day
examples to be used in the awareness raising activities. The techniques adopted for the quantitative data
will include individual interviews with children and caregivers, as well as interviews with key local informants
using semi-structured questionnaires. For the qualitative component of the study, a series of focus group
discussions will be planned and conducted in each region, together with individual in-depth interviews. The
key research participants in the qualitative research will be: children living in migrant families (male and
female and of various ages), caregivers (mostly female), and key local informants, such as teachers,
doctors, local NGO workers, and local authorities.
The primary Research for this action will be undertaken in six districts of three regions in Tajikistan,
specifically (1) Khujand and Ayni in Sughd Oblast, 2) Kulyob and Kurgantube in Khatlon Oblast, and 3)
Hissor and Tajikobod in Direct Rule District Region. A number of meetings with high officials will be held at
national level in Dushanbe.
Sources of data
There are three different types of sources for collecting data on these indicators:
1. Key informants working in different types of social and child protection services. Information from this
data source can be collected at local level from professionals who have responsibility for either child
protection or for supervision of activities in the selected facilities–districts.
2. Affected individuals: Interviews should be held with the targeted children and their family members to
the extent possible as well as based on the provided lists of Migration Support Centres (nongovernmental organisation) or Migration Services (governmental body), registering the cases of
migration at district level;
3. Official records and documents kept at facility level, regional or national level. At facility level it could
be possible to find documentation of recorded cases of abuse, violence, negligence as well in some
facilities databases from district based Child Rights Commissions. In addition, official documents
include national legislation and policy documents and different types of regulations, guidance notes.
Under supervision of SCI Project Manager and in close consultation with the SCI Child Protection Officer
and the M&E Officer, the consultant should deliver the following:
1. Action Research implementation vision/proposal: The proposal must provide detailed research
framework, methodologies and details of key issues to be studied and a list of any documentation,
information and surveys required.
2. Agenda, presentations, questionnaires and other study technique guidance prepared for the training of
local team of researchers.
3. Draft Final Report: The Draft Final Report has to synthesize all findings, conclusions, and
4. The Final Report: The Final Report has to synthesize all findings, conclusions, recommendations (with
account of comments and additions from SCI and IOM, if any that will be shared following submission
of the Draft Final Report) and should include a programmatic and policy framework.
5. A Training of Trainers Child Protection module (to be prepared or adapted based on the existing
training modules of partners)
6. Presentation of the findings of the Action Research at national level at a Conference that brings
together government representatives, NGOs, UN Agencies and other development partners.
7. Report on the outcome discussions of the presentation to be included in the Final report.
Timeframe of the survey
To be started first week of April 2014 for the period of one month (30 days in Tajikistan), although the
exact time period will be clear as soon as a team of local researchers are recruited by the SCI.
Estimated cost:
USD 476 gross per day will be paid for the period of 30 days of consultancy timeframe. As non-resident
person in the country, the Consultant will pay income tax of 25%. The total fee will be paid/transferred in
one installment upon provision of all final deliverables.
Consultant is entitled to:
 Most direct and economy class of international flight costs (return tickets) and for travel within
Tajikistan to all targeted districts, admin support (visa, registration), per diems and accommodation
will be covered from Travel Authorization, apart from the consultancy fee. The in-country per diem
and accommodation will be as per standard of SCI rates for international experts.
 Travel within Tajikistan to Action Research sites will be arranged by SCI administration unit.
Duty Station:
The Consultant’s duty station is Dushanbe with travel to all target districts as needed.
Save the Children policies
The Consultant should read and understand attached SCI Policies and guidelines and agreed to abide by
these policies and guidelines. The Consultant will sign the policies to indicate an understanding of, and
intention to follow the policy requirements. The Consultant will ensure that employed staff signs their
intention to follow the policy requirements. SCI will provide training on child rights and child
protection for staff employed by the Consultant.
Child rights and
protection policy
The Consultant is informed and agrees to fully comply with the requirements as indicated
by the SC Fraud & Dishonesty Policy to ensure that all assets, funds and resources of the
project activities supported by SCI are protected from all fraud, loss, misappropriation or
SCI Fraud
Awareness Policy
Experience and Qualifications:
 Advanced degree in social sciences (psychology, social work, sociology, human development and
family studies etc) relevant to the topic of the study;
 At least five years of relevant professional experience on child rights issues, child protection and
violence against children;
 Advanced knowledge of qualitative research methods, and data analysis techniques;
 At least five to eight years experience conducting research on similar, related topics, including
research for use in policy development
 Excellent analytical skills;
 Excellent command of spoken and written English. Knowledge of Russian and /or Tajik (Farsi) is a
strong asset;
 Good computer skills, specifically knowledge of data entry, processing and analysis;
 Demonstrate strong interpersonal, communication skills, and ability to address difficult topics with
vulnerable populations and especially conducting qualitative research with children;
 Previous work-research experience in CIS is an asset.
Consultant will work under the direct supervision of SCI Migration Project Manager
The Action Research is one of the activities of the European Union funded project “Addressing Negative
Economic and Social Consequences of Labour Migration to Children and their Families”. Therefore, any
communication activities of the Action Research should follow the EU procedures for communication and
visibility designed to raise the awareness of specific or general audiences of the reasons for the action and
the EU support for the action in the country concerned.
Please send applications /proposals to: Furkat Lutfulloev, Project Manager:
Developed by: Furkat Lutfulloev, Migration Project Manager
Approved by: Thomas Wimber, Country Director
Accepted by: _______________________________