Level 5 Mathematics Algebra 1 EOC - Functions, Linear Equations, and Inequalities Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 1. Solve real-world problems involving relations and functions 2. Interpret and analyze graphs, tables, sets of ordered pairs, and equations of relations 3. Determine the domain and range of a relation 4. Use function notation 1. Solve real-world problems involving relations and functions 2. Interpret and analyze graphs, tables, sets of ordered pairs, and equations of relations 3. Determine the domain and range of a relation 4. Use function notation 1. Solve real-world problems involving relations and functions 2. Interpret graphs, tables, sets of ordered pairs, and equations of relations 3. Determine the domain and range of a relation 4. Use function notation 1. Solve problems involving relations or functions 2. Interpret graphs, tables, or sets of ordered pairs of relations 3. Determine the domain and range of a simple relation 4. Solve or graph linear equations 5. Solve simple literal equations 6. Solve or graph simple linear inequalities Level 1 1. Performance at this level indicates an inadequate level of success with the challenging content of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for mathematics 5. Link equations to 5. Link equations to 5. Link equations to functions functions functions 6. Symbolically 6. Symbolically 6. Symbolically represent, solve, represent, solve, represent, solve, graph, interpret, graph, interpret, and graph, and interpret analyze, and apply analyze linear linear equations concepts of linear equations equations 7. Solve literal equations 7. Solve literal equations 7. Solve literal equations 7. Solve or graph a system of linear 8. Symbolically 8. Symbolically 8. Symbolically equations in two represent, solve, represent, solve, represent, solve, variables graph, interpret, graph, interpret, and graph, and interpret analyze, and apply analyze simple and simple linear concepts of simple compound linear inequalities and compound linear inequalities inequalities 9. Symbolically 9. Symbolically 9. Solve, graph, and represent, solve, represent, solve, interpret systems of graph, interpret, graph, interpret, and linear equations in analyze, and apply analyze systems of two variables concepts of systems linear equations in of linear equations in two variables two variables Source: http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcat2/alds.asp Page 1 Mathematics Algebra 1 EOC - Rationals, Radicals, Quadratics, and Discrete Mathematics Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 1. Solve algebraic proportions in realworld and mathematical contexts 1. Solve algebraic proportions in realworld and mathematical contexts 2. Simplify radical expressions 3. Add, subtract, multiply, and/or divide radical expressions and simplify the results 1. Solve algebraic proportions in realworld or mathematical contexts 2. Simplify radical expressions 3. Add, subtract, multiply, and/or divide radical expressions and simplify the results 4. Identify the graph of a quadratic function given its equation in real-world and mathematical contexts 4. Identify the graph of a quadratic function given its equation in real-world and mathematical contexts 5. Solve quadratic equations over the set of real numbers 5. Solve quadratic equations over the set of real numbers 4. Identify the graph of a simple quadratic function given its equation in realworld or mathematical contexts 5. Solve simple quadratic equations with rational solutions 6. Solve real-world problems using quadratic equations 6. Solve real-world problems using quadratic equations 7. Perform set operations, such as union and intersection, complement, and cross product 8. Use Venn diagrams to explore and make arguments about relationships among sets 7. Perform set operations, such as union and intersection, complement, and cross product 8. Use Venn diagrams to explore and make arguments about relationships among sets 2. Simplify radical expressions 3. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide radical expressions and simplify the results Source: http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcat2/alds.asp 6. Perform set operations, such as union and intersection, complement, and cross product 7. Use Venn diagrams to explore relationships and patterns between sets 1. Solve algebraic proportions in mathematical contexts 2. Simplify radical expressions 3. Identify the graph of a simple quadratic function given its equation in a mathematical context 4. Solve simple quadratic equations with rational solutions in mathematical contexts 1. Performance at this level indicates an inadequate level of success with the challenging content of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for mathematics 5. Perform set operations, such as union or intersection, complement, or cross product 6. Use Venn diagrams to explore relationships or patterns between sets Page 2 Level 5 Mathematics Algebra 1 EOC - Polynomials Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 1. Apply the laws of 1. Apply the laws of 1. Apply the laws of exponents to simplify exponents to simplify exponents to simplify monomial expressions monomial expressions monomial with integral exponents with integral expressions with exponents positive integral exponents 2. Simplify polynomial 2. Simplify polynomial 2. Simplify polynomial expressions using expressions using expressions using addition, subtraction, addition, subtraction, addition, subtraction, and multiplication in and multiplication in and multiplication in mathematical and realmathematical and mathematical world contexts real-world contexts contexts 3. Completely factor 3. Completely factor 3. Completely factor polynomial expressions polynomial polynomial expressions expressions when only one factoring method is required 4. Use factoring methods 4. Use factoring 4. Divide polynomials by to simplify rational methods to simplify monomials expressions rational expressions 5. Divide polynomials by 5. Divide polynomials by monomials monomials Source: http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcat2/alds.asp Level 1 1. Apply the laws of 1. Performance at this exponents to simplify level indicates an monomial inadequate level of expressions with success with the positive integral challenging content of exponents the Next Generation Sunshine State 2. Simplify polynomial Standards for expressions using mathematics addition, subtraction, or multiplication in mathematical contexts 3. Completely factor polynomial expressions when only one factoring method is required 4. Divide polynomials by monomials when the quotient has no remainder Page 3