th 12 ELA 9.21.15 Essential Question: How do I analyze a poem? 9.22.15 Essential Question: How do I analyze a poem? 9.23.15 Essential Question: How do I analyze a poem? 9.24.15 Essential Question: Do I know the skills necessary to read and interpret old English poetry? 9.25.15 Essential Question: What do I need to review? What are the cultural and historical influences of the English Renaissance? Activities: Draft Poem Analysis Review essay structure (intro, body, conclusion) Activities: Draft Poem Analysis Activities: Peer Edit/Revising Workshop Activities: Test Activities: Reteach Intro Unit 2 Read: A Celebration of Human Achievement Timeline Activity Objective: Students understand that the sum or difference of two polynomials produces another polynomial and relate polynomials to the system of integers; students can add and subtract polynomials. Objective: Students understand that the product of two polynomials produces another polynomial; students can multiply polynomials. Objective: Students understand that the product of two polynomials produces another polynomial; students can multiply polynomials. Objective: Review Activities: Polynomial activity Follow-up questions Activity: Polynomial activity Follow-up questions Activity: Polynomial activity Follow-up questions Activity: Review Vocab Quiz Applied Math Objective: Students understand that the sum or difference of two polynomials produces another polynomial and relate polynomials to the system of integers; students can add and subtract polynomials. Activities: Polynomial activity Follow-up questions Vocab: distributive, commutative, associative, polynomial expression Algebra II Tech Math Objective: Students perform arithmetic by using polynomial identities to describe numerical relationships. Objective: Students apply polynomial identities to the detection of prime numbers. Objective: Students apply polynomial identities to the detection of prime numbers. Objective: Students understand that the sum of two square roots is not equal to the square root of their sum. Students convert expressions to simplest radical form. Students understand that the product of conjugate radicals can be viewed as the difference of two squares. Objective: Students understand that the sum of two square roots is not equal to the square root of their sum. Students convert expressions to simplest radical form. Students understand that the product of conjugate radicals can be viewed as the difference of two squares. Activity: Polynomial identities activity Follow-up questions Activities: Polynomial ID’s activity Follow-up questions Activities: Polynomial ID’s activity Follow-up questions Activities: Radical activity Follow-up questions Activities: Radical activity Follow-up questions Essential Question: Is there safety in slopes? Essential Question: Is there safety in slopes? Essential Question: Is there safety in slopes? Essential Question: Is there safety in slopes? Essential Question: Is there safety in slopes? Activities: Wheelchair project Activities: Wheelchair project Activities: Wheelchair project Activities: Wheelchair project Activities: Wheelchair project Algebra I 9th ELA : Objective: Students understand that the sum or difference of two polynomials produces another polynomial and relate polynomials to the system of integers; students can add and subtract polynomials. Objective: Students understand that the sum or difference of two polynomials produces another polynomial and relate polynomials to the system of integers; students can add and subtract polynomials. Objective: Students understand that the product of two polynomials produces another polynomial; students can multiply polynomials. Objective: Students understand that the product of two polynomials produces another polynomial; students can multiply polynomials. Objective: Review Activities: Polynomial activity Follow-up questions Vocab: distributive, commutative, associative, polynomial expression Activities: Polynomial activity Follow-up questions Activity: Polynomial activity Follow-up questions Activity: Polynomial activity Follow-up questions Activity: Review Vocab Quiz Essential Question: What makes a character live? Essential Question: How good are you at judging people? Essential Question: How good are you at judging people? Essential Question: What has made you a better person? Essential Question: What has made you a better person? Activities: Journal Write “The Possibility of Evil” Vocab: infatuated, rapt, negotiable, degraded, translucent, reprehensible Activities: Journal Write “The Possibility of Evil” Activities: Journal Write “The Possibility of Evil” Follow-up questions Activities: Journal Write “The Teacher Who Changed My Life” Activities: Journal Write “The Teacher Who Changed My Life” Vocab Quiz