REGIONAL EDUCATION, SKILLS AND JOBS PLAN SOUTH AUSTRALIA – LIMESTONE COAST 2012 – 2014 JULY 2013 This plan was first published in July 2012. This is the July 2013 edition. Details in this report are correct at time of drafting. This report can be found at the Regional Education, Skills and Jobs webpage ( or the My Region website ( For more information about this plan, please contact: The Office of Regional Education, Skills and Jobs GPO Box 9880 Canberra ACT 2601 Email: ISBN: 978-0-642-78667-8 [PDF] 978-0-642-78668-5 [DOCX] With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted all material presented in this document is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence ( The details of the relevant licence conditions ( are available on the Creative Commons website (accessible using the links provided) as is the full legal code for the CC BY 3.0 AU licence. The document must be attributed as the Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan 2012-14 – Limestone Coast. Disclaimer about data used in this plan Data used in the development of this plan comes from a variety of sources and was correct at time of drafting. This document should not be used as a data source as data referred to may have been updated or reformulated since the publication of the plan. Refer to primary sources for confirmation of data. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 2 CONTENTS Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plans ................................................................................ 4 Strategies .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Community engagement........................................................................................................................... 4 Implementation ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Executive summary ................................................................................................................ 5 Characteristics of the region ................................................................................................... 7 Population ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Early childhood education and care .......................................................................................................... 8 School education ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Tertiary education and training ................................................................................................................ 9 Jobs, skills and workforce development ................................................................................................. 10 Other characteristics ............................................................................................................................... 12 Issues, goals and strategies ................................................................................................... 13 Issue 1 The quality of early childhood education and care in the Limestone Coast region. ............... 14 Issue 2 Education and transition outcomes for young people in the Limestone Coast region. .......... 15 Issue 3 Enrolment in and attainment of post-school tertiary education and training, particularly at diploma level or higher. .......................................................................................................................... 16 Issue 4 Improve labour market participation and employment outcomes for disadvantaged groups in the Limestone Coast region. ............................................................................................................... 18 Issue 5 Workforce development practices at employer, industry and community levels. ................. 19 Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 22 Appendix A — Stakeholders .................................................................................................................... 22 Appendix B — Existing related plans and strategies ............................................................................... 23 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 27 REGIONAL EDUCATION, SKILLS AND JOBS PLANS The Australian Government announced the Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plans initiative in the 2011–12 Budget, as part of the Building Australia’s Future Workforce package. The initiative addresses four key areas of the Australian Government’s productivity and social inclusion agendas: early childhood education and care; Year 12 attainment; participation in vocational and higher education; and local job opportunities. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) has deployed 34 Regional Education, Skills and Jobs (RESJ) Coordinators to work with local stakeholders to develop Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plans for the 46 Regional Development Australia (RDA) areas that cover nonmetropolitan Australia. The plans present locally identified opportunities and challenges and outline local strategies to improve education, skills and jobs outcomes in regional Australia. For more information, including the contact details of your local RESJ Coordinator, please refer to the Regional Education, Skills and Jobs webpage at Strategies Each plan reflects community priorities and includes goals and local strategies to achieve the community’s objectives, based on four key themes: early childhood education and care; school education; tertiary education and training; and jobs, skills and workforce development. The plans build on the range of services and programs already offered by DEEWR and the strategies draw on the programs of other government agencies and the opportunities arising from major local projects. Community engagement The plans were developed by RESJ Coordinators with close community engagement and include views from young people, parents, employers, educators, service providers, peak bodies, community leaders, government organisations and agencies, and other interested individuals and organisations. The plans draw strongly upon existing strategic plans in each region, including the local RDA regional plan. DEEWR acknowledges the traditional owners of the Limestone Coast RDA region and their elders past and present recognising their continuing connection to country. This plan strives to build and harness mutually respectful relationships and reflect community priorities in education, skills and jobs development for the region. Implementation The RESJ Coordinator, on behalf of DEEWR, will oversee the implementation of the strategies and promote and coordinate linkages between the government agencies, providers and stakeholders involved in this plan’s implementation. Progress towards achieving the goals within each plan will be closely monitored, while stakeholders will be kept informed through participation in plan strategies. This edition incorporates strategies that respond to changes in local circumstances identified through continuing community input or changing government priorities in regional Australia as well as access to new data. The plans continue to be living and responsive documents that will be revisited throughout their implementation to June 2014. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Limestone Coast region of South Australia is made up of a number of communities covered by seven Local Government Areas: City of Mount Gambier, District Council of Grant, Wattle Range Council, Naracoorte Lucindale Council, District Council of Tatiara, District Council of Kingston and District Council of Robe. The Limestone Coast is situated in the south-eastern corner of South Australia, with Victoria to the east, coastline to the west and south and the Murraylands RDA region to the north. The City of Mount Gambier lies midway between Adelaide and Melbourne, with a driving time of approximately 4.5 hours to each capital. The climate is temperate, with cool wet winters and mild to hot summers. Reliable rainfall across most of the region, along with a water supply from underground aquifers, provides significant industry opportunity. The region is predominantly serviced by road and air. Diverse primary production underpins the economic base of the region. Forestry is a key industry in the region, with approximately 150,000 hectares of land under softwood and hardwood, which contributes to both direct and indirect employment in agriculture, manufacturing, transport and retail. Cereal and horticulture crops, livestock production (including dairying) occur throughout the region. The region has an extensive fishing and aquaculture industry which includes export quality Southern Rock Lobster. The Limestone Coast is also home to the world class wine producing regions of Coonawarra and Padthaway. The region is famous for its beautiful Blue Lake, the world heritage listed Naracoorte Caves and sinkholes, popular with cave divers from around the world. Robe, Kingston and Beachport are popular seaside destinations over summer, with tourists travelling from interstate and overseas to visit. Based on a comprehensive environmental scan and community consultation, the key education, skills and jobs challenges identified for the region include: the quality of early childhood education and care in the region young people’s engagement in education and transition outcomes for young people in the region, particularly Indigenous young people levels of attainment of tertiary education and training, particularly at diploma level or higher appropriately skilled and qualified workers to match both current and future industry needs full participation in the labour market workforce development practices at employer, industry and community levels. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 5 The key goals of this Regional Education, Skills and Jobs (RESJ) Plan are to: facilitate the effective implementation of the National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care and strengthen workforce planning for the early childhood sector improve education and transition outcomes for young people improve enrolment in and attainment of tertiary education and training, particularly at diploma level or higher address tertiary education and training accessibility issues and the support available for new students improve employment outcomes and support in the Limestone Coast, including for the very longterm unemployed, Indigenous Australians, refugees and migrants and people with disability develop sustainable workforce development practices aimed at attracting and retaining a skilled workforce and to improve employer’s skills in workforce development. The Limestone Coast has a RDA Committee with a broad plan that includes opportunities for education, skills and employment. This Limestone Coast RESJ Plan complements the existing goals and strategies in the RDA Plan. Some outcomes achieved by the RESJ Coordinator working with local stakeholders include: Facilitating an Early Childhood Education and Care Roundtable for the sector to identify and address current and emerging workforce needs. Over 20 people attended from across the region including child care directors and representatives from the education, tertiary and workforce sectors. In follow up, the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council and South Australia’s Health and Community Services Skills Board conducted a workforce development workshop promoting the use of their workforce development resources, the National Workforce Development Fund and the Workplace Language and Literacy program to both the early childhood and aged care sectors. Linking RDA Limestone Coast with funding sources for the ‘Heading in the Right Direction’ initiative, a 20 week program for young refugee people delivered by the Career Development Centre. The initiative will provide career guidance and employability skills to assist young refugees secure their first part-time or casual job. Approximately 40 young people from Karen, Congolese and Afghani backgrounds will benefit from the program. Supporting the implementation of the ‘Geared 2 Drive’ program for young people, a volunteer mentor-based learner driver program for young people offered by the District Council of Grant. This program addresses the lack of suitable adult supervision available for young people to obtain a full licence and will assist to address transport related barriers to education and employment in the area. The initiative aims to attract a minimum of 10 mentors, who will be working with 24 young people. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE REGION This section sets out the characteristics of the region identified through a comprehensive environmental scan and local consultations. The information detailed in this section is not exhaustive of the characteristics of the region, but provides an overview and insight to some of the challenges facing the region. To guide the RESJ Coordinator’s identification of issues and engagement with the community, various data sets have supported the development of this plan. Data used in the development of this plan was sourced from DEEWR, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and other relevant sources. Data referred to may have been reformulated and was correct at time of drafting. Different data sets are refreshed at different intervals, for example, unemployment rates are updated monthly for national and state/territory figures and quarterly for regions. Population The ABS estimated resident population for the Limestone Coast RDA region in 2011 is 64,105, approximately 3.9 per cent of the state’s population. Mount Gambier, located in the lower part of the region, is South Australia’s second largest city, with around 40 per cent of the region’s total population. Major towns in the region are, in order of population, Millicent, Naracoorte, Bordertown, Penola, Keith, Kingston and Robe. The average rate of annual growth for the region between 2006 and 2011 is less than the average rate of 0.8 per cent for South Australia over the same period. According to ABS estimated resident population figures from 2011, the age profile of the Limestone Coast is similar to that of the rest of South Australia. The most noticeable difference is in the 0 to 14 age group; at 20 per cent, it is higher than the state average of 17.6 per cent. Statistically based population projections for the region are conservative. Conversely, Mount Gambier in particular is well placed strategically to support population growth, with the right infrastructure and investments in place. According to the 2011 Census, approximately 1.7 per cent of the population in the region identified as Indigenous on Census night —relatively low compared to other regional locations in South Australia. Data from the same source indicates the average for South Australia is 1.9 per cent. Of note is their young age profile, with well over half of this population aged 0 to 24 years. Local Indigenous community members have observed a movement of families and individuals relocating to the region in recent times, predominantly to Mount Gambier and Millicent. A reasonably high proportion (86.1%) of Limestone Coast residents were born in Australia according to the 2011 Census. Culturally and linguistically diverse communities, while small in number, are significant. Since 2007, Mount Gambier has welcomed almost 400 directly settled refugees, predominantly from Burma (Myanmar) and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Other recent migrants have relocated from New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, China and the Philippines. Many of the refugees who have settled in the region have language barriers, no Australian workplace experience and a lack of understanding of Australian work culture, all of which have affected their ability to fully participate in the local labour market. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 7 For people with disability, Disability Employment Services providers cite continuing difficulties with licence and transport access; and access to and appropriateness of vocational training as labour market barriers for their client group. In September 2012, 5.8 per cent of the working age population (15-64 years) in the Limestone Coast were in receipt of income support, Newstart or Youth Allowance (other), which is comparable to the state average of 5.6 per cent of the same population. Approximately 44 per cent of Limestone Coast residents who were receiving income support during the same period had been doing so for over 24 months, a higher proportion than in Australia (38%). In June 2011, approximately 6.2 per cent of the working age population in the Limestone Coast were in receipt of a Disability Support Pension which is slightly lower that the 6.8 per cent rate for South Australia as a whole. Early childhood education and care The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) measures young children’s development across five domains: physical health and well-being, social competence, emotional maturity, school-based language and cognitive skills, and general knowledge. 2009 AEDI data indicated that, at a national level 23.6 per cent of children were vulnerable on one or more domains and 11.8 per cent were vulnerable on two or more domains. The AEDI found that in the local communities of Mount Gambier surrounds, Outer Millicent and Penola and surrounds the proportion of vulnerable children was less than half the national rate on both measures. However, in the communities of Bordertown and surrounds, Keith, Millicent and Robe vulnerability rates were at or higher than the national averages on both measures. Availability of permanent long day care and family day care places, particularly outside Mount Gambier and Naracoorte, provides challenges for working parents. The innovative Child Care on Wheels model that operates across Robe, Beachport and Kangaroo Inn is successful, but provides limited access to a service. Out of school hours care and vacation care is available at most sites in the region with primary enrolments. Anecdotally, the early childhood education and care sector in the region report difficulties in attracting and retaining suitably qualified staff and in finding emergency replacement staff, particularly in more isolated parts of the region. School education In 2011, the My School website recorded 11,695 full-time equivalent enrolments across the three sectors of schooling in the Limestone Coast. Eighty per cent of these enrolments were in the government sector. Of the 47 schools in the region in 2011, 21 recorded enrolments under 100. While providing sustainability challenges, such small schools are vital to the wellbeing of the communities they support. The 2011 Census records Year 12 attainment for the Limestone Coast population aged 15 to 64 years at 32.2 per cent, compared to 49.2 per cent for the Australian population of the same ages. DEEWR’s School Business Community Partnership Broker, RDA Limestone Coast, has developed a comprehensive environmental scan of education, training and employment in the region as it relates to young people in the 15–24 cohort. In summary, they identify that: family and personal circumstances of some young people have meant they have disengaged, or are at risk of disengagement, from education, training or employment and issues such as mental health and homelessness are factors affecting the educational success of young people secondary school age refugee people and their families will require specific interventions to support career planning and work/life transitions in the Australian context career development service provision in schools requires greater attention and better resourcing. The Partnership Broker Limestone Coast Environmental Scan—February 2012 also details programs and initiatives available in the region to help young people maintain their connection with or re-engage with education and training and improve Year 12 retention and attainment. These include the DEEWR Youth Connections program being delivered by the Services to Youth Council, DEEWR Trade Training Centres, a number of ongoing SA Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) initiatives such as Trade Schools for the Future, Industry Skills Program, Apprenticeship Brokers and Innovative Community Action Networks program. Independent learning centres and flexibly delivered South Australian Certificate of Education programs are a feature in all government and non-government secondary schools in the region. Tertiary education and training Residents in the Limestone Coast access tertiary education locally and externally. The main campus of TAFE SA Regional is located in Mount Gambier and links to learning centres in Naracoorte, Bordertown and Kingston. Some apprentices must travel outside the region for on-the-job training. A range of registered training organisations are active in the region and there are currently three universities with a presence in the region. The University of South Australia has offered four disciplines since 2006, with a degree course in Primary Education to be launched in 2013. The Flinders University Rural Clinical School coordinates a number of study programs for health professionals, including those studying medicine, who wish to experience rural practice. Southern Cross University offers forestry studies and environmental science. The region has recognised and well-documented low levels of post-school educational attainment. 2011 Census data shows that in the 15 to 64 age group there is a significantly lower proportion of individuals with a bachelor degree or higher than the Australian average, at 9.1 per cent compared to 21.0 per cent. However the region fares well at certificate level with 24.4 per cent of the working age population compared to 19.1 per cent Australia wide. In the narrower 25–34 age cohort for the same period, 15.1 per cent of individuals in the Limestone Coast region have a bachelor degree or higher, while 33.9 per cent have a certificate level qualification. Evidence suggests that there is a correlation between level of education and employment status. In the Limestone Coast, the unemployment rate for those aged over 15 who completed a Certificate I or II was 11.8 per cent at the time of the 2011 Census. However, for those over 15 who held a Certificate III or IV or a Bachelor degree, the unemployment rates for each group at that time were significantly lower at 4.1 and 1.9 per cent, respectively. There are a number of barriers that impact on the take-up of further education in the region. Availability of specific courses, accessibility of options for people with learning difficulties, literacy and numeracy levels, disability, access to technology and support for distance learning all provide challenges. The community has for some time expressed concern about the personal and financial costs to young people and their families when further education outside the region is the only option. Mount Gambier is one of a number of regional cities in Australia that benefited from the Australian Government’s changes for accessing independent Youth Allowance in January 2012 which allows regional students to access the self-supporting independence conditions that previously applied only to students from Outer Regional Australia, Remote Australia and Very Remote Australia. Jobs, skills and workforce development The unemployment rate for the Limestone Coast region in the September 2012 quarter was 4.4 per cent, compared to 4.9 per cent in the September 2011 quarter. Table 1 shows a further breakdown of unemployment rate to smaller areas within the region and shows the rates in September 2011 and September 2012. Table 1: Unemployment rates by Statistical Local Area September 2011 September 2012 Unemployment rate (%) Unemployment rate (%) Grant (DC) 3.7 3.1 Kingston (DC) 3.2 3.5 Mount Gambier (C) 7.3 6.1 Naracoorte and Lucindale (DC) 3.1 3.6 Robe (DC) 3.2 3.1 Tatiara (DC) 2.4 2.1 Wattle Range East (DC) 4.1 4.0 Wattle Range West (DC) 5.1 4.7 Statistical Local Area Source: DEEWR Small Area Labour Markets Australia, September 2012 C = Cities DC= District Council Table 1 shows considerable variation between individual Statistical Local Areas. Unemployment rates have been steadily rising since 2008. Before this time, the region as a whole was characterised by low unemployment, consistently lower than the state average, with many industry sectors experiencing both skill shortages and recruitment difficulties. In the wake of the global financial crisis, recent redundancies in the region and the uncertainty surrounding the future of forestry (the South Australian Government sold three softwood harvest rotations in August 2012), employers in the Limestone Coast are exercising a considerable degree of caution with recruitment activities. In addition, RDA Limestone Coast’s Career Development Centre recorded a noticeable decline of approximately 37 per cent in the number of print and online vacancies advertised for the Limestone Coast between 2008 and 2012. In the four year period to June 2012, the Career Development Centre reports that 13.7 per cent who seek a service from them are retrenched workers. In response to their announcement to sell three hardwood plantations, the South Australian Government announced the South East Forestry Partnership Program assistance package in November 2012. This package is designed to encourage sustainability and growth in the forest industry in the wake of the forward sale of plantation rotations and considerable structural adjustment in the sawmilling sector. For successful grantees, the focus of this funding will be innovation, expansion and sustainable employment. Specific occupational shortages still exist across the region in medicine, health and allied health, selected trades including chefs and specialist chefs, automotive (including heavy vehicle), engineering and metal trades, child care and truck drivers. Historically employer take-up of apprenticeships and traineeships has been high. As Table 2 shows, employment in the region is dominated by three sectors: agriculture, forestry and fishing; manufacturing; and retail trade. The construction and health and community services sectors also employ significant numbers. Table 2: Industries by labour market share, Limestone Coast and South Australia Labour market share – Labour market share – Limestone Coast (%) South Australia (%) Agriculture, forestry and fishing 16.8 3.9 Manufacturing 14.1 10.6 Retail trade 12.0 11.2 Health and community services 9.7 13.6 Construction 7.1 7.5 Accommodation and food services 6.6 6.2 Education and training 6.6 7.9 Transport and storage 4.0 4.1 Top eight industries by labour market share Source: ABS 2011 Census of Population and Housing According to the ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, June 2012, around 80 per cent of registered businesses in the Limestone Coast are non-employing or defined as micro-businesses (employing up to four people) and a further 16 per cent considered small businesses—with between four and 19 employees. These employers are a key group to engage in workforce development. This characteristic, along with increasing casualisation of the work force and the contractual nature of much of the work in the region, requires business to think differently about their people and workplaces and for individuals to develop and refine their career management skills. Other characteristics The RDA Limestone Coast Regional Roadmap 2010-2015 and the Department of Planning and Local Government’s Limestone Coast Regional Plan August 2011 provide significant commentary and data on the challenges and potential for growth in the region. These include: structural changes in agriculture—in particular the dairy, wine and forestry industries and change in land use infrastructure that accommodates the changing needs of industry—for example, air and road transport and power policy and structure around the management and use of water and other natural resources continuous improvement of telecommunications infrastructure in the region availability of housing across the region, particularly in Naracoorte and Bordertown maintenance of and improvement in the availability of health services, including mental health services, across the region population sustainability. In 2009, RDA Limestone Coast commissioned and published a major workforce study—Limestone Coast Workforce: Analysis of supply, demand, emerging trends and opportunities and strategies for regional workforce development. The report identified emerging industry areas in the region with potential for future employment growth, including renewable energy and clean technologies, value adding in agriculture and horticulture, targeted tourism initiatives, expansion of education services and developing water management systems and expertise. As part of this research a small group of employers were asked to self-assess their workforce development expertise and needs across key areas including planning; attraction and retention; induction and training; and supporting employees in the workplace. Responses were varied, with some businesses believing they were doing well, others acknowledging they were not doing well and needed support, and others perceiving a low level of need to engage in enterprise level workforce planning. ISSUES, GOALS AND STRATEGIES This section sets out the issues and goals identified through local consultation. It also details the specific strategies that will help achieve the community’s objectives. The issues and strategies will be reviewed and may be modified throughout the implementation of the plan to June 2014 to ensure they respond to emerging issues and opportunities or changing community or government priorities in the Limestone Coast RDA region. The programs and stakeholders listed in the following tables are indicative only. Both may vary over time and any listing does not guarantee either the availability of program funding or stakeholder involvement. The four key themes of the Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plans initiative are: Early childhood education and care School education Tertiary education and training Jobs, skills and workforce development The numbering of each issue is for ease of reference only and does not indicate its priority within the region. They are generally sequenced according to the life cycle of the four key themes listed above. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 13 Issue 1 The quality of early childhood education and care in the Limestone Coast region. Goals: Effective implementation of the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care. Strengthen workforce planning for the early childhood sector. Theme(s): Early childhood education and care; Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Support registered training organisations (RTOs) to deliver flexible, timely education and training services related to the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care. Promote the uptake of the National Quality Framework with child care, pre-schools and out of school hours care services and work collaboratively to address challenges and barriers to implementation. As part of the region’s workforce development strategy, devise and implement a workforce planning model for the early childhood education and care sector in the region. Centrelink Department for Education and Child Development (SA) Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (SA) Disability Employment Services (DES) providers Early childhood education and care providers including child care centres and family day care Job Services Australia (JSA) providers Limestone Coast Early Childhood Network RDA Limestone Coast RTOs TAFE SA DES Family Assistance Office JSA National Workforce Development Fund Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment Grants Skills for All (SA Government) Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 14 Issue 2 Education and transition outcomes for young people in the Limestone Coast region. Goal: Ensure young people who are exiting formal schooling are fully supported to develop the skills, knowledge and attributes they need to manage their transition to further education, training and employment. Theme(s): School education; Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Build strong relationships and networks with schools and others who provide education and transition services to young people, improving connections where possible. Regularly engage with School Business Community Partnership Brokers, Youth Connections providers and Innovative Community Action Network (ICAN) service providers and assist them to address barriers with their work with a view to improving educational outcomes for young people in the region. Maintain membership of and contribute to the SA Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) ICAN management committee and program across the region. Examine the provision of career development services in schools across the region to identify areas for improvement. Contribute to the Limestone Coast Careers Expo. Collect, collate and analyse relevant retention and destination data on Indigenous young people as they transition from school. Ensure Aboriginal Community Education Officers in schools are empowered to provide information and support relating to further education, employment and careers for Indigenous young people. Aboriginal Community Education Officers Association of Independent Schools SA Australian Apprenticeship Centres Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation Career Development Centre Catholic Education SA DECD (SA) DECD industry skills brokers and apprenticeship brokers Disability Employment Service (DES) providers GTE Australia ICAN Job Services Australia (JSA) providers Limestone Coast Strategic Youth Coalition RDA Limestone Coast Registered training organisations School Business Community Partnership Brokers TAFE SA/ Youth Connections providers Australian Apprenticeships DES JSA Parental and Community Engagement (PaCE) School Business Community Partnership Brokers Youth Connections Issue 3 Enrolment in and attainment of post-school tertiary education and training, particularly at diploma level or higher. Goal: Increase tertiary education and training availability and accessibility. Theme(s): Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Work collaboratively with tertiary providers to address accessibility issues for students within the region, including providing support to University of South Australia’s ‘Regional Connections’ project and the Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation’s Industry and Indigenous Skill Centre program initiative. Connect tertiary providers to information and intelligence relating to regional growth, industry and workforce development and support them to ensure training matches demand. Department for Education and Child Development Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Employers Flinders University Local government Regional Development Australia (RDA) Limestone Coast Registered training organisations South East Local Government Association Southern Cross University TAFE SA University of South Australia Adult and Community Education (SA Government) Education Investment Fund - ‘Regional Priorities’ program. Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program Industry and Indigenous Skill Centre program. Investing in Experience: Skills Recognition and Training Skills for All (SA Government) Skills in the Workplace (SA Government) Goal: Available and appropriate learning supports for new students and students experiencing difficulties. Theme(s): Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Identify the types of learning supports required by tertiary students in the Limestone Coast experiencing difficulties or likely to experience difficulties and assess their availability and effectiveness. In conjunction with the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST), RDA Limestone Coast, TAFE SA and other registered training organisations (RTOs), promote the use of ‘Skills for All’ as a workforce development and career development strategy. Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) DFEEST Employers Flinders University Local government RDA Limestone Coast RTOs South East Local Government Association (SELGA) Southern Cross University TAFE SA University of South Australia Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program Skills for All (SA Government) Skills in the Workplace (SA Government) Goal: Development of a lifelong learning culture in the Limestone Coast. Theme(s): Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Adult and Community Education (SA Government) Skills for All (SA Government) Support local councils to deliver on their strategies to encourage and promote a lifelong learning culture. DECD DFEEST Employers Flinders University Local government RDA Limestone Coast South East Local Government Association Southern Cross University TAFE SA RTOs University of South Australia Issue 4 Improve labour market participation and employment outcomes for disadvantaged groups in the Limestone Coast region. Goal: People in the Limestone Coast who experience difficulties gaining or maintaining work are supported to overcome these difficulties. Theme(s): Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Support refugees, people with disability and youth, to improve their language, literacy and numeracy skills in the employment and training context. Work in partnership with the South East Local Government Association (SELGA), TAFE SA and other registered training organisations (RTOs), Job Services Australia (JSA) and Disability Employment Service (DES) and other community service providers to address transport-related barriers that impact on further education and employment for young people, refugees and migrants and people with disability. Work collaboratively with the Limestone Coast Migrant Resource Centre, JSA and other service providers to develop and implement, or add value to, initiatives that improve refugee labour market outcomes. Further explore successful strategies for Indigenous people and mature workers to improve their workforce participation. Work collaboratively with the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST) Skills for All in Regions to enable local service providers to access and deliver targeted programs and support to those disadvantaged in the labour market. Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation Career Development Centre DES providers DFEEST Health service providers JSA providers Limestone Coast Migrant Resource Centre RDA Limestone Coast RTOs SELGA TAFE SA Adult Migrant English Program Australian Apprenticeship Adviser Program Australian Apprenticeships DES Indigenous Employment Program JSA Skills for All (SA Government) Skills for Education and Employment (formerly known as the Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program) South Australia Works Wage Connect Workplace English Language and Literacy Issue 5 Workforce development practices at employer, industry and community levels. Goal: Attract and retain a skilled workforce for the Limestone Coast. Theme(s): Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Engage with Industry Skills Boards and Industry Skills Councils to ensure the employment and training needs of industry in the region are represented. Support RDA Limestone Coast to deliver on its Workforce Development Plan. The plan includes strategies to: o develop and maintain systems to improve the evidence base and application of workforce information and labour market data in the region o assist industry and employers to develop quality workforce development practices, improve workplace people management practices and acknowledge best practice o support new and emerging industries in the region to ensure a sustainable, joined-up approach to economic development and job creation is considered o develop long-term industry-specific workforce planning models for the region, initially in (1) education and early childhood care (2) health and community services (3) agriculture, horticulture and forestry (4) tourism and (5) natural resources and renewable energies. Business associations Career Development Centre Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education Employers Industry associations Industry Skills Boards Industry Skills Councils Local government RDA Limestone Coast South East Local Government Association Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) brokers AusIndustry, including the South East South Australia Innovation and Investment Fund Australian Government Skills Connect Enterprise Connect National Workforce Development Fund Skills for All (SA Government) Skills in the Workplace (SA Government) Wage Connect WELL Goal: Increase employers’ awareness of available business development programs and support. Theme(s): Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Develop a partnership approach with providers in the region to deliver a more accessible message to industry and employers about the availability of programs and support for business development and workforce sustainability. Revisit and review population attraction and retention initiatives in the region, in collaboration with Regional Development Australia (RDA) Limestone Coast and the South East Local Government Association (SELGA) member councils. Promote the Australian Government Skills Connect suite of programs and workforce development initiatives to local industry, industry groups and employers. Business associations Career Development Centre Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education Employers Industry associations Industry Skills Boards Industry Skills Councils Local government National Workforce Development Fund (NWDF) brokers RDA Limestone Coast SELGA Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) brokers Australian Government Skills Connect Enterprise Connect NWDF Skills for All (SA Government) Skills in the Workplace (SA Government) WELL Goal: Increased capacity of individuals to manage change in their working lives. Theme(s): Early childhood education and care; School education; Tertiary education and training; Jobs, skills and workforce development. Strategies Stakeholders Programs Promote a good practice approach to structural adjustment activities and redundancies in the region, make connections for providers and advocate for improved service provision. Support Job Services Australia (JSA) and Disability Employment Service (DES) providers’ engagement with the Regional Development Australia (RDA) Limestone Coast Career Development Centre as a region wide initiative. Business associations Career Development Centre Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education DES providers Employers Industry associations Industry Skills Boards Industry Skills Councils JSA providers Local government National Workforce Development Fund (NWDF) brokers RDA Limestone Coast South East Local Government Association (SELGA) Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) brokers DES JSA National Workforce Development Fund Skills for All (SA Government) Skills in the Workplace (SA Government) WELL APPENDICES Appendix A — Stakeholders Below is a list of organisations consulted during the development of this RESJ Plan, listed by sector. Sector Stakeholder Local government South East Local Government Association (SELGA), representing seven member councils in the Limestone Coast region. South Australian Government Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology; Department for Education and Child Development. Australian government Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education; Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport. Education Department for Education and Child Development—including ICAN Program Manager, Industry Skills Broker and Apprenticeship Brokers; Tenison Woods College; St Martins Lutheran College. Higher education TAFE SA Regional – Limestone Coast; University of South Australia – Centre for Regional Engagement, Mount Gambier; Logging Investigation and Training Association Inc. Youth School Business Community Partnership Broker – RDA Limestone Coast. Youth Connections provider – Services to Youth Council. Employment Job Prospects; Workskil Inc; Interwork; Campbell Page; Uniting Care Wesley Port Adelaide; Group Training Employment; Limestone Coast Migrant Resource Centre of SA. Indigenous organisations Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation; Pangula Mannamurna Inc. Regional development Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 22 Appendix B — Existing related plans and strategies This section includes some of the related strategic plans in the region which have: influenced the direction of this RESJ Plan have complementary goals and strategies and/or have significance in the region in relation to education, skills and jobs. It provides an overview of how each strategy or plan has had an impact on this RESJ Plan and how it may be utilised to maximise outcomes. Plan or strategy Impact on RESJ Plan Regional Development Australia (RDA) Limestone Coast RDA Limestone Coast has identified five key areas for priority attention in the region. These are: Economic Development Infrastructure Population Growth, Skills, Leadership Development Tourism, Lifestyle, Promotion Community Well being How it can be used/linked/expanded The current RDA Limestone Coast Regional Roadmap 2010-2015 (updated in August 2012) has a dynamic vision for the region. Whilst all key focus areas contained in the Regional Roadmap complement the RESJ Plan’s strategy in the region, those actions included under the key issues of ‘Population, Skills and Leadership Development and Tourism, Lifestyle, Promotion’ have particular relevance. The Regional Roadmap is revised annually through a community consultation process. The RESJ Coordinator can value-add to this process and work collaboratively with RDA Limestone Coast in addressing education, skills and workforce development issues. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 23 Plan or strategy Impact on RESJ Plan How it can be used/linked/expanded RDA Limestone Coast employs a skills, career and workforce development manager, who administers a number of projects and is responsible for managing the Board’s Career Development Centre. It also hosts the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST) Regional Coordinator position. From time to time, RDA Limestone Coast undertakes discrete projects related to workforce development. The Board’s Live Grow Achieve initiative provides comprehensive information about the Limestone Coast as a region to live, work and invest in and is targeted towards people wishing to relocate for work and/or to develop their business in the region. RDA Limestone Coast is currently the provider of DEEWR’s School Business Community Partnership Broker program, the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education Apprenticeship Advisor program and in 2012 were recipients of DEEWR’s Youth Development and Support Program grant funding for a project focussed on career development for refugee young people. A number of local, state and federal government officers deliver regional programs and are colocated with RDA Limestone Coast including South East Local Government Association, AusIndustry, Austrade, Active After-school Communities, South Australian Tourism Commission Regional Tourism Manager, Tourism Industry Development Officer and the South East Resource Information Centre. How it can be used/linked/expanded Plan or strategy Impact on RESJ Plan Department of Planning and Local Government – The Limestone Coast Regional Plan The plan was released in August 2011 and is designed to provide direction and action for the development of the region while considering state-wide planning aims and region-specific needs. The Limestone Coast Regional Plan is an important reference for the RESJ initiative. The South Australian Government has developed the strategies in the plan to accommodate an extra 22,000 people in the region over the next 30 years. Many of the aims of the plan will impact on education, employment and workforce development. Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST) – Skills for All in the Regions – Limestone Coast This DFEEST-funded program specifically addresses issues and challenges faced by disadvantaged, unemployed and underemployed jobseekers in the region. RDA Limestone Coast coordinates DFEEST grant money and delivers programs through the Working Regions Action Plan. The RESJ Coordinator adds value to the locally based DFEEST Regional Coordinator and RDA Limestone Coast’s Employment and Training Programs Project Officer. Local providers who deliver funded projects provide access to important networks, and their ability to identify and develop strategies to assisted disadvantaged job seekers is valuable. DFEEST provides specific education, training and labour market data and interpretation of the region’s workforce via its Workforce Wizard. Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology – Skills for All and Skills in the Workplace. Commencing 1 July 2012, Skills For All funds skills training (qualifications and skills sets) up to advanced diploma level for all South Australians over the age of 16, including VET in South Australian Certificate of Education within school settings. Skills for All and Skills in the Workplace provide opportunities for the state and federal governments to work together to deliver the best possible services. Industry, employers and Job Services Australia and Disability Employment Service providers are encouraged to work collaboratively to develop tailored responses to their training and employment needs. Skills in the Workplace is partially funded skills training for industry and is complementary to the Australian Government’s National Workforce Development Fund. Plan or strategy Impact on RESJ Plan Government/Non-Government schooling sectors All Department for Education and Child Development (DECD), Catholic and independent schools in the region provide support for young people who are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from education. How it can be used/linked/expanded DECD have a number of initiatives that support young people to be successful with their schooling. At a regional level these include: Innovative Community Action Networks, the Industry Skills Program, Apprenticeship Brokers and two Independent Learning Centres. DECD schools can choose to enrol students as flexible learning options students, allowing a community partnership approach to learning success for young people. DECD, Catholic and Independent schools in the region provide flexible learning programs for young people at risk of disengaging from education. Many of the schools have independent learning centres and all have strong links with vocational education and training and a focus on South Australian Certificate of Education completion. This RESJ Plan has identified working collaboratively or partnering with existing programs across the schooling sector as ways to avoid duplication and get targeted outcomes. Local government strategic plans Local councils in the region have strategic plans that identify their direction and vision. Councils in the Limestone Coast have a focus on economic and community development and a strong desire to make this region a great place to live and work. This RESJ Plan supports education, employment, skills and learning strategies identified by councils. ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Term ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics AEDI Australian Early Development Index DECD Department for Education and Child Development (SA) DEEWR Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations DES Disability Employment Services DFEEST Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (SA) ICAN Innovative Community Action Networks JSA Job Services Australia NWDF National Workforce Development Fund PaCE Parental and Community Engagement RDA Regional Development Australia RESJ Regional Education, Skills and Jobs RTO Registered Training Organisation SELGA South East Local Government Association VET Vocational education and training WELL Workplace English Language and Literacy Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plan – Limestone Coast 27