Water - Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

EIS information guideline — Water
The terms of reference for water include the following objectives:
The environmental objectives to be met under the EP Act are that the activity (project) be operated in a way that:
 minimises harm to the environmental values of waters
 protects the environmental values of wetlands
 protects the environmental values of groundwater and any associated surface ecological systems.
The performance outcomes corresponding to this objective are in Schedule 5, Table 3 of the Environmental
Protection Regulation 2008. The EIS should provide sufficient evidence (including through studies and proposed
management measures) to demonstrate that these outcomes can be achieved.
In general, to demonstrate that the environmental values of waters and wetlands are protected would involve:
identifying the waters and wetlands affected, including key characteristics
identifying the environmental values of the waters and wetlands
identifying the environmental objectives and indicators relevant to protection of the environmental values
monitoring the environmental quality indicators
determining how the activity may impact upon the environmental values and how these impacts will be mitigated
carrying out relevant monitoring including baseline and reference condition, effective implementation of
mitigation measures and environmental impact.
Information must be obtained on what waters, including groundwater and wetlands, are relevant to the project and
considering the area of potential impacts and the corresponding environmental values. Environmental quality
indicators should be established for each environmental value to describe the condition of the environmental value.
Then an assessment can made of how the activity may impact on that condition.
Potential impacts on environmental values must be avoided or minimised. Cumulative impacts must be considered,
that is also consider harm that may occur as a result the combined effects of other activities.
The EIS should demonstrate minimisation of harm by detailing measures to avoid or minimise the factors that may
create harmful effects in the environment and, where such effects cannot be avoided, minimising the resultant
harm in terms of nature, scale, and temporal and geographical extent. Effective monitoring of the actual impacts is
critical to ensure that the proposed mitigation measures are effective.
Identification of waters and key characteristics
The EIS should describe the water resources and environmental values of water that may be affected by the
project, including where relevant estuarine and marine waters. Reference should be made to Queensland Wetland
Mapping and any available Aquatic Conservation Assessments produced by the Queensland Government.
Surface water
The description should include and illustrate the surface watercourses, overland flow, palustrine and lacustrine
wetlands, estuaries and marine waters. It should include suitably scaled maps of catchments, watercourses,
drainage pathways, wetlands, or sources of water supply (such as farm dams) potentially affected by the project,
including those on and off the project site. Describe, with supporting photographs, the geomorphic condition of any
watercourses likely to be affected by disturbance or stream diversion. The results of this description would form
the basis for the planning and subsequent monitoring of rehabilitation of the watercourses during or after the
operation of the project.
Describe the hydrology of watercourses and overland flow in the project area and any downstream locations
potentially affected by the project.
Provide details of the likelihood and history of flooding, including the extent, levels and frequency of floods in and
around the project site. Flood studies should include a range of annual exceedance probabilities for potentially
EIS information guideline — Water
affected waterways, based on observed data if available or use of appropriate modelling techniques and
conservative assumptions if there are no suitable observations.
Describe the quality, quantity and significance of groundwater in the project area and any surrounding area
potentially affected by the project’s activities.
The description of the quality, quantity and significance of groundwater in the project area, and any surrounding
area, potentially affected by the project’s activities should address:
 geology and stratigraphy, both on-site and at the regional scale
 the geological sequence in the area, (from oldest to youngest), and with accompanying surface geology and
cross sections
 aquifer type – such as confined/unconfined, geology, groundwater pressure
 location and depth of bores used to determine the stratigraphy and groundwater pressure
 depth to (in m AHD and m BGL), and thickness of, the aquifers; their transmissivity and value or potential as
water supply sources
 major confining layers and connectivity between aquifers
 major faulting
 relationships between local groundwater and the regional groundwater flow system, including groundwater flow
 groundwater chemistry and quality, including salinity and any factors affecting groundwater quality
 proximity and possible interaction with saline water or seawater
 interaction with surface water and any groundwater dependant ecosystems
 sources and rates of recharge; major influences on recharge
 vulnerability to pollution.
The description should include a survey of existing groundwater supply facilities (bores, wells, or excavations) to
the extent of any potential impacts. Information and analysis should include:
location of potentially affected bores or wells
pumping parameters
draw down and recharge at normal pumping rates
seasonal variations (if records exist) of groundwater levels.
For coastal environment that may be affected by the project, the EIS should describe the physical processes of the
littoral and marine environment, including currents, tides, freshwater flows and their interaction in relation to coastal
morphology and the assimilation and transport of contaminants entering marine waters from, or adjacent to, the
project area.
Provide an assessment of physical and chemical characteristics of sediments within the littoral and marine zone
potentially affected by the project.
Identification of environmental values
Describe the environmental values of waters, including surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters and wetlands
that may be affected by the project.
Under the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009 (Water EPP), all Queensland waters including
groundwater have prescribed environmental values and water quality objectives. For some waterway basins and
areas, environmental values and water quality objectives are listed in schedule 1 of the Water EPP.
Where this is not the case, default environmental values are prescribed under section 6 (2) of the policy. These
include protection of aquatic ecosystems, farm supply, irrigation, stock water, drinking use, human consumption of
aquatic food, industrial use, recreational use, and cultural and spiritual use. The definition of waters includes the
bed and banks of waters, so assessments also need to consider potential impacts on benthic sediments, such as
any build-up of toxic metals, and riparian vegetation.
Ecological health, public amenity and safety are also environmental values prescribed under the EP Act that may
be adversely affected by resource projects and need to be considered where relevant to water quality.
EIS information guideline — Water
Describe current and potential future users and uses of water in areas potentially affected by the project, including
farm water supply, stock water, and municipal, agricultural, aquaculture industrial and recreational uses of water.
Where coastal areas may be affected, describe the coastal resources and values identified in any State and
Regional Coastal Plans. When necessary to avoid duplication, cross-reference other sections of the EIS where
coastal values, such as ecology or scenic amenity, are addressed.
Identification of environmental objectives and indicators
Harm to environmental values generally implies some adverse change in environmental condition. The degree of
change permitted before harm is considered to have occurred is generally described by water quality objectives.
These may include physical, chemical, radiological and biological objectives as well as narrative statements on
environmental condition. Objectives are developed and considered differently between human use, environmental
values and ecological values.
The degree of change permitted in environmental condition for human use environmental values such as drinking,
stock water, aquaculture and irrigation is related to levels which do not affect suitability for those uses. For
ecological environmental values, a specified acceptable degree of departure from a reference condition is generally
used for ecological stressors and biological indicators, and in respect of toxic substances, guidance based on
relevant aquatic toxicity studies. The degree of departure from natural condition and level of ecosystem protection
afforded from toxic substances is based on the level of ecosystem protection prescribed for the relevant waters.
Under the Water EPP, there are four levels of ecosystem protection, namely high ecological value, slightly
disturbed, moderately disturbed and highly disturbed. Guidance on how water quality objectives are applied in
each case is described in the Queensland Water Quality Guidelines 2009. These guidelines provide water quality
objectives for various water types for Queensland regions/sub regions. http://www.ehp.qld.gov.au/water/pdf/waterquality-guidelines.pdf
Where waters are listed under schedule 1 of the Water EPP, the Water EPP scheduling documents provide
environmental values and water quality objectives. http://www.ehp.qld.gov.au/water/policy/schedule1/index.html
The Australian Water Quality Guidelines (ANZECC and ARMCANZ 2000), the Australian Drinking Water
Guidelines (NHMRC 2011) and the Guidelines for Managing Risks in Recreational Water (NHMRC 2008) are also
relevant and should be consulted.
Guidance on how environmental values are developed is provided in the Queensland Water Quality Guidelines
2009 (QWQG) and the Departmental guideline Establishing Draft Environmental Values and Water Quality
Objectives 2002 (EVWQOG). http://www.ehp.qld.gov.au/water/pdf/factsheet-evs-wqos-epp-water.pdf
For issues of potential environmental concern, such as turbidity, salinity, environmentally significant anions and
cations, toxicants and riparian vegetation, the EIS should identify all relevant water quality objectives for the
environmental values. Biological objectives for impacted areas should also be determined. For coastal areas, the
EIS should develop and describe suitable indicators for measuring coastal values, and objectives that would
protect the coastal resources and values.
Monitoring of environmental quality indicators
The EIS should design a plan for the ongoing monitoring of the impact of the development on water resources in
areas where there may be impacts. Monitoring plans should focus on the mitigation/ management strategies for the
risks to the key assets identified in the assessment of the project. They should be capable of tracking changes
against pre‐development conditions. The monitoring network should, to an appropriate extent, extend beyond the
predicted impact areas to confirm that impacts are not occurring beyond these areas.
Monitoring plans should address all impacts identified through the assessment where a management regime or
intervention is required to mitigate the risk of a significant impact. They should have clearly defined monitoring
objectives. Maps should be provided to demonstrate the location of monitoring points and their purpose.
A surface water monitoring program should be established to collect sufficient data to assess background
hydrological and water quality conditions, inter-annual and seasonal variation, to underpin the monitoring of the
effectiveness of mitigation and management measures. The monitoring program should enable early detection of
impacts arising from project development, and identification of the cause of any changes from baseline conditions,
or changes from specified water quality and hydrological objectives.
A groundwater monitoring network should be established to collect sufficient data to assess background conditions,
seasonal variations and recharge/discharge behaviours. The monitoring programs should target dedicated
groundwater monitoring bores and not include uncased test holes or bore holes where there is insufficient data
EIS information guideline — Water
(such as drilling logs) to identify the strata intercepted and monitored.
Ecological monitoring should be undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of impact prevention or mitigation
measures, measure trends in ecological responses and detect whether ecological responses are within identified
thresholds of acceptable change.
A proposed reporting program should be provided, which includes triggers for the review of the program, and
identify additional data, assessment, analysis and reporting requirements.
In general, water quality monitoring should be managed in accordance with the relevant National Water Quality
Management Strategy (NWQMS) guideline: Australian Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting
(AWQG) http://www.environment.gov.au/resource/national-water-quality-management-strategy-australianguidelines-water-quality-monitoring-0.
Surface water
Develop and describe suitable surface and ground water quality and resource project-specific indicators for
measuring environmental values, and objectives that would protect the identified values against project impacts.
Guidance on indicators is provided in the AWQG, the QWQG and the EVWQOG.
A baseline condition assessment monitoring program, with sampling stations located upstream at background
reference sites (that would be un-impacted), and sites downstream of the project, would provide a sound basis for
the description of the EVs, the assessment of likely impacts (including through modelling) and the effectiveness of
impact mitigation strategies. The monitoring sites should be representative of the diversity of potentially affected
water related values. The quality of waters should be described using a desktop approach where relevant quality
assured monitoring results are available and/or field monitoring where no desk top information is available. Clearly
identify and reference existing data obtained from other monitoring programs.
Complementary stream-flow data should also be obtained from historical records from the current stream gauging
station network to help interpretation. Where data exists, describe the flow regime for the receiving environment
using plots of flow (cumecs) versus flow duration (per cent) to identify the flow duration of event high-flow, baseflow and no-flow periods to characterise the receiving environment.
Describe seasonal variations in water quality and variations with flow. Where there are significant variations in flow,
such as in ephemeral streams, condition should be described for high and low flow periods separately rather than
averaging. Estimate the event flow trigger for environmentally significant analytes in each receiving waterway
based on this observed variation (plot flow against environmentally significant analytes). The event flow trigger is
the flow at which environmentally significant analytes increase and begin to exceed the applicable high flow water
quality objective. The event flow trigger can also be any flow above this point.
This data should be used to determine the appropriate conditions for the release of mine-affected water into the
receiving environment that minimise environmental harm. Measure a range of physical, chemical and biological
parameters relevant to the potential environmental harm on any affected creek or wetland system.
The monitoring program should measure a range of physical, chemical and biological parameters relevant to the
potential environmental harm on any affected waters. This would include, but not necessarily be limited to, water
quality indicators likely to be affected by the project such as: electrical conductivity; anions and cations that
contribute to salinity, total and dissolved metals; turbidity; suspended sediments; and pH. Biological indicators
should include macro-invertebrate surveys undertaken at appropriate locations according to best practice methods.
Where the activity has potential to contaminate sediments, for example base metal mines dealing with sulfidic ores,
characterisation of the stream sediments including reference condition should be undertaken. Sediment quality
data should be standardised to particle size for metals and metalloids and organic carbon for organic contaminants.
All sampling should be performed in accordance with the Monitoring and Sampling Manual 2009 Version 2, or the
most current edition. The QWQG recommends the taking of 18 samples to provide estimates of medium, 20th and
80th percentiles at a reference site. The ANZECC Water Quality Guidelines recommend taking 24 samples to
estimate these percentiles at a reference site.
The number of monitoring sites and monitoring frequency should capture seasonal and inter-annual variability and
enable valid statistical analysis of results. The program should offer an ability to identify ‘first flush’ effects and
All water quality data should be presented in a suitable format for assessment against relevant water quality
objectives under the EPP Water, or guideline trigger values as described in the QWQG and the AWQG. Physicochemical parameters should at least be presented as 50th percentiles and toxicants such as metals presented as
EIS information guideline — Water
95th percentiles, together with data ranges and the limit of reporting. All relevant metadata that would facilitate an
assessment of the quality of this data set should be provided including number of samples, timing and frequency of
sampling and any quality assurance and quality control undertaken (such as replicates, blanks and calibration).
Monitoring should include sites closest to the proposed release points and at downstream locations that would be
below any mixing zone. Sites should include permanent and semi-permanent water holes, known aquatic habitat,
weirs or reservoirs. Available complementary stream-flow data should also be obtained from historical records from
the current stream gauging station network to help interpretation.
The results of these descriptions would also form the basis for the planning and subsequent monitoring of the
rehabilitation of the watercourses during or after the operation of the project.
Clearly and consistently distinguish between the EIS monitoring program for the baseline condition assessment
and any monitoring programs required for future compliance assessment throughout the life of the development or
as a component of the receiving environment monitoring program. Detailed mapping and site information (latitude
and longitude) should be provided to illustrate the locations of each sampling site within these monitoring programs
with respect to release points and gauging stations.
For projects in coastal areas that may affect sediments, provide an assessment of physical and relevant chemical
characteristics of sediments within the littoral and marine zone potentially affected by the project.
The rationale for selection of variables should be provided. Use of satellite or aerial imagery may be necessary to
identify and monitor large-scale impacts.
A groundwater monitoring network should be established to collect sufficient data to assess background conditions,
seasonal variations and recharge/discharge behaviours. The monitoring programs should target dedicated
groundwater monitoring bores and not include uncased test holes or bore holes where there is insufficient data
(such as drilling logs) to identify the strata intercepted and monitored.
The groundwater monitoring plan should include the following:
 a methodology for the number, location and placement of monitoring bores and the outcomes of the
groundwater monitoring network, which can accurately describe water quality and water levels over time
 adequate sites and spatial distribution to provide an understanding of groundwater gradients, flow directions,
recharge and discharge processes, quality and water levels in each hydrogeological unit in both the project area
and the surrounding areas where impacts to groundwater from project operations are likely to occur, including
shallow alluvial aquifers
 indicators such as water level reduced to a common datum, electrical conductivity (salinity) and pH, measured
at monthly intervals or daily by data logger, to allow for the assessment of seasonal variations in storage and
 a full chemical analysis covering all major ions should be undertaken at appropriate intervals. Parameters
should be monitored that are relevant to ecotoxicology, human and animal health and human use of the
 stygofauna sampling considerations should be incorporated. Refer to DSITIA Guideline for the Environmental
Assessment of Subterranean Aquatic Fauna
 where the monitoring bore is located in an area vulnerable to groundwater contamination from mine impacts,
additional parameters such as heavy metals should be monitored
 drilling logs and construction details of all monitoring bores and accurate co‐ordinates should be provided
 where vibrating wire piezometers are installed, depths and construction details of each piezometer should be
All data supplied should be linked to the hydrogeological unit it is representing.
Potential impacts and mitigation measures
General impact mitigation
For all phases of the project, the EIS must:
 assess potential impacts on environmental values of waters and wetlands
 define and describe the objectives and practical measures for protecting or enhancing environmental values of
waters and wetlands
 describe how the achievement of the objectives would be monitored, audited and managed.
EIS information guideline — Water
Broadly, the possible water-related impacts associated with resource projects typically include:
 direct or indirect dewatering of hydrogeological units
 the hydraulic properties of hydrogeological units - potential changes in storage, potential for physical
transmission of water within and between units, effects of depressurisation due to gas extraction; and the
leakage of contaminants from coal beds through hydrogeological units
 hydrological interactions between water resources - surface water/groundwater connectivity, inter‐aquifer
connectivity and connectivity with sea water; and the extent of the cone of depression
 surface watercourse diversions
 direct and indirect impacts on ecological assets such as flora and fauna dependent on surface water and
groundwater, springs and other GDEs (e.g. riparian vegetation, base flows in streams)
 on water related assets due to operational and emergency discharges of water and waste water, from both a
quality contamination and flow regime modification perspective (particularly saline water), including potential
emergency discharges due to unusual events
 contamination of groundwater due to well stimulation techniques
 subsidence and other effects from dewatering and depressurisation (including lateral effects) on surface
topography, water related assets, groundwater and movement of water across the landscape and possible
fracturing of and other damage to confining layers
 long term impacts to water resources, erosion and fragmentation of water dependent species/communities
habitat through landscape modifications, for example, voids (including partial backfilling), onsite earthworks,
roadway and pipeline networks
 release of contaminants to waters from wastes including tailings, mineral processing activities, waste rock
dumps, sewage disposal, hazardous materials including fuels, process reagents, lubricants, detergents,
explosives, solvents and paints and general waste
 release of contaminants to waters due to disturbance of rock and soils with potential to generate hazardous
contaminants due to chemical reactions, including pyritic minerals, acid sulfate soil and sodic soils
 creation of mining voids with water quality inconsistent with agreed uses
 the cumulative impact of the proposal when all developments (past, present and/or reasonably foreseeable) are
considered in combination
Undertake monitoring and sampling of groundwater in accordance with Geoscience Australia’s Groundwater
Sampling and Analysis – A Field Guide http://www.ga.gov.au/corporate_data/68901/Rec2009_027.pdf and in the
absence of applicable direction apply guidance from the Monitoring and Sampling Manual
In general, an assessment of the potential water quantity and quality impacts due to the all aspects of the project
(construction and operational phases) on the surface and ground water environmental values identified should
address the impacts on both other water users and on flow-dependant ecological functions.
Note that consequential impacts of changes to water flow or groundwater recharge on ecosystems and wildlife
should be cross-referenced in the flora/fauna (ecology) section of the EIS.
Consideration should be given to present and potential users, and uses, of water in areas potentially affected by
the project, including municipal, agricultural, industrial and recreational uses of water.
The options for supplying water for the consumptive purposes of the project should be described. Where this
supply is to be drawn, in whole or in part, from the project site, the EIS should assess the possible impacts of this,
particularly in relation to any water resource plan, resource operations plan and any declaration that may apply.
Indicate the extent to which the impacts of the development of a water source for the project external to the site
maybe being assessed, or has been assessed, under a separate assessment process.
Where a licence or permit would be required under the Water Act 2000, provide sufficient information and
assessment for the administering authority to consider the suitability of approving any necessary works, or take of
water, under the Water Act 2000 – in accordance with the NRM EIS Guidelines https://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/ourdepartment/corporate-publications/preparing-an-environmental-impact-statement.
General guidance on mitigation requirements is provided is provided in the EP regulation. This includes the
following requirements:
 the storage and handling of contaminants will include effective means of secondary containment to prevent or
minimise releases to the environment from spillage or leaks. This requirement would include bunding of fuel
and hazardous chemical storages.
EIS information guideline — Water
 contingency measures will prevent or minimise adverse effects on the environment due to unplanned releases
or discharges of contaminants to water. This includes: spill response kits and procedures; and contingency
plans for flood events to avoid or minimise creation of legacy water.
 the activity will be managed so that stormwater contaminated by the activity that may cause an adverse effect
on an environmental value will not leave the site without prior treatment. This includes sedimentation dams
serving disturbed areas and oil interceptors treating runoff from workshop and refuelling areas.
 the disturbance of any acid sulphate soil, or potential acid sulphate soil, will be managed to prevent or minimise
adverse effects on environmental values. This includes complying with best practice guidance for identification
and management of acid sulphate soils.
 acid producing rock will be managed to ensure that the production and release of acidic waste is prevented or
minimised, including impacts during operation and after the environmental authority has been surrendered. This
includes complying with best practice guidelines for identification of potential acid producing rock and tailings
and management of this material, including the Commonwealth Government best practice handbook on
Managing Acid and Metalliferous Drainage and the Global Acid Rock Drainage (GARD) Guide produced by the
International Network for Acid Prevention (INAP).
 any discharge to water or a watercourse or wetland will be managed so that there will be no adverse effects due
to the altering of existing flow regimes for water or a watercourse or wetland. This requires understanding flow
regimes and managing timing and volumes of releases so as to avoid deleterious impacts.
 for a petroleum activity, the activity will be managed in a way that is consistent with the coal seam gas water
management policy, including the prioritisation hierarchy for managing and using coal seam gas water and the
prioritisation hierarchy for managing saline waste. https://www.ehp.qld.gov.au/management/nonmining/documents/csg-water-management-policy.pdf
 the activity will be managed so that adverse effects on environmental values are prevented or minimised. This
includes compliance with the water management hierarchy under the Water EPP. Under this requirement,
release of contaminants to waters is a last resort option only permitted if environmental values are protected.
Guidance on demonstrating this is provided in the EHP Technical Guideline Wastewater release to Queensland
Waters. http://www.ehp.qld.gov.au/licences-permits/business-industry/pdf/wastewater-to-waters-em112.pdf
Impacts on flow regimes
Assess the project's potential impacts on other water users and flow-dependant ecological functions associated
with identified surface water and groundwater resources. Define and describe the agreed objectives for protecting
and enhancing surface waters and ground waters and describe measures to avoid or mitigate any predicted
impacts. Nominate quantitative water standards and indicators which describe the health of surface water and
groundwater environments and how these environments will be monitored, audited and managed.
The potential impacts of the project on the hydrology and hydraulics of watercourses and aquifers in the region
should be assessed by flow modelling, particularly with regard to the various components of the flow regime of
watercourses and aquifers likely to be affected. This includes assessments of the extent of hydrological
connectivity between surface water and groundwater resources.
An understanding of the pre-development flow regime conditions should underpin the assessment of possible
project impacts. This assessment of pre-development flow regime conditions should include the Integrated
Quantity and Quality Model (IQQM) modelling using available hydrological data and appropriate modelling
assumptions. (Note: The flow regime may have been altered by other upstream users). A description of the
parameters of a flow regime typically includes: the timing of flows, frequency, duration of flow events, magnitude
and rate of rise and fall of flows.
The flow regime of each relevant watercourse should be described from stream flow data (including simulated
data) in terms of plots of flow (cumecs) versus flow duration (per cent) to identify the flow duration of high-flow,
base-flow and no-flow event periods. Include an assessment of the quality of, and risks inherent in, the data used
in the background data and modelling.
Define and describe the environmental flow objectives (and water allocation security objectives) of any relevant
statutory Water Resource Plan (https://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/water/catchments-planning) and describe the flowrelated water quality objectives of the receiving environment. A description of the flow parameters of the releases
should also address timing, frequency, duration, magnitude and rate of rise and fall.
The proposed management of water on the project site should include a spatial and temporal description of the
water release strategy. This strategy should aim to ensure protection and/or improvement of the flow regime
towards ‘naturalness’, including protection of pre-development ‘no flow periods’ and protection and/or restoration of
EIS information guideline — Water
natural variability of flows. Under this strategy, releases to watercourses, especially ephemeral streams, should be
‘pulsed’ in order to ‘mimic’ the flow regime (this would include the consideration of storing water during ‘no flow
The discharge strategy should include measurable criteria against which the applicant will monitor and assess the
effectiveness of the management of the water. The discharge strategy should also be consistent with the
objectives and desired outcomes of the relevant Water Resource Plan (WRP).
Site-specific water balance
Section 13 of the Water EPP prescribes a waste management hierarchy that must be applied for any activity that
affects a water. The hierarchy includes, in order of preference, the following:
reducing use of water and the production of waste water or contaminants
waste prevention
treatment and recycling
treatment and release to waters (with release to groundwater being the least favoured).
A site specific water balance incorporating waste segregation where practicable is necessary to demonstrate
compliance with the Water EPP hierarchy. A site specific water balance should be developed for the project,
complemented by a regional water balance, which should cover the larger area of potential impact.
Specific factors that need to be assessed in a water and salt balance include:
 hydrogeological unit storage properties and groundwater flows and pressures resulting from the
depressurisation/ dewatering of target coal measures
 water infiltration from surface stores
 an estimation of flow/exchange of water between overlying and/or underlying hydrogeological units and the
target coal measure for all major units over the project area
 waste water from the proposal, including brine treatment processes, disposal methods, volumes and timing
 segregation of any hazardous waste streams from less hazardous mine affected water and clean storm water
 all volumes and quality of water intended for injection
 volumes and quality of water used during mining, including within the mine itself (for example, coal washing,
dust suppression) and for other associated activities (for example, cooling or other industrial processes)
 volumes (and qualities) of water that is not available from within the extraction and treatment loops that must be
imported from elsewhere. This water may be from surface, underground or from another activity external to the
system boundary.
 All existing interactions and flows that are part of the background (baseline) water flows of any given system.
For example, each recharge and discharge for each hydrogeological unit and seepage/recharge for each
surface water storage, rainfall interception and evaporation, where there is a shallow subsurface transition zone
(hyporheic) of interchange between surface water and groundwater where water may recharge the underlying
hydrogeological units, or may be discharged to the surface water system.
 estimates of water use in transpiration by vegetation, and the predicted changes to vegetation water use as a
result of the proposal
 volumes of salt affected water and mass salt loads.
Flood management
Describe the hydrology of watercourses and overland flow in the project area and any downstream locations
potentially hydrologically affected by the project.
Include details of the history and likelihood of flooding, including the extent, levels and frequency of floods in and
around the project site. Flood studies should include a range of annual exceedance probabilities up to the probable
maximum flood for potentially affected waterways, based on observed data, if available, or use appropriate
modelling techniques and conservative assumptions if there are no suitable observations.
The flood modelling assessment should include consideration of local flooding due to short duration events from
contributing catchments on-site, as well as larger scale regional flooding of waterways downstream, and upstream,
of the project.
When flooding levels would be affected by the project, model the afflux and illustrate the predictions with maps.
The flood impacts management strategy for the project should describe and illustrate how all pits would be
EIS information guideline — Water
protected from flooding during the operation of the project, and describe the flood protection level required to
protect the final voids from the probable maximum flood; preferably without the need to construct and maintain
levees. It should also describe how any flood protection levees will be maintained after project closure.
Water management
Management practices to mitigate impacts should address surface and ground water quality and quantity, drainage
patterns (including the separation of natural and mine affected run-off) and sediment movement and quantity.
The location and operation of all proposed water management infrastructure should be detailed on flow diagrams.
This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, water storages, sedimentation dams, water treatment plants, levees,
drains, diversions, containment channels, bunding, monitoring points, release points and any interconnections
between these and the receiving environment.
The management practices proposed to mitigate the impacts of all mine-affected water releases should be
described in terms of the risk that the releases may cause the exceedance of predicted contaminant levels over
water quality objectives. This should be considered both on a project-only basis, and on a cumulative impacts
This should include a description and illustration of: the locations, catchments, footprints, cross-sections and
method of construction of any dams or levees on the site; their flood immunity; the quality of water or waste water
they would contain; and an assessment of their hazard category as determined by the Manual for Assessing
Hazard Categories and Hydraulic Performance of Dams.
Hazardous dams should be designed by a suitably qualified and experienced engineer using current best practice.
The ‘design storage allowances’ for tailings dams, process water dams, and waste water dams should be in
accordance with relevant guidelines. EA conditions will require that the design and construction of regulated dams
be certified by a suitably qualified and experienced person.
Measures to manage sediment dams, tailings dams and process/wastewater dams should outline their proposed
discharge practices, and how they will decommission and rehabilitate the dams when their use ends.
Assess the potential impacts on local and downstream water quality and environmental values due to any
controlled and uncontrolled release of mine affected water from the site. Describe the proposed quality, quantities
and locations of waste water discharges. The EIS must contain tables with the latitude and longitude (GDA94) for
all release points, sampling sites and gauging stations relevant to monitoring programs.
Use stream flow data, receiving environment monitoring data (background water quality condition assessment),
and proposed release limits and rates to estimate in-stream dilution and water quality at different points
downstream of the proposed release. If sensitive receptors such as farm supply offtakes and drinking water
storages are located downstream, these should be identified and the assessment should extend at least to that
point downstream. Consider periods of low-flow, medium-flow and high-flow in this assessment.
Compare the predicted contaminant levels to the water quality objectives and provide an assessment of the
assimilative capacity of the receiving waters. Assess the acute and chronic potential impacts of the release of mine
affected waters (or other discharges) including the cumulative impacts to water quality and environmental values of
the receiving environment due to discharges from other projects or industry.
Describe any proposed no-release water systems, assess the management and fate of contaminants in the
systems, the risk of environmental harm due to a temporal decline in water quality, and propose mitigation
measures for any potential impacts.
Management practices should describe proposed measures to manage any leachate or seepage from tailings
storages, mine voids, adits and waste rock dumps, either during operations or following decommissioning of the
mine and its rehabilitation. Hazardous leachate and seepage should be segregated from general mine affected
water and treated for appropriate disposal, reuse or recycling.
Conduct a risk assessment, based on conservative water quality estimates and hydrology, for uncontrolled
emissions to water due to system or catastrophic failure, assess the potential impacts of such emissions on human
health and natural ecosystems, and provide detailed measures to avoid or minimise impacts.
Describe and illustrate with maps, plans and cross-sections any proposal to divert creeks or undertake other instream works. Assess the potential impacts of in-stream works on hydrology and water quality, and propose
measures for avoiding or mitigating the impacts and stabilising and rehabilitating any works.
Groundwater management
The EIS should assess the potential for project operations or residual effects to contaminate groundwater
resources and propose measures to avoid, mitigate and remediate any impacts on groundwater resources or
EIS information guideline — Water
The EIS should identify and describe ecosystems that rely on groundwater for some or all of their water
requirements - groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDE). The impact of changes in groundwater quantity and
quality on GDEs is determined by the degree and nature of their groundwater dependency. Typical GDEs include:
terrestrial vegetation that relies on the availability of shallow groundwater; wetlands, swamp forests and mound
springs; river baseflow; aquifer and cave ecosystems; terrestrial fauna that rely on groundwater as a source of
drinking water; estuarine and near-shore marine systems which rely on the submarine discharge of groundwater.
A description of GDEs and their relationship to groundwater sources should form the basis of the assessment of
impacts and the design of mitigation measures. This description should:
provide a comprehensive description of GDEs according to the classification by Eamus, 2006
identify GDEs according the Australian GDE Toolbox
create GDEs maps using the National Atlas for GDEs
provide conceptual models of identified GDEs
provide contours of depth to watertable interacting with topographic elevation, in order that GDEs can be
isolated and relationships with streams, wetlands and terrestrial vegetation determined
provide a description of seasonal variations in groundwater levels
include mapping of terrestrial vegetation which is potentially groundwater dependent
include mapping of streams and wetlands and their groundwater interactions
provide results of stygofauna sampling
describe estimated or gauged stream flow, including ‘cease-to-flow’ periods
identify the hydrogeological unit on which the GDEs are dependent and provide an estimation of the ecological
water requirements of identified GDEs.
Assessing impacts to ground water dependent ecosystems should have regard for methodologies outlined in
Australian groundwater-dependent ecosystems toolbox part 2: assessment tool
The description should include a survey of existing groundwater supply facilities (bores, wells, or excavations)
which could be adversely impacted. This should include an analysis of the following information:
 location of potentially affected bores or wells including location and use of bores immediately beyond the
impacted area
 purpose of existing groundwater use / industry supported
 relationship of existing entitlements with regional and local water management regimes, eg water resource plan,
wild rivers areas or declared areas.
Develop conceptual models, providing schematic hydrogeological and ecological conceptualisations of the site.
Describe the hydraulic characteristics (e.g. hydraulic conductivity and storage characteristics) for each
hydrogeological unit. The map and map legend should use appropriate symbols and names and describe all
formations and structures according to geological convention, and clearly indicate the bore holes from which data is
derived. Definitions of any geological structures (e.g. faults) in the area and outlines of the influence of the
structures on groundwater, in particular, groundwater flow, discharge or recharge.
Present data to demonstrate the varying depths to the hydrogeological units and associated standing water levels
or potentiometric heads, contours of groundwater elevations and hydro-chemical characteristics.
A groundwater budget should be derived as part of the mine-scale water budget and as a regional groundwater
flow system. This would include the:
proposed management (including volumes) of mine dewatering
groundwater use over mine life
proposed injection or seepage to groundwater from the project
total groundwater use in the context of other regional uses
lumped parameter regional groundwater budget, including mine use, other uses, stream inflow to and discharge
from groundwater, groundwater use by GDEs, groundwater discharge and recharge
 development of a regional numerical groundwater model
 cumulative impacts in relation to other projects.
The possible groundwater impacts of the proposed project during mine life and post mine closure should be
assessed, and proposed mitigation measures developed, in terms of:
EIS information guideline — Water
 risk assessment of impacts on existing groundwater users and GDEs for both during mine life and at post mine
closure groundwater equilibrium
 the projected watertable drawdown and the resultant impact on GDEs and on existing users of groundwater
 proposed mitigation and prevention measures for impacts on GDEs and existing users
 assessment of impacts of any subsidence, including subsidence induced changes to the local hydrology
 quantification of changes to surface water flow regimes impacting on depression storage, runoff, infiltration and
groundwater recharge
 assessment of potential generation of contaminants including acid mine drainage, salinity development and
pollutant transport to groundwater
 prediction of post mining impacts on the groundwater budget including mine induced changes to the hydrology
such as from evaporation from mine voids.
Document the network of observation bores that monitor groundwater resources both before and after
commencement of operations. The groundwater monitoring network should be established such that there is
sufficient data, generally of at least 12 months duration, for assessment of background conditions, including
seasonal variations and recharge/discharge behaviours. This monitoring network will form the basis of any
permanent monitoring network established for the project. The data obtained from the groundwater survey must be
sufficient to enable specification of the major ionic species, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and
any potentially toxic or harmful substances.
Define the likely recharge sources for each hydrogeological unit, details of discharge from the hydrogeological
units, direction of groundwater flow and discharge pathways for all hydrogeological units likely to be impacted by
the project.
Assess the frequency, volume and direction of interactions between water sources, including surface
water/groundwater connectivity, inter‐aquifer connectivity and connectivity with sea water.
Groundwater modelling
Numeric groundwater models should be calibrated to baseline conditions and enable a probabilistic evaluation of
potential future scenarios. The groundwater modelling should:
 outline the model conceptualisation of the hydrogeological system or systems, including key assumptions and
model limitations
 represent each hydrogeological unit, storage and flow characteristics of each unit, linkages between units and
the existing recharge/discharge pathways of the units and the changes that are predicted to occur upon
commencement of the project
 incorporate the various stages of the project and provide predictions of water level/pressure declines in each
hydrogeological unit for the life of the project and beyond
 provide information on the time for maximum drawdown and drawdown equilibrium to be reached
 identify the volumes predicted to be dewatered on an annual basis with an indication of the proportion supplied
from each hydrogeological unit
 provide information on potential water level recovery rates and timeframes in each hydrogeological unit for the
life of the project and beyond
 include recommendations and a program for review and update of the models as more data and information
becomes available
 include an assessment of the quality of, and risks inherent in, the data used in the background data and
The Australian groundwater modelling guidelines June 2012 published by the National Water Commission are
considered relevant for conceptualising groundwater and making predictions about groundwater impacts
The National Water Commission advises that “these guidelines are a point of reference for best practice for all
those involved in the development, application and review of groundwater models, and those who use the outputs
from models. It is anticipated that the guidelines will be adopted by regulatory bodies, modellers, reviewers and
proponents of groundwater models as a nationally consistent guide to groundwater modelling.”
Coastal areas
For coastal areas, assess the potential impacts that may be caused by the project on coastal processes, resources
and values. Include assessment and management measures for acid sulphate soils (ASS) where these may be
EIS information guideline — Water
disturbed, where the water table may be altered in the vicinity of potential or actual ASS.
Useful references and guidelines - water
Leading practice sustainable development in mining, documents
The Australian Government, in conjunction with the minerals industry, prepared a series of documents on Leading
Practice Sustainable Development in Mining. Documents in the series that relate or assist in water management
include the following:
Cyanide Management: http://www.industry.gov.au/resource/Documents/LPSDP/LPSDP-CyanideHandbook.pdf
Managing Acid and Metalliferous Drainage: http://www.industry.gov.au/resource/Documents/LPSDP/LPSDPAcidHandbook.pdf
Water Management: http://www.industry.gov.au/resource/Documents/LPSDP/LPSDP-WaterHandbook.pdf
Tailings Management: http://www.industry.gov.au/resource/Documents/LPSDP/LPSDP-TailingsHandbook.pdf
Mine Rehabilitation: http://www.industry.gov.au/resource/Documents/LPSDP/LPSDPMineRehabilitationHandbook.pdf
Mine Closure: http://www.industry.gov.au/resource/Documents/LPSDP/LPSDPMineClosureCompletionHandbook.pdf