2015 Fall Meeting Registration Brochure

2015 Fall Conference
October 2-4
The Chase Park Plaza Hotel
212 North Kingshighway
St. Louis, MO 63108
Stay at the beautiful and historic Chase Park Plaza Hotel! This hotel is located within
walking distance from numerous restaurants, cafes and shops. Bring your family
and enjoy a relaxing weekend with nurse anesthetists in St. Louis!
Hotel Reservations
Room reservations must be made by September 2 to receive a room rate of $165/night.
Please inform the Chase Park Plaza Hotel that you are with the
Missouri Association of Nurse Anesthetists Meeting by calling 877-587-2427.
Self-Parking: free for attendees with validation. Valet Parking: $27/overnight.
Cancellation Policy
A full refund will be given if written notification is received at least three business days prior to the
scheduled meeting. From that date until seven business days following the meeting, a 50% refund
will be given upon written request. After the seven-day period, no refunds will be given.
Registration fees cannot be credited toward future meetings.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Sunday, October 4, 2015
18:00-21:00 MoANA Board Meeting – Open to all members
– Waterman Room
07:30-08:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast – Outside
the Khorassan Ballroom
Saturday, October 3, 2015
07:00-07:55 Registration and Continental Breakfast with
Exhibitors — Khorassan West
08:00-09:00 Intraoperative Anesthetic Management of
Patients having Kidney and Pancreas
Jason Wellen, MD, Director of Kidney and
Pancreatic Transplantation, WU School of
07:55-08:00 Welcome — Khorassan Main
Cassandra Decker, CRNA
President of MoANA
09:00-10:00 Understanding the Value of CRNA Services
Sallie Poepsel, CRNA, PhD, APRN and Jeanie
Skibiski, CRNA, MHA, APRN
08:00-09:00 Obstetrical Hemorrhage: The OB Bundle
Joseph Pellegrini, PhD, CRNA, Director, Nurse
Anesthesia Specialty, Baltimore, MD
10:00-10:10 Morning Break
06:30-07:30 Student Breakfast – Regency Room
09:00-10:00 Controversies in OB Anesthesia
Joseph Pellegrini, PhD, CRNA
10:00-10:30 Morning Break & Exhibits
10:30-11:45 MoANA Business Meeting
11:45-13:00 Lunch — Exhibitors invited – Starlight Ballroom
10:10-11:10 How Cost-Effective are CRNA-Provided
Services in Missouri?
Sallie Poepsel, CRNA, PhD, APRN and Jeanie
Skibiski, CRNA, MHA, APRN
11:10-11:50 Accidental Intra-arterial Catheter Placement
and Injection
David Saunders, SRNA, Barnes-Jewish College
(Mentor: Bernadette Henrichs, PhD, CRNA)
11:50-12:00 Closing Remarks and Evaluations
13:00-14:00 Video laryngoscopy: Should this be the
Standard of Care for Emergency Intubations?
What is the Evidence?
Joseph Pellegrini, PhD, CRNA
14:00-15:00 AANA Update
Mark Haffey, CRNA, Region 4 Director for the
15:00-15:15 Afternoon Break
15:15-15:55 Does Lidocaine Reduce the Release of
Cytokines in MC1R Transfected Melancoytes
in Cell Nature?
Angela DeLaria and Gary Hubbard, RRNAs,
Webster University Nurse Anesthesia Program
(Mentor: Marti Steed, MSN, CRNA)
15:55-16:35 Interdisciplinary Performance Improvement
Project for Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Rebecca Fox, SRNA, DNP-C, Truman Medical
Center (Mentor: Kelli Pryor, CRNA, DNP)
16:35-17:35 How do I Keep My Patient Comfortable and
Improve Patient Satisfaction?
Bernadette Henrichs, PhD, CRNA, CCRN
17:35-19:00 Evening PAC Reception – All are invited!
Help your PAC and your profession by attending
– Regency Room
CE Credits!
You Are Invited…
MoANA PAC Auction & Reception on Saturday
evening— Help support your PAC by attending this
evening reception. More information will be in your
registration packet.
MoANA Continuing Education Chair
Marti Steed, MSN, CRNA
Bernadette Henrichs, PhD, CRNA, CCRN
Please detach & mail to: MoANA Spring Meeting, 205 E. Capitol, Suite 100, Jefferson City, MO 65101
CRNAs only may register online at www.moana.org
Students must register with this form.
Fax registration with credit card to: 573-636-6899
Questions? Please call 573-634-8760
NAME as it is to appear on badge: ________________________________________
AANA# ________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________
MoANA Mbr  Other __________
CITY, STATE, ZIP: ______________________________________________________
If Student, program affiliation:
PHONE: _____________________________________________________________
EMAIL (to receive confirmation): _________________________________________
EMPLOYER: _________________________________________________________
*Advance registration must be postmarked or received by e-mail or fax no later than September 18th.
Sat & Sun
 $260
Sat only
 $220
Sun only
 $175
After 9/18
 $310
 $270
 $225
Sat & Sun  $310
Sat only
 $250
Sun only
 $210
 $50 (Pre-registration by 9/18refunded on site)
 $20 (After 9/18 or Onsite - nonrefundable fee)
After 9/18
 $360
 $300
 $260
 $50 (No CE Credit)
Registration Fee
Student Sponsor ($25)
$_________ Please include if you would like to help sponsor a student for $25.
Total Enclosed
Please check here if you would like $100 of your registration fee to be donated to the MoANA PAC.
Donations to the PAC is non-deductible, and may not be reimbursable by your employer.
Credit card charges for PAC will be a separate transaction.
Check Enclosed (payable to MoANA)
 MasterCard  Discover
Account # ______________________________________ Exp. _____________ Security Code______
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
205 E. Capitol, Suite 100
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Program Objectives
The Missouri Association of Nurse Anesthetists is dedicated to the presentation of educational programs for CRNAs and anesthesia students to provide
updates and review for anesthesia practice. At the conclusion of this meeting, the participant should be able to:
Describe the incidence of obstetric hemorrhage and how to diagnose and treat appropriately.
Explain clinical concerns that can be controversial in the obstetric patient and the choice of treatment available.
Describe the importance of using video laryngoscopy in a difficult airway patient and its significance in becoming a standard of care.
List the latest statistics of members of the AANA organization in regards to education, workplace, recertification and retirement.
Describe governmental and educational issues that AANA members are facing at the present time.
Explain the criteria for billing and reimbursements for anesthesia services.
Summarize the key aspects that are critical in understanding the cost-effectiveness of CRNA services in Missouri.
Explain the intraoperative anesthetic management of patients having kidney and/or pancreas transplants, including risk factors and their
prevention, along with treatment methods.
Analyze how the anesthesia provider can address pain in the surgical patient, using a multimodal approach that will improve patient satisfaction.
Describe the relationship between MC1R and red hair.
Explain the MC1R’s normal function, cellular physiology and inflammatory involvement and the biochemical differences of a mutated MCR.
Describe the risk of placing an intravenous catheter into an artery and injecting medication and anesthetic implications for prevention and
Outline the evidence-based care for a suspected or diagnosed amniotic fluid embolism (AFE).
Discuss the results from the interdisciplinary education.
This program has been submitted for approval by the AANA for 10 hours of Continuing Education.