SCHOOL: Southside High TEACHER: Señora (Mrs.) K. Martin: E

SCHOOL: Southside High
TEACHER: Señora (Mrs.) K. Martin: E-mail:
Spanish 1
Specific standards, as required by the State Department of Education, are included in the delivery of instruction for
this course. As the teacher for this course, I will deliver the content for a certain number of standards during each of
the grading periods. You will receive a copy of my course outline (syllabus) at the beginning of each grading period
(August 19, 2013; October 17; January 6; March 13). This document should serve as a source of communication to
help keep you informed about the contents and requirements for this course.
I look forward to working with your child and you during the 2013-2014 academic year. I am asking that you help
me provide your child with the knowledge and skills necessary to continue working towards greater achievements
and achievement levels. You can help by ensuring that your child maintains good attendance, brings the necessary
tools (books, paper, pencil, homework, etc.), and comes with the appropriate attitude and pro-social behaviors. I am
looking forward to a very good year.
**Please refer to the Specific Standards descriptions in the back of the syllabus. This comes from the
Alabama Course of Study: Languages Other Than English Foreign Language.
1st Nine Weeks: August 19, 2013 through October 16, 2013
STANDARD # 1, 2, 5, 7, 8: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of another
language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills helps students
understand their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other than their own,
and participate more fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week One:
August 19, 2013
August 20, 2013
August 21, 2013
August 22, 2013
August 23, 2013
To become acquainted with classroom policies and procedures, expectation, and curriculum for
Spanish I; Voki/Prezi/PowerPoint: to introduce class; Classroom procedures (supply list); Go
over school rules; ABC marching song; Spanish Love Song Video. H.W. 5 paragraph essay:
describe yourself, what do your parents/legal guardians do or work at, what are your future plans
(college/job-wise), what grade would you like to earn in this class and how will you do it,
connect all four paragraphs/conclusion.
Preliminary Lesson: To introduce basic Spanish: ABC’s, greetings, colors, cognates, calendar,
Spanish-speaking countries and its flags; worksheets.
Preliminary Lesson: To introduce basic Spanish: ABC’s, greetings, commands, colors, basic
classroom objects, cognates, calendar, Spanish-speaking countries; Individual Project:
Interactive Brochure (Due August 26): Identify personal objectives and goals in language
learning. Address your motivation for taking Spanish (personal, professional, academic
reasons), your objectives and long-term application goals. see handout*
Preliminary Lesson: To introduce basic Spanish: ABC’s, greetings, commands, colors,
classroom objects, cognates, calendar, Spanish-speaking countries; Stockcard: draw pictures
related to each month, solve the cross puzzle, match the greetings, label & color the geometrical
shapes & name each color in Spanish, draw school supplies and label them in Spanish (pencil,
book, desk, notebook), and write me a short letter. H.W. Vocabulary Translation, p. 35
Preliminary Lesson Prueba (Quiz); Introduction to Spain, Chapter 1: GeoVision Video; Pair
Activity (pre-viewing & post-viewing) discussion
Compare and contrast Spain and the U.S.A.(graphic organizer)
Individual Project: Spanish-flavor Clock (Due 9/4), bring all materials to school for completion
in class on Friday, August 30th. see handout*
STANDARD # 1, 2, 5,7, 8: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of another
language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills helps students
understand their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other than their own,
and participate more fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week Two:
August 26, 2013
August 27, 2013
August 28, 2013
August 29, 2013
August 30, 2013
Prueba: Geocultura of Spain (clickers);Asking and telling one’s name, greetings, asking and
telling how someone is; p. 9: Communication Pair Activity #7-8
Introducing others; saying where you and others are from; To use interpersonal communication
interviews and role-plays (interpersonal communication cards); worksheets to review.
Prueba: (Oral) will be recorded on Ipad: greetings, calendar, days of the week, colors,
commands; classroom objects; Prueba (Quiz): Vocabulary 1
Grammar 1: Subjects and verbs in sentences /subject pronouns; Homework, pp. 12-13 (Excs.1314); worksheet to review subjects
Gramamar 1: Subject pronouns; Homework: pp. 16-17 (16, 17, 18); Communication Activity
Exc. 19, p. 15; Project: Spanish-flavor Clock (Due 9/4), bring all materials to school for
completion in class today!
STANDARD # 1, 2, 5, 7, 8: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of another
language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills helps students
understand their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other than their own,
and participate more fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week Three:
September 2,
September 3,
September 4,
September 5,
September 6,
Clock Project due today!!!
Prueba (Quiz): Grammar 1; Cultura: Saludos formales e informales, pp 16-17
Numbers 1-31; asking for and giving phone numbers; Homework: pp. 18-19 (20, 21, 22)
Asking and telling the time (use Project clocks); giving the day and date; Group Activity, p. 21,
Exc. 28; spelling words(use the Spanish ABC); giving e-mail addresses; Grammar 2: The verb
SER: to be (Princess of Ser video)
Spelling words(use the Spanish ABC); giving e-mail addresses; p. 23 (Exc. 29 Dictation)
Grammar 2: The verb SER: to be (Princess of Ser video)
Prueba(Quiz): Vocabulario 2
Grammar 2: The verb SER; punctuation marks and accents; H.W.pp. 24-25 (Excs. 32, 33, 34)
pp. 26-27 (Excs. 36, 37, #38 in groups); VideoNovela: Making Connections
STANDARD # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of
another language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation,
vocabulary, grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills
helps students understand their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other
than their own, and participate more fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week Four:
September 9,
September 10,
September 11,
September 12,
Prueba (Quiz): Grammar 2; Group work: developing reading and listening skills(Recognizing
cognates & Making a List of Ideas); Group work: Chapter Review; Ipads
Standards 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Chapter 1) Test: listening, oral, and written
H.W. Vocabulary translation, p. 73
Reading comprehension: clickers; Introduction to Puerto Rico, Ch 2 GeoVision Video;
Individual Project (Due 9/24): photo album or collage of students/friends or
celebrities(describe, age, 2 things each person likes/ 2 dislikes)
Prueba (Quiz) Geocultura of Puerto Rico (clickers); Describing people; Asking someone’s age
and birthday; H.W. pp. 46-47(Excs. 1, 2, 3, #4 in groups); Pair Project: Hispanic Heritage
Month (Due 9/19): The teacher will assign each student a famous Hispanic personality. Write a
September 13,
brief biography, who they are, where they are from or their parents, something you learned from
them & label country of origin
SER with adjectives; gender and adjective agreement; H.W. pp. 48-49 (Excs. 7, 8, 9, #10 in
class will use adjectives on pp. 44-45) & pp. 50-51 (Excs. 11, 12, 13)
STANDARD # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10,: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of
another language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills helps students understand
their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other than their own, and participate more
fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week Five:
September 16,
September 17,
September 18,
September 19,
September 20,
Prueba: Vocab. 1; Question formation, H.W. pp. 52-53 (Excs. 15, 16, 17, 18); Cultural
Project: Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 12): Library/Computer Lab:
Digital Citizenship Brochure/Plagiarism
Cultural Project due today: Hispanic Heritage Month: Library/Computer Lab; write a minibiography of a famous Hispanic personality
Reading comprehension: clickers; Talking about what you and others like and dislike;
describing things; H.W. pp. 58-59 (Excs.20, 21, 22, 23, #24 in groups)
Prueba: Grammar 1; Nouns and definite articles; the verb gustar, ¿Por qué?, and porque; H.W.
pp. 61 (Excs. 25-26); H.W. pp. 63 (Exc. 29)
Prueba: Vocab. 2; Uses of the preposition de; H.W. pp. 64-65 (Excs. 32, 33, 34, #35 in groups)
STANDARD # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of
another language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills helps students understand
their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other than their own, and participate more
fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week Six:
September 23,
September 24,
September 25,
September 26,
September 27,
Prueba : Grammar 2; VideoNovela: Drawing Conclusions; Group Work: Developing reading
and listening skills(Inferring and cluster diagrams); Ipads for discussion
Group work: Chapter 2 Standards’ (test) review: vocabulary, grammar, culture, conversation;
speaking test(Rubrics, excs. 8, p. 33); Ipads
Reading Comprehension: clickers; Standards 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Chapter 2): listening, oral,
and written
H.W. Vocabulary translation, p. 111
Introduction to Texas: Ch 3 Geovision Video; Group Project (4): Spreadsheet (Excel): 10
weekend activities and all classmates’ names to find out if their classmates like or dislike each
activity; compile results, and create percentages for each activity. Enter 1 for “yes” answers and
“0” for “no” answers. Create a visual graph, label with title and X & Y axis(Due 10/4)
Prueba: Geocultura of Texas (clickers); Talking about what you and others like to do; talking
about what you want to do; H.W. pp. 84-85 (Excs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 #6 in groups)
STANDARD # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10,: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of
another language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation,
vocabulary, grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills helps
students understand their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other than their
own, and participate more fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week Six:
September 30,
October 1, 2013
October 2, 2013
October 3, 2013
Grammar 1: Pronouns after prepositions; H.W. pp. 88-89 (Excs. 11, 12, 13, #14 in groups)
Grammar 1: Pronouns after prepositions; H.W. pp. 88-89 (Excs. 11, 12, 13, #14 in groups)
Prueba: Grammar 1; Grammar 1: Present tense of querer with infinitives; H.W. pp. 90-91
(Excs. 15, 16, 17, 18); cultural interviews, pp. 92-93
Talking about everyday activities; saying where you go and how often, H.W. pp. 96-97 (Excs.
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, #25 in groups)
October 4, 2013
Prueba: Vocab. 2; Grammar 2: Using regular –ar verbs; -ar drill; H.W. pp. 98-99 (Excs. 26,
27, 28, #29 in groups)
STANDARD # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of
another language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills helps students understand
their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other than their own, and participate more
fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week Six:
October 7, 2013
October 8, 2013
October 9, 2013
October 10,
October 11,
Grammar 2: Using ir(to go) and jugar (to play sports & not instruments); H.W. pp. 100101(Excs. 30, 31, 32, #33 in groups)
Prueba: Grammar 2; Weather Expressions, H.W. pp. 34-35(Excs. 34, 35, 36); VideoNovela:
Understanding Subtext; Leamos y Escribamos: Making predictions
Reading Comprehension: clickers; Standards 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Chapter 3Test ) Review in
groups; Ipads
Standards 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Chapter 3) Test: listening, oral, and written
H.W. Vocabulary translation, p. 149
Introduction to Costa Rica: Chapter 4 Geovision Video; Group Project (3) Due: (October 31): Make a
mini-cartoon (Storyboard) about school and weekend plans, using PowerPoint or another presentation
software program. First, write the conversation in which you all discuss a typical day at SSH and then
make plans to do something on the weekend. One of the characters should be from the U.S.A. and another
from a Spanish-speaking country. In the conversation, you all need to exchange information about what
classes you have and when(day and time), what you all think of them, what you all need for your classes,
what you all usually do on the weekends and what are you all going to do this weekend. Also, highlight
some of the similarities and differences between schools in the U.S.A. and in other Spanish-speaking
STANDARD # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10: Provide the students the opportunity to begin the study of
another language while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and culture are included. Knowledge and acquisition of Level I skills helps students understand
their own language and culture, develop insight into cultures other than their own, and participate more
fully in the global community.
Specific Skills Objectives for Week Six:
October 14,
October 15,
October 16,
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Midterm Exam Review
Reading Comprehension: clickers; Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Midterm Exam Review
Standards1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Midterm Exam: writing, listening, speaking
*Check out the school website under my name! I will post links from YouTube and TeacherTube that
will help you review, PowerPoint presentations and other class notes will be posted as well.
*Worksheets will be provided in class.
**All Spanish class students need their own bilingual dictionary (Spanish/English)**
Pencils, pens, paper, index cards, color pencils, 3-ring binder, one folder, 1 rim of copy paper and a
positive attitude!
Grading Procedures for this course are as follows:
Quiz(written, oral,
comprehensive/projects, participation)
Homework(worksheets, classnotes,
website/blog review, notebooks) 15%
9-Weeks Exam/Final
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
0 – 59
Spanish 1
Block: ______________
Please keep the Spanish 1 syllabi at home. Return this page only. Thank you.
I have received the Spanish 1 1st Nine-Week Syllabus. I will work with my child on
the outlined objectives to make sure that he/she has a successful year.
Parent/Legal Guardian Name (print name) _______________________________________________
Parent Signature: __________________________________________________
Contact Information: phone # _________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian e-mail __________________________________________________________
Student Name (print name)______________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________