Guided Notes Ch. 27 Planets

Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: __________
Chapter 27.1 Formation of the Solar System
Explain the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system
Describe how the planets formed
Describe the formation of the land, the atmosphere, and the oceans of the Earth
The Solar System
Consists of the Sun, the planets and other bodies that revolve around the Sun
Planet = any of the primary bodies that orbit the Sun
How Did the Solar System Form?
Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace came up with the nebular hypothesis
________________ = rotating cloud of gas and dust
Nebular Hypothesis
5 billion years ago
Matter gathered into a nebula cloud
Gravity near cloud increased due to a nearby supernova
Nebular Hypothesis, Cont’d
Within nebula cloud:
Pressure from gravity
caused center of nebula to become extremely hot
Hydrogen fusion began  Sun formed
Planet Formation
While Sun was forming in center of nebula…
planets were forming in outer regions of nebula
____________________ = small body from which a planet began
Planetesimals collided to form protoplanets
Protoplanets = _______________________________________
Planetesimal 
Condenses into
Planetary Characteristics
Depend on distance from the Sun
Inner Planets a.k.a. _____________________________
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Outer Planets a.k.a. “Gas Giants”
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Inner Planet Formation
4 planets closest to Sun
Contained large % of heavy elements
Iron and Nickel
Lost less dense gases due to extreme heat and Sun’s radiation
Inner Planet Formation, Cont’d
Denser material sunk to center of planets
Less dense material became surface
Inner Planets: _____________________________________________
Outer Planet Formation
Next four planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Formed in colder regions of solar nebula
Cold temp 
Did not lose light elements
Kept their ices
Water ice, Methane ice, Ammonia ice
Outer Planet Formation, Cont’d
Eventually, _________________________________
From interior heat
Formed layers of thick liquids and gases
Outer Planets known as the _________________________________
Outer Planets: composed mostly of gas, low density, HUGE planets
What About Pluto?
Pluto: Ice ball made of frozen gases and rock
Other objects similar to Pluto have been discovered recently
None of these objects are larger than Pluto
Pluto may be one of these objects
Some astronomers do not classify Pluto as a major planet
Formation of Solid Earth
Earth had extreme heat
Dense materials melted and formed core
Less dense materials formed outer layers
Thick, middle layer
Iron and Magnesium-rich rock
Silica-rich rock, less dense
Process of layer formation = ______________________________
Formation of Earth’s Atmosphere
Less dense gas molecules rose to surface
Original atmosphere: Hydrogen and Helium
Gravity could not hold them to Earth’s atmosphere
Blown away by solar wind
A New Atmosphere
Due to _________________________________
Volcanic eruptions releasing large amounts of gases
Water vapor
Sulfur dioxide
Created __________________________ layer (O3)
Shielded Earth from Sun’s UV radiation
2 billion years ago, Oxygen increased rapidly
Atmosphere became similar to present one
Formation of Earth’s Oceans
Ocean water
May have come from __________________________________________
Became part of atmosphere
As Earth cooled, water vapor condensed to form rain
First oceans
From collected rain  freshwater
Over millions of years, rain dissolved rock
Dissolved rock carried back to oceans
Combined with atmospheric chemicals
Formed salts  ________________________________
Salt is harvested for human use from oceans
Oceans and the Atmosphere
Oceans affect _______________________________________________
Oceans dissolve CO2 from atmosphere
Current atmosphere has more CO2 than previous atmosphere
Previous atmosphere had lower CO2 levels
Early global climate was probably __________________ than today’s global climate
Chapter 27.2 Models of the Solar System
Compare the models of the universe developed by Ptolemy and Copernicus
Summarize Kepler’s 3 laws of planetary motion
Describe how Newton explained Kepler’s laws of motion
Early Models of the Solar System
Aristotle – geocentric solar system, 2000 years ago
Sun, stars, planets revolve around Earth
Did not explain retrograde motion
Ptolemy – epicycles, 130 CE
Planets move in epicycles as they revolve around Earth
Epicycle = _______________________________________
Epicycles explained retrograde motion (apparent backwards motion)
Epicycle Motion - Ptolemy
Early Models of Solar System, Cont’d
Copernicus – heliocentric, 1543 CE
Planets revolved around Sun
At different speeds and distances from Sun
Fast-moving planets passed slow-moving planets
Explained ___________________________________________
Galileo – 1610 CE
Discovered Jupiter’s _________________________________
Objects can revolve around other objects
Early Models of Solar System, Cont’d
Kepler and Brahe, circa 1601 CE
Tycho Brahe made observations of the night sky
Brahe had the best observatory in Europe
After Brahe’s death, his assistant, Johannes Kepler, discovered patterns in Brahe’s work
These patterns developed Kepler’s laws of __________________________________________
Kepler’s 3 Laws of Planetary Motion
Law of Ellipses
Law of Equal Areas
Law of Periods
Sir Isaac Newton
Circa 1679
Newton wanted to know why planets moved in the ways that Kepler described
He hypothesized that a moving object will remain in motion until an outside force acts on it
Known as _________________________________