Name: Author of short stories: GT Outside Reading Project: Analysis

Author of short stories:_____________________________
GT Outside Reading Project:
Analysis of Author’s Style (Short Stories)
Question: “Why do I need to fill this out?” Answer: Use this document as a map to help you take note of and identify
patterns you see in each short story and among all three as a whole. It’s difficult to deeply analyze texts without
taking note of each individual element along the way. We’ll use the “trees” to better see the “forest,” if you will.
Directions: After thoroughly annotating each short story, use your annotations to help you answer the questions
below. Fill this out digitally. Make your font un-bold so the question is easily distinguishable from your answer.
Your answers should be thorough, specific, and thoughtful.
Short story #1 title: ______________________________________________
1. Summarize what happens in the short story, noting the organization. In what order does the author
present the ideas? How does the organization impact the story’s meaning?
Note the words you annotated for diction in the
space below:
Provide the connotations of the words you
annotated (multiple words may fit into the same
category). Note in which paragraph(s) the
word/connotation appears.
3. Describe any interesting use of syntax, including sentence length, punctuation, repetition, etc.
(noting in which paragraph these instances appear). How does syntax create meaning in this story?
4. Identify the tone(s) of the story. If there are multiple tones, note where the shifts appear.
5. Note any other significant devices or elements you noticed in the text and explain why they’re
6. Write a thematic statement that represents this piece.
Short story #2 title: ______________________________________________
1. Summarize what happens in the short story, noting the organization. In what order does the author
present the ideas? How does the organization impact the story’s meaning?
Note the words you annotated for diction in the
space below:
Provide the connotations of the words you
annotated (multiple words may fit into the same
category). Note in which paragraph(s) the
word/connotation appears.
3. Describe any interesting use of syntax, including sentence length, punctuation, repetition, etc.
(noting in which paragraph these instances appear). How does syntax create meaning in this story?
4. Identify the tone(s) of the story. If there are multiple tones, note where the shifts appear.
5. Note any other significant devices or elements you noticed in the text and explain why they’re
6. Write a thematic statement that represents this piece.
Short story #3 title: ______________________________________________
1. Summarize what happens in the short story, noting the organization. In what order does the author
present the ideas? How does the organization impact the story’s meaning?
Note the words you annotated for diction in the
space below:
Provide the connotations of the words you
annotated (multiple words may fit into the same
category). Note in which paragraph(s) the
word/connotation appears.
3. Describe any interesting use of syntax, including sentence length, punctuation, repetition, etc.
(noting in which paragraph these instances appear). How does syntax create meaning in this story?
4. Identify the tone(s) of the story. If there are multiple tones, note where the shifts appear.
5. Note any other significant devices or elements you noticed in the text and explain why they’re
6. Write a thematic statement that represents this piece.
Noticing patterns/overarching themes amongst all three short stories
Now that you have thoroughly analyzed and noticed patterns in each individual story, use those insights to help you
compare and contrast the stories by answering the questions below. The aim here is to discover this author’s style;
what, exactly, do their works have in common, and how are they diverse? How could you describe this author’s style
as a whole? What distinguishes this author from others?
1. What are some similarities in the diction among two or three of the pieces?
2. What are some differences in the diction among two or three of the pieces?
3. What are some similarities in the syntax among two or three of the pieces?
4. What are some differences in the syntax among two or three of the pieces?
5. What are some similarities in the organization among two or three of the pieces?
6. What are some differences in the organization among two or three of the pieces?
7. What are some similarities in the tone(s) among two or three of the pieces?
8. What are some differences in the tone(s) among two or three of the pieces?
9. What are some similarities in the theme/content among two or three of the pieces?
10. What are some differences in the theme/content among two or three of the pieces?
11. Overall, how do these pieces strike you as similar or different, related or unrelated? Did you notice
anything else about these stories as a set? What distinguishes this author’s writing from others?