Growth in Urban Areas

Chapter 5
Section 2
Main Idea: Both immigrants and native-born Americans
moved to growing urban areas in record numbers in the
late 1800s and early 1900s.
Growth in Urban Areas
In 1850, _____________________________was the only
United States city with a population of more than
500,000. By 1900, New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia,
St. Louis, Boston, and Baltimore all had more than a half
a million residents.
New _____________________________were
responsible for a lot of urban growth. So were families
from the rural areas of the United States. As farm
equipment replaced workers in the countryside, large
numbers of rural residents moved to cities in search of
________________________from the rural South also
began moving to the northern cities in the 1890s. They
hoped to escape discrimination and find better
educational opportunities. Cities such as Chicago,
Cleveland, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; and New York saw
large increases in their African American populations
during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
______________________was the largest city in the
Midwest in 1900s. Many of Chicago’s new residents
were immigrants from southern and eastern Europe. By
1900, _______% of Chicago’s population were
Chicago’s __________________was a factor in its rapid
growth. Many of the new ________________ lines were
connecting the East and West coasts through Chicago.
This put Chicago at the heart of the nation’s trade in
___________________, __________________, and
meat. Thousands of Chicago’s residents found work in
__________________________________ and
Section Summary
During the late 1800s many native-born Americans and
immigrants moved to cities. By 1900, about 40 percent of
Americans lived in cities. The people moving into large cities
included new immigrants and rural residents looking for work.
Why did many African
Farm equipment replaced workers in rural areas. African Americans move from
southern farm areas to
Americans from the rural South moved to northern cities. They
northern cities?
wanted to escape discrimination and find better opportunities.______________________
Between 1850 and 1900, Chicago grew from 30,000 people
to 1.7 million. Many of the new residents were immigrants
from southern and eastern Europe. One factor in the growth of
Chicago was its location on new railroad lines. These rail lines
placed Chicago in the center of the trade in lumber, grain, and
New technology helped cities grow quickly and changed the
look of American cities. One way to find space for people to
live and work was to build taller buildings. The steel industry
grew in the late 1800s. Steel beams became inexpensive
enough to use in frames of tall buildings. The invention of the
safety elevator made skyscrapers practical.
Skyscrapers made it possible for more people to work andHow did the development
of mass transit lead to
live in the cities. Mass transit developed, allowing people to
growth of suburbs?
travel in large numbers. Mass transit let many middle-class ______________________
residents move to suburbs.
As the publishing industry grew, mass culture developed in
the United States. Big cities often had many competing
List some examples of
newspapers. The New York World, published by Joseph
things that are part of
Pulitzer and the New York Journal, published by William today’s mass culture.
Randolph Hearst, fought for readership in New York City. _______________________
Huge department stores changed the way people shopped for
goods in cities.
The demand for public entertainment led to large fairs and
the creation of amusement parks. People also needed open
Underline the sentence that
public space in large cities. Frederick Law Olmsted became
explains why large fairs
and amusement parks were
famous for designing Central Park in New York City, as well
as many state and national parks.
Critical Thinking: Analyze During the second half of the
nineteenth century, new inventions made farming much more
efficient. How did these inventions promote the growth of
DIRECTIONS Write two phrases that describe the term given. Include details
you’ve learned from the chapter.
1. department stores __________________________________________________
2. Frederick Law Olmsted ______________________________________________
3. Joseph Pulitzer ____________________________________________________
4. mass culture ______________________________________________________
5. mass transit _______________________________________________________
6. suburbs __________________________________________________________
7. William Randolph Hearst ____________________________________________
DIRECTIONS Write a sentence using the word factor as a noun
8. _________________________________________________________________
Comprehension Questions pg. 144-145
1. Identify Cause and Effect: What factors led to
massive population growth in urban areas during the
late 1800s and early 1900s?
2. Explain: What system put Chicago at the heart of
the nation’s trade in lumber, grain, and meat?
3. Cause and Effect: Railroad lines intersected in
Chicago, bringing new workers to growing industries.
What industry employed many new residents in
4. Predict: How might Chicago’s population growth
eventually change the look of the city?